I am an 18 year old dude. What will regular, not excessive, under age drinking do to my brain and body?
I am an 18 year old dude. What will regular, not excessive, under age drinking do to my brain and body?
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I thought you said you were 18
American drinking age is 21
If you look at most college students as a case study: not much either way.
Everything in moderation friend, your best years are ahead of you.
It inhibits brain development until 25 iirc.
The drinking age is set to reduce drunk driving as teens are idiots
I don't think a 6 pack on the weekend will make an 18 year old stupid though.
Look at the president. He drank every day, smoked cigarettes and "did a little coke on the weekends" for the first 2 years of his college career. He's not an idiot.
Actually it's set to keep alcohol out of high school. You can only keep getting held back so much before the state stops paying your way.
LSD would do less harm to you than alcohol, tobacco or cannabis at that point.
It's even cheaper.
Colleges are not places for smart people to be into, it's irrelevant what the behavior or w/e type of people dwell in there is like.
Ok Rick Sanchez
LSD has completely different effects, though.
I have tried GHB three times and found the effects uninteresting. How can alcohol be any better?
Sorry OP, but the first time you drink your brain reduces in size by 50%. Also it is instantly addicting, so the next time you drink you will be unable to stop, and you will consume double the amount you consumed last time. This is known as Zeno's paradox, because you can always continue to double the amount that you drink until it reaches infinity.
>Rick Sanchez
You made me google that, seems like it's a mainstream show from adult swim and that's the protagonsit
Yea and they're even more interesting.
I drank heavily from 17-18. ~1 year total, and was blackout drunk at least 2 days per week. I don't remember many instances where I wasn't either drunk, drinking, or hung over. What are the full spectrum of possible effects, and factors that potentiate them, on a hard mechanical level? Don't really know, and don't even want to try to put what I do know concisely. You should start by looking into altered dendritic spine formation and morphology.
I'd otherwise just say that I turned out fine (enough), and the experiences were valuable, but that I don't recommend getting very attached to alcohol or drinking regularly. Make it occasional, and even then remember that it's just a shitty drug. A tool to be used. And like all tools remember that if you get used to only having a hammer, everything begins to look like it can be a nail.
Sorta unrelated, but why do people drink? I'm 25 now, in grad school and I've never had the urge to drink.
Almost did pic related
Alcohol is not all that dangerous for development as long as you aren't ever getting black out drunk (may take a few tries to find that fine line between fun and gone) and moderate how regularly you drink.
More than anything, alcohol is incredibly easy to become addicted to or use to remedy life stresses. This, above all else, is what you need to look out for.
I started because I was miserable, in constant pain, and needed a proxy to draw out and experience my real emotions. It's hard to describe fully and accurately.
I'm in no way an average case, but you'll tend to find a clustering of underlying base drives for why people drink.
>He's not an idiot.
By what metric?
He's easily in the top five worst presidents and probably has a barely above average IQ.
Must be genetic I'm 20 and I never had to urge to drink... yet I've drink few times mainly because of the context, got myself blacked out three times.
I always preferred cannabis over alcohol, it's less dangerous and feels better. But I never abused that, smoked rarely.
I think some people might be just stupid or it's genetic and they have some obsession with alcohol, or their genes make them experience it in a meaningful, awesome way and we just can't have their experience.
these are both reasons why it would be 18
but its 21
You should probably just avoid alcohol altogether it's basically poison for the double digit IQ crowd.
Only reason I ever drank is because I can't socialise and I wanted to have sex.
Doing alcohol and/or drugs makes your brain think indulgence is the norm which leads to addiction. Then you have about as much self-control as you do your own sexual preference.
Some can control themselves, a little here, there and be fine, but If you find yourself spending too much time on anything that causes you to crash for an entire following day (including playing vidya games all night and sleeping all the next day or not getting any sleep at all for two days straight, then crash), realize you have to retrain your brain back to normal through moderation or sobriety or your yo-yo brain will destroy you because it doesn't know any better.
The bad thing about addiction is that you won't know you have a problem until it becomes one then it may be too late. We don't even know what we will eventually be addicted to, if to anything.
Addiction is like being stung by a mosquito. The moment you feel the sting, it's too late, the mosquito already stole your blood.
My advice is... Be healthy, my friend... since booze is one of the most life-damaging, addicting things you could ever come across.
From an older, experienced drinker who has quit, take it from me. In your teens-to-30's, drinking is fun, all your friends are single, girls are young and hot, 30's-to-40's, friends get married, drinking not as fun. No more girls to chase, annoying children everywhere, bitchy wives, a man gets tired fast after a few drinks at this point. A drunken man gets tired a lot at this age because booze has turned from recreational fun to a band-aid for depression and social anxiety.
