>2 slit experiment >the electron peeks into future and changes it's state! xD >quantum effects are based around electron
>observer contains more energy than a single electron for obvious reasons >observer is affecting the potential field inside the medium. obviously the effect is stronger when compared the electron, >electron acts in the simplest way possible - directed by potential field inside the media - bestowing wave properties if potential field is undisturbed, and bestowing particle properties it potential field is disturbed
Double slut experiment doesnt imply electrons are waves. It really is just suggesting that such particles exhibit wave-like characteristics. It just happens that electrons emitted onto double sluts causes some odd "gaussian" distribution that resembles that of two different waves interfering each other and passing through the sluts.
Honestly, a lot of QM is bullshit and it surprises me how it even agrees with experimental data.
Christopher Russell
Have you ever heard about path integral?
Jayden Peterson
>double slut experiment
Camden Ross
I am interested in performing such an experiment for scientific purposes. Where can I sign up?
Asher Reed
Have you ever taken a physics course with a wave optics portion? Are you aware that light actually behaves the way you claim it not to?
Nicholas Powell
Matthew Foster
"Randomness exists"
Leo Cruz
Have you ever looked at an actual paper, instead of an stylized figure in a textbook?
Nicholas Clark
is it wrong then that particles radiate randomly? please enlighten me
Hudson Thomas
it could be pseudo-random
Jonathan Thomas
Austin Barnes
> Tu Quoque First, answer the original question, before making additional criticisms.
>"Have you ever looked at an actual paper, instead of an stylized figure in a textbook?"
>implying the question at hand isn't both: >A) experimentally provable >B) A common quiz/test question to prove
Not only is it a relatively simple problem to solve and conceptualize, numerous examples of single slit diffraction labs can be found among basic physics courses in academia:
It doesn't. This is just the Bohmian interpretation of QM.
Cameron Diaz
I haven't been able to intuitively understand it that well. I'm also not a physicist so I only get pieces of it. My basic understanding is that we exist in a much higher dimensional existence. We only see a "slice" of it. The weirdness of QM is because how much the dimensions we don't see effect the results.
For instance we "see" 1 electron hitting the board, but in reality across dimensions there was a wave like electron. In fact, we as humans are "wave" beings but we only see 1 point of ourselves at any time.
So if you for instance want to understand what you are. It is more similar to a WAVE object with humanoid outline rather than the flesh and blood 4 limbs and a head thing we perceive. We just only see a single slice of ourselves.
Luis Thomas
God you are dumb
Matthew Ramirez
It's just a gay interpretation of many worlds
Daniel Miller
Yes but have I ever dealt with any? No. I'm not at all far into quantum memes.
Grayson Robinson
>observer is affecting the potential field inside the medium. obviously the effect is stronger when compared the electron,
Observer does not mean someone watching the particle. It means we measured it with an interaction. That interaction, let's say hitting a detector, reveals what the probability of that electron was.
John Wood
You are telling us that experimental results are bull? Please, let the researchers who have performed the experiment and MIT know that they presenting bullshit. Present to me your evidence that quantum effects are false and also show me your mathematical model which predicts them to be false.
Luis Butler
>You are telling us that experimental results are bull? ya
Jayden Torres
This just in, all of modern physics is a hoax.
Alexander Reyes
That's what we tell to undergrads to demistify QM, but it's not that simple brosef. The whole point of the quantum eraser experiment is to show it's not just about "having some interaction".
Adrian Cox
it is
Brayden Myers
Why don't you follow the discussions properly?
Only the randomness is bullshit
Leo Gray
>posts in anonymous, mongoloid, origami, anime, retard echo chamber where idiots can make wild assertion after wild assertion without having to prove anything, out if arms reach
>expects these lonely spergs to put forth any real discussion at all
Veeky Forums is just where the meme degrasse tyson fans from /b/ coalesce