How much do you make a month, after taxes?
How much do you spent a month, for housing and for the rest?
How much will you earn with 40?
How much do you make a month, after taxes?
~10k USD equivalent (but taxes where I live are insane. It'd be almost 16k if I lived in the US)
about 1k if I'm not shopping for anything significant except food. (my house is paid)
I don't know what that means
I was making 18 an hour. So that's like 36k a year?
Rent is 410 electricity and Internet is about 90. Food is about 120 gas is about 60. Car insurance is 30. I have 500 a month in student loans. Taxes about 600. Smoking about 120.
I quit to go back to school. Almost done and can make about 50% more doing less shitty work.
>I was making 18 an hour. So that's like 36k a year?
Why do I even ask for "per month"?
Also, which unit?
I'm I answered per month.
What does "How much will you earn with 40?" mean?
Started my first real job few weeks back and got $2700 for my first paycheck, pretty neat.
My dream is going part time, maybe just 30 hours a week so I can shitpost more from home.
500$ per month, I do not (have to) pay taxes.
I do not spend any of it as I am living with my parents.
When I'm 40 hopefully I'll be at six figures.
>How much do you make a month, after taxes?
That's roughly 20 hours a week on 3.5€/hour
>How much do you spent a month, for housing and for the rest?
I don't pay for housing (student).
Everything I make is spend (obviously)
>How much will you earn with 40?
Really fucking depends.
If I get my degree, immigrate and build a career, six digits.
wut. where do you live? what job?
What is 36k/12
It's usd, not that it matters
I make less than $5kusd a year.
I spend about $300 a month.
I own 1 vehicles, 3 houses, and about 45 acres of land that I farm.
I have 0 debt, which is the secret.
Only property taxes need to be paid, which is included in the $300/mo.
No, you can't live like me, because you have debt.
No, I'm not answering your questions.
Yes, I spend most of my time shitposting on Veeky Forums.
>How much do you make a month, after taxes?
My take home pay is about 1620 USD every two weeks, so about 42k annually after taxes, 60k gross
>How much do you spent a month, for housing and for the rest?
rent: 700
car note: 385
total monthly expenses: about 1900
>How much will you earn with 40?
if you mean how much will i make by age 40, i'd hope to be at or above 110-120k (my boss said my career path is set to work up to staff physicist, which would require me getting a masters, and the median salary for a person doing that sort of work is like 115k
$4700, with another $2000 going into my 403(b)
$1550 on rent, ~$200 on utilities, and ~$1500 on everything else
I dunno, $250k as a consultant or a very senior engineer?
On unemployment atm
$1036 monthly
Spending 715 montly for all expenses with my girlfriend who is my roomate.
Lifes ok man feeding off taxpayer money for now. Plan on going back to work maybe at the end of September.
7.5k a month as a pipeline surveyor
Living expenses are about 1700$ a month
>living in a motel lol
>no wife or kids
Make 8400 USD a month Plus the 2000$ my wife makes. (dont need to pay taxes)
-Spend 200$ on food,internet 60$,gas 75$
3100€/month and 2100€/month for my SO whom I live with.
Full healthcare (negligible copay, no upper limit), retirement, unemployment insurance and life insurance already paid.
Shared expenses:
Rent: 1250€/month
Internet: 45€/month, unlimited fibre optic
Taxes: 650€/month
Food and other errands: 850€/month
Restaurants, week-ends, gifts, theatres, trains, car rental, etc: 500€/month (may vary a lot).
Of those expenses, I pay about 2200€/month (more that half, since I earn more).
Own expenses:
Transportation: 73€/month for tube/train/bus each
Mobile phone: 2€/month
Lunches: 80€/month
Tobacco: 30€/month
>where do you live?
>what job?
IT support for a small company.
>How much do you make a month, after taxes?
850 €, only work 80 hrs/month though
>How much do you spent a month, for housing and for the rest?
Rent is 215 € (shitty dorm)
Food between 150 € and 200 € depending on how much I splurge on restaurant meals instead of cooking / eating at the mensa.
