>muh contribution to science

the permanent entropic state of the universe makes achievements rather pointless. everything we do will decay. so when you get down to it people achieve things ultimately for that dopamine reward, now drugs get straight to the point. these achievements are as relatively transient as being high but require so much more effort. now you can say there is value in achievement in itself but that is on a whim. the best one can do is say achievement makes them feel better than drugs but then most reasonably it's a matter of relative reward / relative effort. and a steady supply of drugs will almost always win out here (the only exception i can think of is adding significant amounts of time to your lifespan since that means more time to be dopamined). there is a physical limit to how happy we can be due to the availability of receptors, all or none principle, etc. drugs get right up there with no effort. meanwhile achievement can too but typically the most rewarding achievements are the most difficult.

tldr i'm not saying you might as well be high all day erry day but you might as well be high all day erry day

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Congrats user, you've figured it out.
Now go stick those needles in your arm and let happiness overflow.

Take your pedophile cartoons back to .

You're going to feel dumb when something in the universe figures out how to stop the entropic state.

>something can break the laws of physics
good luck with that, especially in our lifetime.

OP your point is irrelevant because normal human machines that do not tweak their own chemicals - just function appropriately to send people on moon, cure diseases and so on, even understanding how the brain works gives you move freedom over it - freedom that drugs might've never gave you.


I-I don't think we have to worry about it in our lifetimes, user.

you want to be free because that's what makes you happy, thus your point is moot.

That text is so scientifically inaccurate that it hurts...

It's in this style.

Basically a book for rednecks from a pseudo-intellectual.

>Jerrodd, Jerrodine, and Jerrodette I and II watched the starry picture in the visiplate change as the passage through hyperspace was completed in its non-time lapse.


Reductive sheltered manchild pseud """"philosophy"""" trash at its finest

maybe u could post this on Veeky Forums next time since your argument is based in philosophy and not in anything related to math or science

oh yes the unless it's a convoluted mess that affirms my false hopes it's trash philosopher, was wondering when you'd show up. great way to avoid the argument and show everyone how superior you are because you dismissed something.

on the contrary, this has everything to do with science and math as a pointless endeavor like philosophy.

>implying that, once we merge our consciousness with an AI, achieving post-Singularity levels of awareness and problem solutions, we won't find out how to overcome entropy, by either forcing the universe into a "Big Crunch" or creating a new universe entirely.

When the fuck is this "Singularity" suppose to happen so you can get to the post part of it?

A person who wants to write a book isn't doing it for le epin dopamine, he's doing it for the specific sense of accomplishment of having personally created. The dopamine IS this sense of accomplishment you dolt, not somehow prior to it and actually "what's really going on".

It's like saying people only eat food for the ATP, in a biological sense yes because we are biological creatures, but there's more it than that.

You stink of Babby's first reductionism. "Le dopamine XDD" and anime, can you get anymore fucking pseud? Read more pleb

> he's doing it for the specific sense of accomplishment of having personally created.
and he can feel that way with drugs. so your point is moot, dingus.

>The dopamine IS this sense of accomplishment you dolt, not somehow prior to it and actually "what's really going on".
you have terrible reading comprehension if you thought i was conflating the accomplishment with dopamine release.

>but there's more it than that.
no there really isn't.

you reek of desperation for meaning in a world with none.

Hahaha the animebaby is gonna lecture me about the world

If you think all accomplishment in the world can be reduced to a hit of dat good shit nigga you're a child


But I'm a pessimist, and don't buy Kurzweil's rosy 2045 date.

is dismissal, 2deep4u and bad reading comprehension all you have? you're no fun.

I don't waste my time with undergrads who think "le world is meaningless dude dopamine lmao" is profound. When you mature a bit you'll remember that guy on Veeky Forums who called you a mental midget and thank me for it

oh look at mr postgrad desperate to justify to himself his degree that amounted to nothing. lmao.

Epic strawman faggot

whatever you say, pottery.

Hey pal, you just blow in from stupid town?