Antimatter going backwards in time?
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i don't understand enough about the material to intelligently discuss this topic, and, with how sparse your post is, i doubt you can as well.
Nope, Feynman's interpretation is of matter travelling backwards in time. But this is strictly mathematical, physically nothing is going backwards in time.
look up
antichronous Lorentz transformations
You could interpret it that way if you really try, but there is no clear evidence for it.
What can we do with anti hydrogen
We can do the same with regular hydrogene
So it doesn't matter?
We are all just antimatter going backwards in time
We are the antimatter to what we call antimatter.
Das true but the antimatter we talk about could've also just vanished from existence entirely, the math allows it - and that's our current model that holds up.
>But this is strictly mathematical, physically nothing is going backwards in time.
Source or proof of this statement.
go read the works of the homie Pauly D
What the fuck are you even talking about?
I told you on /x/, no.
Time is relative, friend.
"Reversed in time" is a better description than "going backwards in time." For example, if you have a right-handed matter man saying ABCABCABC, his equivalent version rotated 180 degrees in the xt plane would be a left-handed antimatter man saying CBACBACBA. There's no time travel involved.
Yes it does. Consider the question why every proton we observe in the universe is exactly identical.
Source: I have a nobel prize in physics
We could get anti oxygen and mix the 2 to make anti water
I wonder how anti water tastes like.
Because every proton is the same particle doing the time loop described in your pic infinite times? So is every matter the same wtf?
>I wonder how anti water tastes like.
like pure energy
Dry desu
Will fire combust anti-hydrogen in anti-oxygen or do we need anti-fire?
if we have learned anything from physics (and particularly from Feynman's interpretation of stuff), we should at least consider the possibility of a mathematical interpretation being the actual thing that is happening
It's called water, you fucking mongo
Look at that diagram, at every point in time the number of observed anti-protons is equal to the number of observed protons.
This is not what we see in our universe.
Can tardigrade survive anti matter
It shouldn't like a rose needs the sun and the water needs the dust
Tastes like explosions.
Explosive and energizing blast of pure flavor.
Feynman once joked about Wheeler claiming that all electrons in the universe are identical and indistinguishable because they are all the same electron travelling along the same world line. At one instant it's a positron, then an electron, and so on. Of course, neither Feynman nor Wheeler took this seriously as they knew that this claim would imply that the number of positrons would have to be the same as electrons. More generally, if this claim were true, we would observe and equal amount of antiparticles as we do particles; this is not the case as there is an abundance of particles but a much lower number of observed antiparticles.