Any glass dry-wipe fags here?
I'm totally gay for this shit, working out equations, to do lists, mastering the universe, its great.
Any glass dry-wipe fags here?
I'm totally gay for this shit, working out equations, to do lists, mastering the universe, its great.
No way, glass boards are for brogrammers, white boards are for thinking men!
I'll put my glass against your white anytyme bro. For one, white is tough as shit to clean, while glass wipes clean in one go like a baby's arse.
I have a mix of white and glass at the office, but none at home. Hoping to get a glass board in the near future, but a double-sided standalone, not mounted on the wall. They're super helpful for working things out, rather than dealing with a mess of failed ideas on paper, imo.
Can you clean them the same way as whiteboards? Never used a glass board before, they look cool
>Can you clean them the same way as whiteboards
they are a perfect surface in that they come completely clean very easily, whereas depending on the quality of a whiteboard you have residue you need to scrub off with alcohol.
She didn't write shit, I bet it looks terrible irl
if you use the right marker, its great. i use wet erase, they come out strong.
don't be such a debbie downer, especially since you don't even know.
Can a guy make one of these on the cheap without risking having his toes cut off?
I use a white board because glass would look ugly on my wall.
If your going for that snobby business man look though, go for it
chalkboard is rockboard
>chalkboard is rockboard
cockboard more like it
faggot detected
>tfw someone put a permanent marker in the dry erase marker bin
>white board status: ruined
When I got a used sliding glass patio door and took the glass out to use as a board, everything changed for the better.
>contemporary functionality
I fucking hate women
She didn't write it. The text on the board was put there digitally. Which is why when you look at one character across the text you see they are identical font with zero deviations.
A white board is like 20 bucks. No way are you getting a raw pane of glass and cutting it for that price.
>>tfw someone put a permanent marker in the dry erase marker bin
>>white board status: ruined
Actually there's an easy trick to fix this. If you write on a white board with permanent marker, write over that with dry erase marker and it will come right off. This trick saved my buns in grad school. The other grad students would have made fun of me.
Just go over it with a whiteboard marker. The alcohol in it will dissolve the permanent marker and you can wipe it off.
>Just go over it with a whiteboard marker. The alcohol in it will dissolve the permanent marker and you can wipe it off.
Wow, I just fucking said this. Stop trying to steal my (You)s
Only a faggot and a pleb does calculations on a board. All real crunch is done on engineering paper. What is this, 1896?
Come at me bro, I'm fucking ripped.
you fail to see that only brainletts need to calculate.
fucking undergrade
> engineering paper.
Too stupid to draw your own grids? I bet you study biology
Have fun with shitty lung.
The permanent marker stains the board if it is on there too long. You can wipe it off but the stain stays there forever.
Glass is basically a step up on whiteboards. It's more expensive but it doesn't stain at all.
I have some really nice aluminum whiteboards from a school that was doing remodeling. These are also pretty good at not staining (I've left writing up for months and had it erase perfectly in the first try). Buying these new is also fairly expensive but still cheaper than glass, I think.
I think glass might also work better with certain types of "wet" markers that come in really bright colors. I think whiteboards might work better in dimly lit rooms but I'm honestly just speculating here.
Just use a white background behind the glass to take care of any problems.
Anything else than chalkboard is heresy
> You have to write with the surface parrellel to your face
> you can't look back at old drawings
> can't write as precise
this is for normies who saw "The social network" or whatever that movie was called
That glass shit is in tons of fucking movies.
Just go over it with a whiteboard marker. The alcohol in it will dissolve the permanent marker and you can wipe it off.
>> can't write as precise
That's because you're a fucking pleb.
I bet you rest your hand on your paper and write with your fingers instead of your arm. Git gud, faggot
bretty sexy female doe :DD