Disability insurance 50 €
Motorcycle insurance around 20 €
Fuel / trains around 50 €
Uni 50 €
The rest goes towards bike maintenance, new gear, soon a used T420 + upgrades like SSD.
>How much will you earn with 40?
The world will change a lot in the next 15 years so who the fuck knows. I don't even know what a 40 year old EE earns nowadays in my area. Starting salary is around 3k after taxes.
Oh also internet 30 €, phone 10 € and maybe some other shit I forgot.
>part time
>30 hours
pick one
Unemployed. Can't find a job. Manage to make just enough to eat, occasionally I'll run out of money or gas and go days without food before sheer chance affords me work, and I go on to do it all again. Hit a curb and blew a tire the other day because I was very hungry, was not too happy.
Unwilling to go on unemployment or try to get disability, or get involved with the state or any such shit. Despite that the system is broken and deserves to be sucked dry. I won't play the human species latest old new fucked up game.
>How much do you make a month, after taxes?
>How much do you spent a month, for housing and for the rest?
0€ for housing (family+negotiating skills)
100-400 for food and other stuff.
> how much will you earn with 40?
Depends, obviously but not less than 3'000,
and every now and then could go over 5'000.
1600 australian dollars a month
source : disability bux
>How much do you spent a month, for housing and for the rest
400 bucks a month
Here in the states >= 40 hours is considered full time. Any less would be a part time job.
Man, here in Sweden i got job scanning papers for a survey, litteraly just scanning a bunch of papers, and my sallary was 13.5 euros/h
Also unemployed and living in a country with good social security. It's so good.
>worked for two years at the same company
>pay required amount of uneployment ensurance fee
>quit my job having saved up a buffer
>after three months of not getting any money get 2000 euro after tax for doing nothing
It's awesome. I have time to read all the books i want take time to learn new stuff. I can get a new job whenever i want since there is a shortage of work force in my field but I just don't want to right now
slice your throat open famo
how is my way of living a problem for you?
>you take other people's money to support yourself without contributing anything to them or society as a whole
Not him but can you blame him? If the government says 'free cookies' who can blame you for taking one?
The money he is being given was already included in the budget the government set out this year. It is not like the government is going to your house to get extra cents from every citizen.
Get good politicians that will fight to take away the free cokies.
>If the government says 'free cookies' who can blame you for taking one?
>if you know someone took some money out of someone's car/bank/pocket and said hey bro 'free cookies' who can blame you for taking one
>The money he is being given was already included in the budget the government set out this year. It is not like the government is going to your house to get extra cents from every citizen.
it's there because it's specifically taken out for that shitty purpose that shouldn't exist
>Get good politicians that will fight to take away the free cokies.
maybe if i had that extra 30% of my income that gets taken away i'd have the resources to do a little more
Where i live the unemployment ensurance is a part of whatever union you are affiliated with adn not the government. If i work for two years then my contribution to the buffer is way higher than what i take out while not being a wage labourer. Also contributing to society does not necessarily equate wage labouring, I have time to keep up with my own project, that actually serves the sociatal good. If this is an option offered to me how is this blameworthy?
See above. The ensurance is not managed or financed by governement
I am a person that believes that people are inherently bad that is why we need laws with punishment backing them in order to have a working society.
By the way, he is getting money out of a government program. That government program is given a budget based on the money the government will collect from taxes and from foreign investment
His 2000 were in a vault somewhere waiting to be assigned.
If he was not the one taking them then those 2000 dollars would be assigned to someone else.
This is a perverse incentive so you need to remove it, that is the only way of fixing it.
Blame the government, not the guy taking advantage of the silly rules the bad government puts in place.
>The ensurance is not managed or financed by governement
Then the other guy has no right to complain, I guess.
