>theory of relativity is almost 100 years old
I thought Science was supposed to advance knowledge not just jerk off with it?
Why are today's scientists so useless?
>theory of relativity is almost 100 years old
I thought Science was supposed to advance knowledge not just jerk off with it?
Why are today's scientists so useless?
Well yeah it sucks.
>we live in an era where you can get a Nobel Prize for inventing the blue LED
Don't get me wrong, it's a fine invention, but not a discovery. The future of physics doesn't look so good.
It's more like Einstein was 100 years ahead.
>gravitational waves
its the retarded threads that hold the science back
We figured almost everything out, physics is almost at an end, or at least future discoveries will be beyond human comprehension
You clearly have no idea why it is a significant scientific discovery or the physics behind it (not even referring to its technological importance)
Condensed matter is so unappreciated by popsci brainlets like you
We still haven't figured out how to deal with the philosophical consequences. Einstein's ideas had a huge cultural impact, even though hell most people don't even understand it.
What about string theory? bosons and gravitons and stuff?
Honestly I think we've figured out physics pretty well by this point, the next great scientific revolution will be in biology.
The distractions they're dealt with primarily. Used to, people, in their off time, would contemplate how shit could be shit. Now we're more prone to watching TV, playing on the compoodles, using Google et cetera et cetera
Still, String theory
The reason why physics is in a rut is largely to do with the theory of relativity and the bad maths and models that go along with it.
Muh gravity waves meme.
>You're ahead by a century
Ah and presumably you have a superior theory? Or are you just talking out of your ass?
No, I just think that much of science being done, which is based on the theory of relativity is flawed and erroneous and is holding back other models that might be more interesting. We don't know everything yet and there is plenty of room still for debate and for a deeper analysis of how the world works. Why are relativists scared of competition?
>I think we've figured out physics pretty well by this point
idiots will never learn -_-"
>holding back other models that might be more interesting
Such as?
Dude, wtf, stop feeding.
>much of science being done, which is based on the theory of relativity is flawed and erroneous
How so?
>Why are relativists scared of competition?
Maybe if a competing theory has as much predictive power as relatvity. Until then, I think they're resting pretty easy.
What fundamental new phenomenon was discovered in the process?
sounds like you have no idea either. what are you on about?
not him but conceiving of, inventing the reactor for and developing an a system of doping and annealing a material which doesn't exit in nature to replace the light bulb
Low quality bait. Come back when you have better bait.
>I thought
That's where you went wrong.
Relativity still works for certain things, there's no reason to replace it completely with something new.
I'm not saying those are not brilliant inventions but I'd hardly call them discoveries.
Before I even read your post, the catalog only showed your green text part
And I immediately thought the same thing
>what the fuck has our scientists been doing?
We have the Hadron Collider I guess
>idiots repeating history by claiming physics is mostly "done".
Look at any "Orders of Magnitude" page on wiki and weep, OP. Look at the records for different man made physical measures and compare them to some of the cosmic magnitudes or physical limits.
I recently read a paper that used a curved conductor hit with an intense (i.o.w. pulsed) laser to create a pulsed magnetic field on the order of 1 kilotesla, in an area of about 1 mm squared. Stuff is getting freaking hard to do. All the low hanging fruit has been picked. We are at the engineering limits of everything. Last low hanging fruit is in biology, maybe space if we make a breakthrough. Considering the fact that some people think quantum gravity takes place at the Planck scale, it can seem like physics is at an incomplete lull due to impracticality.
Wew lad
Keep thinking that
Wew, I'm new in Veeky Forums but never knew you guys had same ideas as me.
This was exactly what people thought about physics before QM and Relativity.
The physics behind LEDs are complex as fuck
>Don't get me wrong, it's a fine invention, but not a discovery.
I'd like to see you make a blue LED
>Why are today's scientists so useless?
they arent useless. in fact a modern genius is much much more competent than a genius a century ago. it's just that the easy stuff has all already been done. but for example physics relating to engineering has progressed a lot in recent times. just take solid state electronics and photonics as an example
It's because people don't understand how Einstein did what he did. He started with an idea, a principle and then put it into the simplest mathematical formalism that was capable of realizing it.
Most people get caught up in the math ("muh differentiable manifolds" "muh Hilbert spaces") and they don't keep in mind what it MEANS. The people who do are few and far between, but they are making progress. Who knows, our math might not be at the level where it can express the ideas we need. We might need a theory of n-categories or something like that. I'd like to think it's not the case but it's possible.
I wonder if anyone here has any experience in physics. Because I don't see a single person who has an inkling.
>take regular led
>put blue cap on it
Wow that was hard.