Honestly, user, I wish I never touched a drink in my life. I wasn't a miserable alkie. but I always felt like I needed a drink to be social (even sneaking them into kids' birthday parties) and that reliance became my addiction. Plus your cerebrospinal fluid will shrink your brain, you'll develop dementia, your liver will shut down and your belly will look bloated like a dead whale.
+1 to you user.
Quit while you can, it'll be easier for you now because you are 18 years old whereas I am 25 years old and started drinking about a beer a day when I was 21 years old. Now it's 3 beers a day. You have to grip life by the horns. Grip it and don't do what I have done. You will be happy. If you drink 1 beer a day it will become 3 beers a day within several years or maybe less than that. I actually have a lot of willpower and I can barely keep a lid on it. Ideally I would only drink 2 beers a day but you will notice that your willpower will wane as the years wear on you. Drink 2 beers a day tops. There will be times when you want more than 2 beers or maybe you're out dancing or flirting with females and you'll think that 3 drinks is ok. Now I am not a religious man. I think that theisms are totally of the past, but I do believe that hedonism brings it's own wrath, not "god." The more time I have had to think about this has led me to 3 beers a night! So you dance. Well, it's a paradox.
pff hahahahaha
I still don't understand addiction. Nigga just quit. You know it's bad for you. How are you that weak minded you fucking worm.
t. 28 year old alcoholic
Im 22, I recently decided to cut out all alcohol entirely. Started the same way, 1 beer a day, became 2 a day, then 5 over about a year. I never once got blackout drunk and consider myself to have a lot of self control. I don't think I was causing myself any health issues but mentally I wasn't doing what I needed to be doing, and my grades were suffering. Since cutting out alcohol my thinking is much clearer, and I'm back on track to graduate college this year.
Alcohol is not so much a health issue unless you go crazy with hard liquor. I find its more of an excuse to be lazy and it take away your motivation and feeling of personal responsibility. Weed does this also, so I quit smoking back in high school.
because I'm a more sociable person when I'm drunk.
Depends on where you get it from. I'm friends with my source so I get it at half price compared to everyone else where I live. It's still pretty steep though.
I drank heavily for a year. The two reasons are that it was the first time in my life I was being extraverted and social (lots of pressure from certain people who enjoy it way too much s well) and the other reason was hiding from pain.
>State law says the state will pay for students to attend high school until 21 years old.
>State law says anyone under 21 can't into alcohol.
>I'm weak and pathetic so don't do it!
kek go to bed faggot
>He's easily in the top five worst presidents
[Citation needed]
>I still don't understand basic psychology
social anxiety
>in a science board
Being a bad president is not being stupid. Get a real argument.
Why are people replying to an alt right dog whistle /pol/ post?
You guys Seem fucking retarded.
I was at My first drinking party when I was 13. Been drinking at parties since then - often excessively.
Am 24 now. I only drink at parties/weekends. No social anxiety. IQ 120+.
Occasionally drinks a primo beer on regular Days like a good whiskey or whatever (with this whole amateur brewery Boom). If you can't control your drinking, it's because you have a week Will.
you seem proud of it, I bet you're a fucking loser. what have you even achieved?
Wtf do you expect to achieve, twatface? Been travelling around The World am starting University this september. Had girls Most of My Life. Very Close friends. Family that I Love and være for. How 'bout you, fag?
so you haven't done shit, 24 and you're only going to be starting uni. you're a good example of why OP shouldn't waste his time drinking
>not stupid
He got into college on a race scholarship
Im 28. Drank 3-5 days a week from about 17-25 years old.
Since stopping at around 25/26 I feel like I am on NZT(drug from the movie limitless). Everything is SO much clearer and I learn new things a lot quicker.
Maybe it did some damage. But it definitely is mostly reversable in my experience.
Tell me what you expect to achieve. Honestly. You want me to solve a fucking paradox. I'll bet you're aiming for something completely retarded that Will never happen and you'll end Up miserable because you didn't think through what your Limits ære and that whatever Big thing you achieve some would have achieve slightly lærer anyway. You Seem like The loser here, breh.
>I'm weak and pathetic
Far from it. I'm very active and in great shape despite my past drinking habits. You obviously don't (or think) you don't have a drinking problem, so let me explain how addiction worked on me.
I would never touch a drink until Friday after work. I wired my brain to function this way without even realizing it. It's similar to how your body clock works. You just can't control your body clock unless you practice (work) on it.
I'm fine all week but all I can think of Friday night at work is getting loaded because I'm off the next day, so I do it. I hang out with friends during the weekends and I do it some more (them, not so much). Then I feel like shit half the weekend being hung over and promise myself to lay off the booze for good.
I'm fine the following week until Friday comes along. There is no fight. Addiction is like a light switch (body clock) in my brain going on and off on schedule. It's like being possessed by your own brain. My brain took the fight away.
