>how does a wing work?
>Bernoulli bro!
>how does bike stay upright?
>angular momentum bro!
What are some other overly simplified explanations that get parroted a lot?
How does a wing work?
>"It's an imbalance of chemicals in your brain"
>"carbon dioxide and muh greenhouse"
>"it's not ionizing lol xd brah look at the magnetron com' on chicken"
>"it's not ionizing lol xd brah look at the magnetron com' on chicken"
What's this referring to?
reddit-tier understanding of the thermal and non-thermal effects of non-ionizing radiation on the human body
rev up those articles senpai
no :^)
>"Entropy is a measure for disorder"
>"The sum of all natural numbers is -1/12"
>space is a vacuum
>before the big bang everything was compressed on 1 point
>evolution disproves the second law of thermodynamics
>how can p=np unless n=1 or p=0
>number theory is purely theoretical and has no effect on real life
kek the p=np one got me
>number theory is purely theoretical and has no effect on real life
Is this really a common thing?
>Entropy is a measure for disorder
This one really grinds my gears.
Came up in a recent IUT thread a lot, I doubt that the average person considers it to be a useful field, most people seem to think that anything past basic maths is purely masturbatory.
>Quantum computers are faster because can just try every possible answer at once
There's nothing wrong with simplified explanations, as long as you understand that this doesn't give the whole picture.
Microwave Oven pranks.
>Schrödinger's cat is dead and alive simultaneously
I hate this god damn thought experiment, especially when people referring to it don't understand what superposition is
m8 it's supposed to be confusing
think its a good explanation desu
Those are not overly simplified explanations nigguh those are just wrong.
But he is
Do you really believe that...?
The Bernoulli one gets me more because it's flat out wrong rather than just an over simplification