what would happen if I fly a spaceship to a gas planet and light a match?
What would happen if I fly a spaceship to a gas planet and light a match?
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This is actually how Suns are made; a huge meteor or something makes it through the atmosphere and hits the gas, and then it ignites and condenses into lava.
That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about stars to dispute you.
this is wrong
you need to pile on more mass for an object to become a star
>this is wrong
babys first bait
i bet you respond seriously to the sun made if fire vs sun made of ice threads
so what happens if you light up a gas planet? does it explode?
Not true at all. Its only pure luck that neither Jupiter nor Saturn have had their atmospheres ignited yet to start the process to turn them into suns
Nobody is able to answer this simple question? I thought this was the Veeky Forums board.
what would happen to us if that happened?
You're actually not wrong, if a gas giant gets too much mass it'll just collapse in on itself and become an ice sun, since there's nothing to heat it up it just turns into solid form. It's the same size as a regular lava sun though since ice is the solid form and therefore denser. But in the cases where ignition occurs, a lava sun, aka a "red giant" is formed.
It'd be day all the time then, but luckily Jupiter is too far away for the heat to reach us, and the famous asteroid belt would provide insulation.
you're retarded Jupiter and Saturn arent nearly massive enough to start internal fission
I think you're confused, it's the meteors that aren't massive enough. Suns come in all sizes.
We would have 2 more suns in the solar system. However they wouldnt be very hot, maybe around 1000C, so called "lava suns". Its possible one or both could shed their heat quite quickly and become "ice suns" at around -1000C. Lets hope they dont collide
Depends on how saturated with oxygen the spaceship's air is.
It's pretty much all hydrogen and helium. Meaning the match won't be to catch fire.
Although if one brings oxygen along, one can use said oxygen as 'fuel' for a combustion engine
if the gas of the planet is flamable can I light it all up with a single match?
Yes, but only if the atmosphere contains a mixture of fuel and oxidizer.
This is exceedingly unlikely to happen. Such atmospheres are unlikely, even if they did happen they would have been ignited long ago by lightning.
Yes, it will go up like a torch
the planet would blow up nigga
You mean fusion.
What if Juno discovers Jupiter's internal dynamics make it more akin to a star than a planet?
They already just discovered the Great Red Spot is the result of local increased heating from beneath Jupiter's clouds.
Then that would be interesting
That is highly unlikely. It is very unlikely that jupiter that jupiter is undergoing fusion today, if it was, our neutrino observatories would have detected it.
No what the study showed is that the great red spot heats the atmosphere above it via transfer of acoustic energy from the storm. physicsworld.com
Jupiter is no where near massive enough to do any sort of fusion let alone sustained fusion
Brown dwarfs are able to do some forms of fusion, however this in sustained during the Brown Dwarfs life time.
the dividing line between Gas giant planet and brown dwarf is around 13 times the mass of Jupiter at it extends upwards to about 75 times the mass of Jupiter as the upper bound between brown dwarfs and proper stars.
You would have a spaceship that smells like match smoke.
You cant light a match in space there is no oxigen to be burn. Take that.
there is already lightning there.
Nothing would happen.
As we know fire needs three things:
Plenty of that on a gas planet
From the match, so far so good.
Gas planets are in space. Space has no oxygen (that's why yo can't breaathe in space).
Therefore there would therefore be no fire because it lacks oxygen therefore it lacks the conditions necessary for a fire therefore no fire.
If i lit it with a fuse would it start fusion?
How about ice suns?
there might be oxigen among the gas of that planet
>Gas planets are in space. Space has no oxygen
It would be extremely heatful
For Juno.
A comet is used instead.
I don't understand this thread. I thought Veeky Forums was intelligent. Am I having a glimpse of the true knowledge of the plebians when it comes to the creation of stars or are there really 20 posters in here all trolling each other?
Seems plausible
Nobody is trolling. People are just funposting. Memes man