When I read about addiction, I had all the symptoms. I was physically active, but fatigued the rest of the time. I became a procrastinator big time. When Friday came along I was wired, but didn't do much other than drink and act a fool. I realized I trained my brain to suck out most of its dopamine on the weekends and make me feel drained and lethargic the rest of the week.
When I quit drinking, I felt a sense of chemical balance. I had plenty more energy, started getting things done fast, started drinking healthier (no sodas, don't even need energy drinks anymore), started cooking more instead of being lazy relying on instant meals and fast food restaurants, had plenty of extra disposable income to spend, discovering new things more, feel younger, I can go on and on.
So, in retrospect, those who drink regularly, in my eyes, are the weaker ones. I know because I was weaker when I was drunk. I'm much stronger now that I am not.
> Addicted
> Drinking once a week
oh fuck off
I'm told it's a social cement.
Personally I've never drank, but there's definitely social pressure to get people to drink during student years.
What's more puzzling to me has to be smoking. As far as I can tell it's just pointlessly harmful.
There's different levels of alcoholism based on how much alcohol the body can tolerate. Some can only do the weekend warrior thing, some can get up every morning and drink all day, night long.
Bottom line is, if you're doing something that you know is a financial burden as well as a mental and physical health hazard that you really don't enjoy because you've been doing it so long but you're hard wired into doing it anyway, it's a problem that should be resolved.
>He's easily in the top five worst presidents
Nigger, you probably can't even name half the presidents.
Even if we accept the metric "doesn't share your political views equals bad", there could be dozens "worse" than Obama.
don't do it. giving into life's hedonistic pleasures will (possibly) make you lose a few circles.
just be a 9 to 5 wageslave the rest of your life who works out, eats 'healthy', and abstains from drugs. remember, a higher quantity of life in which you suffer is much better than a higher quality of life in which you live shorter.
we apathetic hedonistic nihilists need people like you in the world to help us in the emergency room after we od (:
You don't need to drink a lot. Even nursing a single beer makes you more social. It makes your brain shut the fuck up and let you do your thing, basically. It shuts off your worries and allows you to be 100% without yourself to inhibit you.
When I've ever drank alcohol, very few times, it was not even one beer.
the dumb-guy "alpha male" stuff is basically a guy that doesn't have worries in social situations. this is all alcohol does.
Yeah degenerates are so happy with their hedonistic lives that's why they're all riddled with mental illness.
When you grow up you'll realize that stability is worth striving for.
I'm 24 and don't have a drinking problem.
I drink in moderation and responsibly. I like the taste and enjoy drinking all kinds of drinks.
Drinking even has some benefits, when done in moderation. I sometimes have a beer when I'm studying physics, helps me think more creatively.
I drink to show off to people
Protaginist is a strong word, user.
I'm 26, and have been drinking semi heavily since 22. I'll generally get drunk, then take 1-2 days off, then repeat. On my drinking days i have around 16 standard units, which has gradually escalated up from 10.
Cognitive decline, kidney soreness, garbage sleep, elevated anxiety, low mood, no motivation, and loss of interest in all activities when sober are some of the side effects ive noticed.
Regular *not excessive* drinking is probably fine. But i'd look at your family history and avoid any kind of regular drinking if theres any alcoholism on either side. One side of my family are pretty much all alcoholics. I used to drink pretty normally from 16-22, no more than any other kid my age in Australia, but its just one of those things that can creep up on you.
>irreversible psychological damage
No thanks, pal.
Leave it man, he's too young (or stupid) to understand whatever you are talking about.
I too stopped drinking a couple of years ago, I don't think I had a problem but the last time I got drunk it didn't feel good at all. I do drink the very, very occasional beer, but I can use one hand to enumerate those occasions in a year.
I'm glad I read your story, I'm now almost 25 and a regular swimmer. I can confirm that a clean life lets you accomplish more.
>may take a few tries to find that fine line between fun and gone
How is this difficult at all? Do people really enjoy the numbed and garbled state of heavy intoxication more than the stimulated buzz that's maintained with relatively light drinking?
Fucking liberal brainwashed sheep. List of Barack Obama idiocies:
>wall st and Detroit bailouts
>cash for clunkers
>Pulling out of Iraq
>Iran deal
>Not closing gitmo
>Not pushing for marijuana legalization
>Libya ordeal
>Baltimore looting
>Ferguson looting
>St. Paul riots
>Race relations near an all time worst under first black president
>Weakest recovery ever
>Doubled national debt
>Appointed a corrupt Secretary of State
>Increased taxes and the cost of healthcare overall
He's an idiot.
That's what Trump gonna do you idiot
Obama is good
>laughs because thats litterally the only thing that's going for him
IQ loss, very fast at first then stabilize at 80% of your initial IQ when you are an alchoholic. (it takes about 20-100 drink depending on people to get permanently hooked on alcohol)
Change in mood and behavior, very aggressive when you didn't got your fix.
