What jobs can you get with a Math or physics degree other than teaching or being homeless? Since math and physics majors are the main ones talking shit about us engineers, I can't wait to be informed with the mass amount of job opportunities you Math/Physics majors have.
>implying you won't be sitting in an office in a couple years hating your life
You can work as a cashier at McDonalds as a math major. Or be a high school teacher. Or be a NEET. Lots of opportunities already!
Pretty much the exact same opportunities that you have.
Pic related. Quite literally
>BSc in mathematics
>Any job in any industry I want
>70k starting
feels good.
>other than teaching
Why does everyone on this board hate teaching so much?
Teaching is fucking gay.
If you trained 4 years to become a professional in your field just to teach a bunch of retard kids a watered down version of the knowledge you spent so much time obtaining then you are retarded.
>being American
found your problem
Yeah you're right. We should get rid of teachers with professional qualifications, I'm sure Sally with her general ed degree will do just as good a job as Bob with his math degree.
>If you agree with this user, you're retarded
Hey, I'm not saying teaching should stop. I am just saying it is dumb.
If you have talent then you don't waste that talent teaching. You go become an actual mathematician or physicist or engineer.
In my major the only ones who want to be teachers after graduation are the girls and I know their grades are all Cs and Bs, compared to my straight A record.
The conclusion is that you are mediocre then teaching is for you. If not then become an actual professional and go make bank.
So what you're saying is you don't like teaching because you can't stroke your own ego with it?
>Since math and physics majors are the main ones talking shit about us engineers
you got memed, but it's fine, it happen at least one time to everyone.
That is certainly one reason. I honestly think that I can only be as positive as I am succesful and one part of success is professional and financial success.
But wait, there's more!
>You are going to be fucking poor
>You will never be recognized as any kind of mathematician. You are just fucking Class 3-As retarded teacher
>You will never work in a team of professionals who are all at your level of knowledge and feel the excitement of creating something new that will make you all gain money and recognition
There is a lot you lose in the teaching route. The only thing that you gain is being able to have a lot of contact with hot teen girls to fuck. However, this is not really an advantage unless you teach at Japan where the age of legal fucking is 13.
desu I would teach part time if it meant I could also fuck some cute 13 year olds but unfortunately that would send me to jail.
Be a code monkey and do any job a CS major can do.
Get a job as quant or in finance/accounting/banking/actuary
>I would teach part time if it meant I could also fuck some cute 13 year olds but unfortunately that would send me to jail.
Ignore , I'll try to explain it.
The general issues with teaching is,
>little to no glory on a historical scale
>lower pay averages start to end
>restrictions in daily teaching methods and duration with students
>"pot luck" in terms of student and parent interaction and behavior
>inability to fully control or observe a student's life outside class
>lack solid resources to sensibly accommodate for a student or class's academic or psychological deficiencies
>adjusting or correcting proficiency of the incoming students in a given subject understanding from a previous class last year that didn't accomplish it's academic goals
>certain school districts are more "difficult" than others
This is just the surface level issues you would encounter during your first year. I haven't even gone into what alluded to in that the information you are teaching is...well limited in scope. Sure you can teach them more but you are once again limited by class time (and personal willingness by the student). If you want to make a "significant" difference in education and classes you need into advisory, development and training jobs that are not restricted.
The only thing teaching has going for it besides some emotional satisfaction is the retirement at the end of the career and a friendly pat on the back by the average person.
Your entire post was easily summarized by
>Teaching is fucking gay
I don't even know why you are even saying all this.
true af if youre just aiming for that average nice middle income salary family life then teaching is the way to go... remember when some of my teachers always talked shit about which was okay because after i get that CS degree will see who will be the first to get the bugatti and a mansion.
Because just boiling it down to a single statement doesn't do it justice. At it's current state (focusing on U.S. here but it seems to apply to other countries too) the responsibilities given to teachers extend well beyond it's resources and pay scale especially if you're in one of those "difficult" districts I mentioned.
When I imagine the great thinkers of humanity I always see them as the kind of people who would say that's fucking gay.
Like, back before the Riemann Hypothesis was a thing one of his PhD students told him
>Oy m8 I think there are non trivial zeroes elsewhere for you function thingy over there
and then he answered
>That's fucking gay.