Well actually, countries where unemployment ensurance/benefits are managed and funded by the government seems like a silly thing, but then there are many countries where unions are not as prominent as here
oh you're talking about like union shit
i though u were talkin like govt welfare where taxes from everyones earnings go towards those that aren't working/earn less/can't work/etc
>Blame the government, not the guy taking advantage of the silly rules the bad government puts in place.
so you only blame the guy that steals an old lady's purse, but not the guy that buys it from the thief knowing it's stolen?
nah in the US (depending on the field) unions are pretty fucking powerful and their benefits are crazy good. we just also have govt programs that give taxpayer money to poor people that dont work or have 7 bastard kids they cant afford
>so you only blame the guy that steals an old lady's purse, but not the guy that buys it from the thief knowing it's stolen?
But that is a false equivalence.
In a democratic society the free people choose to pass a law that says that every year every old lady has to buy a purse and give it for free to a guy who will them sell it at a profit for himself.
Then someone wants a purse and buys it.
Hey, the purse was there and it was cheaper than the purses sold by usual businesses so why not save a little? It is not illegal to buy these cheaper purses, they come from the government!
All I am saying is that a perverse incentive was put in place and I would be nothing but a hypocrite if I didn't accept that if I were in need I would take advantage of that shit too.
Heck, I've taken advantage of situations many times in my life because I knew that I was not going to get caught or punished. That is how people just are, which is why you need laws.
Pass a law that says that now no one can legally receive purses from old ladies for free and then those guys will have to manage some other way of getting purses.
>In a democratic society the free people choose to pass a law
you know that's not how the US govt is set up
>Heck, I've taken advantage of situations many times in my life because I knew that I was not going to get caught or punished. That is how people just are, which is why you need laws.
>That is how people just are
no that's just how shitty people are. not everyone is amoral
>Pass a law that says that now no one can legally receive purses from old ladies for free and then those guys will have to manage some other way of getting purses.
no shit, lemme just get a few million for a congressional campaign, and convince enough other congressmen to pass a law that would cause major backlash from poor degenerate minorities and will never pass
you're like the kind of dickhead that says "fusion should be easy, just heat it up a bit more for a bit longer"
Ok you are excused but you write like an inbred hick so you are probably not far from the people you are slandering, hence go fuck yourself
Compared to my country your unions seem very weak according to statistics. Your income gap also implies this
>you know that's not how the US govt is set up
In a democratic society the free people chose to elect someone who had in his political agenda:
-Lets force old ladies to give their purses for free.
>no that's just how shitty people are. not everyone is amoral
But you can't assume that everyone is moral. You always have to assume that people have bad intentions when you are making rules. You want rules that cannot be exploited because if you let even the tiniest bit of potential for exploitation, you are fucked.
>you write like an inbred hick so you are probably not far from the people you are slandering
what else can you tell about me from my posts on a degenerate anime image board?
and we have high income gap because the democratic party systematically keeps minorities in poverty with just enough in social programs like welfare/medicare/food stamps etc to barely get by, but not enough to escape poverty and get off govt support, so these people stay poor, stay reliant on the govt and then continue to support the dem party because they give them free shit. its these programs that cause the income inequality
This is not the board for a political dicussion but the reason poor people being poor in your country is probably not because they are not republican, if that is what you are implying. Have you ever read up on european politics? Try correlating the dominating politcs of say northern european countries with the developement of the income gap for example
>the reason poor people being poor in your country is probably not because they are not republican, if that is what you are implying
lol no, i'm just saying people keep taking these benefits and not using them to get out of poverty, but use them as their sole income, and just leach off the system, pulling others income down, and not making significant attempts to get a job themselves and make their own money
>pulling others income down,
how would this work? Also regarding the rest of your reply, sure there allways people like that but what are you basing this statement being valid on this group as a whole?
also social security has never been a means to get people out of poverty or, if not poor, transcend their economic status
the govt takes a certain portion of your income every paycheck in taxes based on how much you make. i end up keeping about 69.6% of my gross pay after federal, state, local taxes, fica, etc. not to say that all of it goes to these social programs, it also pays for military spending, roads/public infrastructure, etc. but the fact that workers' pay is allocated to those that don't work but physically can work but dont is about as ridiculous as it gets
and no there are those that physically cant work from injury or disability, but a lot of people just dont work because they get govt benefits.
social security isnt quite the same because the people that use it pay into it, though id rather just keep that myself and put it into a roth IRA or something