I think I might have gum disease even though I maintain pretty good oral health. Anyone have at home remedies for gingivitis that you don't mind sharing?
At home gingivitis treatments?
Nope, sorry. They're all a secret.
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Thanks doc, ill buy your book later
But really I'm pretty worried about this and I don't want periodontal disease
Sorry user, I can't make any exceptions for this paywall. Else my profits for this year will only be 2,000,000,000.00 - 39.99, severely impacting my ability to remain competitive!
Sorry bud, you'll have to figure it out on your own. Why don't you just do the research yourself? And publish with me of course... :^)
I've been trying a few I've seen online but they don't seem to work, and yes I have given time for results, a full 2 weeks. Jokes aside, I would really like to know if anyone on this board has a good method of potentially ridding of gingivitis
And I'm going to schedule a dentist appointment later if all else fails. But what I've found is that peroxide and garlic paste at least give me a chance to clean things up in the gums before they swell again
Oh, I suggested the garlic and peroxide. Be careful not to overdo the peroxide though.
That's about all I can think of, mostly. Oregano and clove oil might help. Phenylethylamine is fairly toxic to a number of bacterial strains.
I recommend the salt water most.
Ginger can be helpful.
Thank you, ill be sure to try those
Be very careful with phenyletylamine. It's much better at killing bacteria in the gut and probably was barely worth suggesting.
A better way to apply it would be to eat some cocoa and cake it around your mouth, then rinse or eat. Good for your enamel as well.
Thanks for the tip, ill be sure to try it. Really thank you though, I was beginning to kind of panic a bit
Why is Veeky Forums treated like /doc/?
>Stop being a mouth breather
>Stop eating sugary shit
>Brush all plaque away from gums
Floss, electric brush and rinse properly.
Learn how to scrape your gums I guess
>Turn your gums in to a further irritated bloody mess
semen is a natural gingivitis fighter
Get professionally cleaned, this will effectively reset your mouth as all the buildup that causes the gum inflammation will be off. From there, you take extra good care of your teeth, make sure you keep your gumline spotless. A few weeks of this and your gingivitis will be reversed if it isn't anymore than that.
idk, i used 3% hydrogen peroxide for a while and it seemed to reduce the redness on my gums.
give it a try?
Do you drink? I had gingivitis for a time until I quit drinking entirely. Alcohol can cause pretty severe nutritional deficiencies that can lead to gingivitis among other ailments.
Medfag here.
For AAA+ oral health get these items from amazon:
1. Dental kit (scraper, pick): use only once a week.
2. Get a good waterpik (pic related): use every other day.
3. Get dental floss: use every other day in conjunction with waterpik.
4. Get an electric toothbrush: use every day
5. Get a tongue scraper: use every other day
6. Get listerine mouth wash: use every day after brushing
Do these things and your oral health will be pristine. The water pik + flossing is most important, but the metal picks are still needed to remove the really hard plaque first.
Listerine of course helps too, but make sure to use real toothpaste when brushing. A lot of people brush with listerine as their toothpaste which is full retard.
The waterpik will make your gums sore for the first 2-3 days but then you are gold after that. It makes your teeth feel incredible, like you just came out of the dentist. Sleek and shiny and clean.
When you can breathe normally with your teeth closed (so you are breathing through the small spaces between your teeth), your oral health is acceptable.
This seems like a lot of work, but the waterpik will make your teeth feel so good that you will actually look forward to making them better using the scrapers, flossing, etc. It's all positive reinforcement from there.
In 2-3 months you will have the oral health of a supermodel and it will be really obvious when you smile. You'll be amazed at the difference it makes both visibly and to your health.
Literally just brush your teeth?
Good luck with losing all your teeth due to periodontal disease caused by the separation of gum due to the high pressure jet.
Its good to use but not as a replacement to string flossing. As someone with braces it's good to do during the day where I don't have time for string floss. If you are getting gum separation from a waterpik you are purposely fucking up.