can sci explain why there's so much disrespect for CS people here? No seriously. My school (which is very good at both math and CS) have very high respect for CS people, and I personally found the 2 introductory cs classes I took to be equally if not harder than my upper div math classes, which includes like complex analysis, algebraic geometry..etc. Yes I'm a math guy. Just a sincere question.
Can sci explain why there's so much disrespect for CS people here? No seriously...
math and physics majors hate CS and engineering majors because they get good paying jobs straight out of college
it's a meme, partially encouraged by the fact that a number of CS freshman are half-braindead morons who thinks they don't need math because they want to be epic hackers or game developers.
As usual just ignore the trolls.
Math / Physics majors think of CS majors as codemonkeysm
CS majors think of Math / Physics majors as glorified calculators.
They are both right.
>t-they hate us b-because they ain't us xD
Yeah, how about killing yourself faggot? Holy shit is this lereddit now? I mean it. Is this literally lereddit now?
Are we #redditmemesandspeech now?
Fucking hell you disgust me.
Anyways, pic related and shut the fuck up.
No one respects CS majors because their courses do not require real mathematics. Also people who study CS tend to be worse at math than math, engineering and physics majors in general.
Basically respect does not come for free and there are so many examples that show why you should not expect CS majors to be above an ant. There was a thread some days ago about this girl on CS and she was fucking talking shit.
>My favorite language is HTML5
Really nigga? Fucking web dev shit? Kill yourself.
>When I ask questions by professors get mad at me cuz I am a grillllzzzssss
Oh shit not that #feminism shit.
CS people honestly disgust me.
Just to go /g/ and ask them to post all their CS graduate memes. You will have a fucking laugh.
It's both the type of people those subjects attract plus how washed down the subject has become.
The simple solution is to have real analysis as a first semster weedout.
No, that's no good man. CS is already defined as the STEM cash cow. Millions of morons pay tuition each year to fund our labs and facilities and then they drop out by their 3rd year.
Those who do end up graduate get a degree that loses value by the second so it is not like they are competing with the rest of us.
Fuck it, take away calculus from CS classes so that more of the morons can get up to their third year and pay more and more tuition. It helps us man.
I'm got a Masters CS and even I dislike / disrespect them.
No other majors have a autist / retard rate this high. You think the fedora-wearing neckbeard who didn't shower for two weeks and is yelling about his vidya is a meme? Guess again! At least one out of three is one of those disgusting idiots.
The required math (and theoretical CS) courses are a joke compared to other engineering or science majors yet, many students fear and fail them.
The media pushes some kind of feminist hype down our universities throat to get more women into IT. Resulting in bitches getting their assignments done by the horny beta males around them. They finish with a Degree without ever programming a single line of code and expect to get a managing position because of their gender.
The job market is oversaturated by programmers (mostly out of eastern countries). The companies cry for more graduates to keep the salaries low and the chances are high for you to get fired at 45 unless you get into managing. If you don't, well too bad. Your skillset is now completely outdated by the recent hype and you will be replaced by a young graduate for half your pay.
I would never advise someone to go into CS, if he has a choice!
It's a meme you dip, applied science will always be given more value in actual society. The maths/physics thing is just Veeky Forums shitposting.
The thing is that CS is not applied science. It is specialized code monkeying and the thing is that no one needs a CS degree to become a software developer.
I work in software and I don't even have a degree yet. I'm going through my freshman year of mathematics right now.
CS is such an useless degree because everything it teaches is not fundamental knowledge. You don't really need professional guidance to learn programming or algorithms or data structures because all those topics are so intuitive it is ridiculous.
>user, why is this data structure better than this other one for this kind of task
>Because you can search in O(n) type in one and O(n^2) time in the other
You think you are making a clever joke here but the joke is on you because CS people believe that when they get to time complexity they are already doing rocket science brain transplant surgery tier shit.
>The maths/physics thing is just Veeky Forums shitposting.
kek, modern Veeky Forums hates math and science. It's basically Veeky Forums for people with no charisma.
I'm consistently surprised that people on this board are so willing to bash and voice opinions on things they clearly know little about, considering this is a science board.
Feel free to enlighten us then...
Major in whatever interests you. Anyone who tells you to "le kys faggit xD" in response to what you're majoring in obviously still has some maturity issues to overcome.
Typical, can't figure things out for yourself, need someone to hold your hand and explain for you.
You're naïve if you think any field doesn't become challenging at more abstract and higher levels.
>kill yourself tier
What fucking retard made this?
Does Veeky Forums actually hate the Socratic Method?