And that is enough! You already understand what he means by that.
The Riemann Hypothesis could read 'That's fucking gay' and we all would understand what he meant.
You also get Winter/Summer Breaks, so if you're Single with no family teaching is actually pretty legit.
Holy shit. Disregarding the topic of the Argument, you are a massive faggot. I hope you go unemployed when you graduate and realise what an egotistical/selfish cunt you are.
tfw studying comp sci + mathematics
I am also studying comouter science and minoring in mathematics, my future is set like a hoe.
>I am also studying comouter science
I am so sorry
because it's shit
>had cool teacher in high school
>he gets stuck teaching remedial math
>since he's teaching people that don't give a fuck, obviously they don't pass
>he gets pay docked and put on watch because retards in remedial math don't pass tests
>fat useless cunt teaches english
>teaches all the AP and honors english classes
>is a terrible teacher
>doesn't matter because AP and honors kids won't fail because they care
>she gets praise for "being a good teacher" when she does nothing
>unless you teach at Japan
except in japan teaching is taken seriously
Yeah, the entire educational system is better.
For some reason teachers are actually respected and you can fuck your students.
Well, you can't really fuck your students but you can fuck your students' friends. Maybe their little sisters too as long as they are 13 too. I suppose that a relationship directly with your students would be seen as unprofessional.
Really the only incentive in teaching is the sweet junjou (japanese word for pure) teenage pussy.
>Really the only incentive in teaching is the sweet junjou (japanese word for pure) teenage pussy.
I'm sure you'll have source of this actually happening outside your imagination.
If you knew shit about japanese culture you would know about what I'm talking about. Why are you in Veeky Forums?
Anyways, Long story short, relationships between men and high school girls are actually very common in Japan. Do you remember the guys who did me!me!me!? They did a follow up to that video that moved on to talk about this 'issue'.
It is not actually an issue but what would you know, animators are a bunch of cucks.
Normie sources for normie scum:
>Aya (whose last name is being withheld because of her age) is part of what Japanese police are starting to call an epidemic: prostitution by schoolgirls.
>Then there are "dating clubs," which often consist of condominiums where men go to pick out a young girl
And the part that makes me cry of happiness
>TOKYO -- It is perfectly legal to have sex with a 14-year-old here in Japan's capital
Here is the video I'm talking about
It is actually very fucking abstract and doesn't touch the subject directly but if you know metaphors 101 then you can get it, specially now that you know the cultural context.
Anyways, they also try to paint it as something bad but that is because they are probably gay or women animators. Everybody knows that if the law says you can fuck them then it is perfectly moral to do so.
Fuck Japan is like a million years above us in terms of social progress.
The song is also pretty cute.
if smart people make good learning material and parents discipline their children well, why do we need teachers?
what if low age of consent laws in japan are why their educational system is so good?
>if smart people make good learning material and parents discipline their children well, why do we need teachers?
Because neither of those things are going to happen in combination. Parents are generally retarded.
>prostitution is the same as school girls voluntarily wanting to fuck their teacher "for free"
Quantitative Analyst is what you should pick if you dream to become very reach trough leader climbing on wall street.
Pair it up with pragmatic / psycho personality and you're suited, just keep fighting the good fight.
>If you have talent then you don't waste that talent teaching. You go become an actual mathematician or physicist or engineer.
Well, there can only be so many mathematicians and physicists; those fields are super competitive. So a lot of people on this board will probably end up settling.
I never said for free.
In these relations it is known that the girls always do it for money. Older men have a lot of disposable incomes and the girls hope to become their darlings so that the men will spend that income on them.
And that is fine! Selling your pussy is fine! It is 2016 and we live in a capitalist society. I really think it is dumb that there even is an age of consent, let alone such a high one.
If you have talent then you don't worry about competition. You just focus on bettering yourself.
The truth is that 90% of the people in STEM are not actually a cut above the rest and are just average people. The top 10% will always have secured jobs in their actual field everywhere because no one wants the bottom 90% anyways.
That is why college is more about looking for ways to let your employers know you are part of the top 10% and not the bottom 90%. Usually by getting internships at top companies and doing research.