>"Gee user, if you are so interested in science, how come you have no peer-reviewed publication? You're just an amateur!"
What is your answer?
"Gee user, if you are so interested in science, how come you have no peer-reviewed publication? You're just an amateur!"
>I'm just an undergrad pleb
But even then you should have done some undergraduate research.
Being interested in something, doesnt mean you have to actively contribute to it. Or did you make your favorite movie yourself? Thats right! *tips fedora*
Intelectuals (me): 1
Christfags (you):0.1(for tits)
There really is no excuse for that.
>I'm a popsci faggot
I'm interested in sports, but I'm not a professional athlete. What the fuck kind of post is this?
>i cant spot obvious sarcasm
>I talk shit about Ronaldo and Messi without having ever played football, even at a local club
This is a "you're the worst kind of human" kind of post
lmao you sick fucks....
>go to restaurant, because you cant cook
>get nice soup
>hmm... oh wait
>it is way too fucking salty
>tell that to chef
>he says "hurr how can you tell, you never made a soup. you are not a chef like me"
nice logic itt
Yes, we should all refrain from having hobbies and opinions.
I do though
>implying you can just have a publication like that about your favorite topics
Memes aside, this is actually pretty accurate
Does a publication in a science magazine from a shit tier university count?
Maybe I will if you suck my balls
you whore
...but I do. Hell, I have multiple manuscripts in review now, let alone what I already have published.
>lying on the internet
I have cerebral palsy. I am actually totally up for joining in a football match, and have actually been invited to do so, and unironically, because the average person is much more friendly and awesome than most would assume. But I would be unlikely to lead any team to victory.
I'm an extreme case, to be sure, but sometimes an extreme case can clarify an issue. The clarification I can offer is this: generally speaking, there is no license, earned by excellence or ever mere participation in some field or activity, that is a prerequisite for either interest in that field or activity, or praise or criticism toward those involved in it professionally.
A factory worker with no education can be excited about robots landing on Mars. That's totally allowed. A nonathletic guy, whatever his reasons for being nonathletic, can criticize a professional athlete. Also totally allowed.
they are, of course, right
I have a publication on the way though so it's ok
I'll publish when I'm ready to publish :^)
cause peer reviewing a publishing takes ages
got 1 paper that I coauthored with a prof in review and today I met with a girl from my class to talk about writing an article
>just finished 1st year of undergrad
Peer review is educated stupid. The only truth is four-simultaneous days time cube.
I know peer review of hard work...
Suddenly you get out of everything, and its released even without metioning your name...
I'm also a college dropout without a future. I never said I was smart.
>tfw interested in science
>hate with a burning passion all of academia and the related bullshit
i swear to god every person who i've met that was a graduate student is the smuggest faggot
I have several peer-reviewed publications
because i'm a private sector engineer so my work is under nda.
>"I'm not interested in an academic career so most of my viable ideas are kept as trade secrets."
Although I'm too poor to do materialize anything. I hate my fucking life.
did you not hear me the first time? I do.
Everything about this post is correct, save the fedora. You can kill yourself.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class at MIT, and I've been involved in numerous scientific breakthroughs, and I have over 300 confirmed publications. I am trained in physics and I'm the top astronomer in the entire US scientific community. You are nothing to me but just another liberal arts major. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of professors across the USA and your GPA is being reduced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can debate you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my mind. Not only am I extensively trained in particle physics, but I have access to the entire arsenal of JSTOR and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Hahaha excellent!
>supporting the anti-intellectual, scientist-exploiting """"peer review"""" Springer/Elsevier behemoth monopoly in the first place
>being a popsci maggot is okay
im still gathering information on historical backround before I start working on trials.
>what is self-publishing and open access journals
Why is that 8 year old giving me the finger and why hasn't she been beat for it?
>"Na I haven't made anything to publish but I'll get there one day"
>continue chatting
Stop being a fucking autist people besides nobody in real life would have laugh at you for being interested in science despite not having contributed anything
because I'm not a scientist bitch, I'm a professional engineer and amateur logician
I only harvest, and ave little intention of ever giving anything in return.
>everything is right
>why are you not seeding torrents?
>implying these semen demons even know what a peer-reviewed publication is
Open access journals are still peer-reviewed, phaggot. It means that everyone can access them - they're not behind a paywall. It doesn't mean that every couch-scientists can publish there.
>implying they're semen demons
Only the one on the left is kind of cute. You know she'd be a total nuisance though.
>You know she'd be a total nuisance though.
Not with my penor down her esophagus.
>being this retarded
This is a "your words are heartfelt and inspiring" kind of post
This. Major gutter trash all around.
Myriad possible factors biasing these outcomes, but nonetheless, it is a pattern. I'd like to smash some of these people's head into a wall until it starts working right, or stops working at all.
>that posture
Holy fucking shit I have this problem. It's hard to avoid because it feels like it's a comfortable position, but I know it's fucking me up. How do I make it stop?!
I had the same issue. Go get a physical therapy, specifically one specialized in neck and shoulder issues.
>A TA called me stupid therefore he is wrong
This is a "I got my ass handed to me so I had to safe face" kind of post