What do you think about magnetic levitation?
What do you think about magnetic levitation?
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i think its cool
I don't think about it
"Yes... But can I fuck it?"
the classic Veeky Forums respose
Yes, you can.
I want a magnetic monopole.
Causes cancer.
fake and gay
the same i think about acoustic levitation
that is, that still too many people dont know it exists
To lift even a small mass, it must use sound that is loud as fuck. Like loud enough to cause harm to your skin.
no it would need high and precicly modulatable frequencies, not amplitudes
you sound like a typical american: if its not effective, make it bigger, stronger, louder, faster etc.
the last thing you people seem to think of is precision..
dont go into science pls
pretty few uses until we can do it at normal temperatures. no it doesn't violate conservation of energy. I'm guessing that pic is standard Yttrium barium supercooled
you can also create a magnetic field with charges in motion like maglev train
Bullshit. Pic fucking related. Refer to figures A and D, these are the amplitude fields for an acoustic hologram for levitation. Please note the scale bar. 4000 pascals is insanely high, especially at this frequency.
weak interference patterns need higher energy
you are literally blind to the concept of precision congraz
That equation isn't proof that magnetic monopoles don't exist. It's just an observation that they have yet to be discovered if they do exist.
>muh "precision"
you have to go back
Pic B looks very familiar...
>Dorito point bitch equals 0
lol you americans are so stupid
what the fuck is a 'weak interference pattern'? This is an acoustic fucking hologram, it doesn't get any more precise than this: nature.com
In order to exert a force on a particle we need a pressure differential which implies high intensity sound.
Are you literally retarded
Sorry meant
for the other fag you responded to.
It works.
look 'weak intereference pattern' is laymens terms obviously and I'm obviously not a scientist
but I can't imagine they hit the peak of effectiveness with their hardware setup
I can however imagine higher frequency/shorter wavelenght would reduce the tweezer to less than a 30 cm.
I mean you can't tell me that's the best acousting hologram we can get which is almost the length of my forearm.
Can we play sound(something having waveform) to electromagnets, to do something like this happen?
Weak interference pattern how? It doesn't have high enough amplitudes? The phases aren't aligned properly?
That pic related is an ideal case. It is one optimal configuration found for an acoustic hologram created by a single sided array.
>>I can however imagine higher frequency/shorter wavelenght would reduce the tweezer to less than a 30 cm.
Then the size of the object being levitated must shrink too. The acoustic force here depends on the object being smaller than the wavelength used.
The point of this work(READ THE PAPER DAMMIT) is to levitate and move objects relatively far above the array. Something that hadn't been done before.
Higher frequencies also attenuate more in air.
A much better way to do it is by measuring the objects position and appropriately controlling the magnetic field to keep it in place.
>He thinks Maxwell was an experimental physicist and not just a mathematician.