Inability to have fun whithout alcohol.
It doesn't make more sense than your country's arbitrary drinking age.
Some states allow younger than 21 to drink.
Studies are out that point to the fact that no amount of alcohol is safe. Drinking it increases your risk of cancer in many parts of your body:
You are drinking concentrated toxic yeast excrement, after all.
do you drink yourself?
sure does sound like you do not drink yourself
>Change in mood and behavior, very aggressive when you didn't got your fix.
I mean that's not the normal average response to alcohol.
He may have gotten a scholarship, but do you know how hard it is to get into UoC?
It's a very enjoyable leisure activity. Try going out on a boat with friends; you'll have a good time. Now try going out on a boat with friends and a bunch of alcohol; you'll have a fucking blast.
A lot of people give alcohol a bad rap because they'll drink a ton, not eat enough or not drink enough water, wake up the next day feeling like their skull is being bashed in with a hammer and wonder why people like drinking. Or they'll get bored because they just go to the same 2 bars every time they drink. Drinking doesn't have to be a full activity by itself. If you're not a fun person it's not gonna save you from not being boring.
I don't know if you've ever tried tobacco before, but you might not have inhaled it properly if you did. You know that feeling when you stand up after having been seated for a long time with your knees bent and you get really lightheaded for a few seconds? Tobacco is like the most pleasurable version of that.
LSD doesn't really make you very sociable, I wouldn't really consider it an alternative because you don't do them in the same situations.
Don't get me wrong, I just sold a 10 strip to a buddy of mine, but the only good overlap of alcohol and acid in my opinion is when you take a little bit of acid and get drunk and go to a club with crazy lights.
Get a load of this drone.
So, if you're 18 you can buy assault rifle but not a beer?
But murricans don't use metric
It will make you stupider.
source: all my friends who drank and all my friends who didn't drink; for 40 years
The ones that drank became retards compared to the rest who didn't drink. That may be that only retards drink or it may have been the alcohol, but they were somewhat smart before they started drinking.
I'm sure it gas nothing to do with the obstructionist congress.
>Split 1 full time job into 4 part time jobs
>Hey we created 3 jobs guise!
Literally how it works. Nevermind under all this 'growth' the nations GDP barely rose over 8 years. The country and economy isn't better off despite all these 'jobs' that were created.
>Doubled the national debt in 8 years
>Companies leaving the US in record numbers and outsourcing their labour to foreigners
>lead from behind
>Allowed ISIS to rise under his watch
What a champ. Worst President since Wilson. Obama's the least nationalistic president of all time, he cares more about other countries than his 'own' people
> who is Hoover
Are you a Fox News watcher too?
Got Wilson mixed up with Hoover, I don't know much about US politics pre dating ww2. Few too many drinks I'm afraid. My point still stands though, Obama has allowed/encouraged the world to fall into utter chaos and is watching Europe disintegrate.
Hell, if Obama was president instead of Reagan the Berlin Wall would still be standing today.
Dude Wilson was a badass professor from NJ. Read his 14 points for the end of WWI.
I thought for sure you were one of those Fox News watchers as they bash him for some reason.
Politics from just before Teddy to around Ike is pretty cool.
Just before you get the gilded age, just after...Idk, more bias and politics instead of history.
As for your "facts", the debt has not doubled, this is easily google-able, that's not how they create jobs, and I'd like to see your cutation on companies leaving.
You are right about ISIS; as far as I remember, McCain said he was against the pullout.
Pretty sure Gorbashov had far more to do with the fall than Reagan ever did.
>alt right dog whistle /pol/ post
>for a basic bitch republican comment
So, a simple google search will show you that there's no lasting damage to the brain, other than if you have "wet brain" which is mostly caused by deficiency of vitamin b1 (so just take multivitamins and eat properly and you'll be okay). Go ahead and have a drink if you can control yourself or restrict it to just the weekends.
ITT: Veeky Forums faggots who literally just say whatever dumb shit pops into their empty little head and OP you're already retarded, cause you're asking Veeky Forums instead of just googling this shit. You're already gone son.
Faggot, you don't even have basic grammatical skills and you're saying you have an IQ of 120+. Kill yourself.
> 18
> underage drinking
move to a civilised country m8
Stop drinking alcohol.
Says who?
Fuck off, you can have a "blast" time drinking cola with your friends as well
I never got why people need to drink in order to have fun
In most civilised countries tobacco is seen as cool and usually there is a large amount of socialising based on having a smoke. Also I've noticed the phenomenon that most of these smokers are always "quitting", since that is seen as more cool.
>18 year old
>underage drinking
Amerifats get out
Will do no damage at all.
Not in Australia - you're basically on the same level as a junkie if you smoke here
I've been having existential crises 30x more often since I took LSD. Psychedelics aren't fun and games like alcohol is.