Is the Theia impact one of the most illogical hypotheses in science...

Is the Theia impact one of the most illogical hypotheses in science? Anyone would have an easier time describing the evidence of the Big Bang than convince someone that the Moon was formed from debris derived from a proto-planet crashing into Earth

Is this thread one of the most illogical mental shits in Veeky Forums? Anyone would have an easier time proving that /b/ has some intelligence than convince someone that this thread has any intellectual merit at all.

Its called accretion you dumb nigger
shouldn't have dropped out of school

Go ahead, explain the ludicrous decried by the Theia hypothesis. It's bullshit. What kind of evidence do we have that proves there were a bunch of proto-planets rotating in our solar system? How does debris magically form together so cleanly to make a near-sphere?

This is laughable shit that I would expect from a religionfags, but it pisses me off reading articles from NASA talking about this shit as if it was proven.

Gravity and molecular cohesion.

Go ahead, explain the evidence with
an alternative theory, Smart Guy.
inb4 w-whut evidence

>How does debris magically form together so cleanly to make a near-sphere?
ahahah holy fuck
You think we could just have a giant asteroid instead of the moon?

The gravity of the debris would be too minimal and nullified by the superior gravity of the Sun and Earth. Molecular cohesion literally plays no factor you retard, the debris was solid.

It's simply scientists circle-jerking for a convoluted thesis. The Moon was a passing asteroid attracted by Earth's gravitational poll. But that's too simple for scientists, we have to come up with bible-tier explanation for the Moon formation.

successful troll thread

Earth rocks can be found on the moon meaning there was a collision billions of years ago.

It's called Gravity. There's a few books written on the topic.

There's supposed to be a planet between Mars and jupiter, but it's an asteroid belt instead. Makes you wonder

all the terrestrial worlds are cross contaminated you retard

That really activated my almonds.

>The gravity of the debris would be too minimal and nullified by the superior gravity of the Sun and Earth.

By your logic, planets and moons would never form to begin with

But how can this be? How did rocks from Earth end up on the moon? Did the rocks just magically fly to the moon?

No it was a collision.


Yeah and mars rocks end up on earth doesnt mean mars collided with earth

shitty samefag

Mars rock came from something that hit Mars ejecting those rocks into space eventually landing on earth.

>The Moon was a passing asteroid attracted by Earth's gravitational poll

Prove it. Likewise, whats the real difference between calling it an asteroid or calling it a proto planet? In either case its a rock that formed in the solar system.

You don't have to prove that, it's just literally thinking about for more than 4 seconds. There's no reason to believe an asteriod or proto-planet crashed into Earth, it's on par with new age theories.

The early solar system had far more rocky planets than today so some of them would have to collide into eachother since it takes a long time for orbits to become stable.

Okay then write a paper and put forward your own hypothesis or google until you find an answer you like.

Yeah that's exactly user's point. Earth rocks could have easily found their way to the moon via asteroid impacts. We would expect Earth rocks to be up there. I'm interested in hearing some actual proof for this theory.

>The Moon was a passing asteroid