My brain actually hurts trying to understand this level of dullness.
Because math majors are butthurt that they have to apply to dozens of jobs before they are hired. they get jelly when recruiters practically suck CS majors' dicks
To be fair philosophy is actually infinite tiers below computer science.
If CS is the flu then philosophy is the fucking plague. Cancer of cancers.
Do you like science?
Philosophy as a subject is inevitable, but as an academic field it is pretty shit.
This is hilarious, when you realize math comes from philosophy, and a number itself is a philosophical concept.
OP here. Just trying to get a clear picture. I think it's completely false to say you can self teach CS or that CS people do no real math.
Its hard to quantify what it means to self teach, however some of the projects we worked on in my (freshmen) cs class are completely nontrivial to the point I'd kill myself if you could read some stack posts and just "figure it out". For instance one project was to build a text editor (using java) supporting ~20 common features almost entirely from scratch, from constructing the data structure you'll use to store your characters to rending the texts so they appear on screen, to taking mouse inputs...etc. Keep in mind this is freshmen cs, and I have no idea what kind of beasts higher level people tackle up there. If you were able to teach yourself to do something like that, at least I wouldn't be able to.
As for the math, our CS department requires calc, lin alg+diff eq, and discrete math as lower divs. There are also extremely math heavy core upper dives which is basically all math, like machine learning, algorithms, hard core probability... etc. Sometimes I wonder if my cs friends are better than me at induction.
Basically i'm going to conclude that shitting on cs is just a meme, if no further (substantiated) evidence is provided. I mean I don't mind getting good laughs at these treads but sometimes i think a science board should be slightly more realistic
>No one respects CS majors because their courses do not require real mathematics.
So what's a CS curriculum like in the US? Over here we get at least some analysis, calculus, linear algebra, discrete mathematics, statistics, logic... Obviously it's not at the level of a math major but it's more than nothing.
That doesn't mean that reading philosophy will make you understand math better. Those philosophical concepts are embedded in any good course.
And the reason you have the concepts is what? Magic?
Doesn't exist, know how we know?
I'm CS student and a game developer and I hate other CS students.
It's because 90% of them aren't interested in actual computer science. At best they are interested in programming, but most of them doesn't even care about it. Majority are just failed students from every other degree and people without passion who want to do CS just because there is plenty of well paid jobs. They are not interested in math, they don't want to learn anything, they just want to get the degree and code monkey job. I hate to listen their whines: "I'm a web dev, I don't need Java" or "Why do I have to learn algebra, I just wanted to make games"
It's really hard to find someone who are genuinely interested in math, CS and programming and want to expand their interests.
>No one respects CS majors
CS majors are quite respected here. Same thing in OP's uni.
The only thing that comes from philosophy are pseudo intellectual retards who cannot know muffins and are trying too hard to be deep.
Don't hijack our shit saying that 'Oh math comes from philosophy' Mathematicians have done great things, philosophers have done shit.
This is like when CS people try to hijack math culture and say that what Don Knuth, Djikstra and the GNU fat guy have done is why CS is great.
Those guys are mathematicians and physicists, they are not part of your culture. Computer Scientists and philosophers alike are all spergs.
That itself isn't what mathematicians ask and not a key element of mathematics. If you find those questions interesting and worthwhile then go for it, but it is not a necessity to understand group theory or even first order logic.
It won't make you understand math better, but it will make you better at math.
Doing problems, a lot of them, will make you better at math and many of the philosophical underlinings will come naturally.
>"Stop appropriating math culture!"
You can word it any way you want, it does not make it less true.
Philosofags in this board always say 'muh philosophy of science' and 'did you know math is part of philosophy' and to that I say no. Fucking no.
Scientists, mathematicians and engineers took us to the moon and back.
Philosophers take you from one useless point to... that same useless point 2000 years ago because turns out when your field is all about pointless discussion, there is no proper way to settle a debate. For every single philosophy issue there are like 50 different camps developed by 50 different absolute spergs.
The same goes for CS. 'Oh, CS is part of math dude. We are like applied mathematicians'. No you are fucking not. You are fucking not. You don't know math. You don't know shit.
You are super mad. Why?
So you see that the techniques that use in math are the same as the ones as in philosophy.
You start with something small that is universally accepted, and build an argument on it, making logical conclusions, until you have a fully formed proof or theory.
The difference is what the subject matter deals with. If you're a mathematician I think it's hard to dismiss the end result of philosophy with out mutilating math a little.
I like to reaaaaally get my point across.
I am not neutral on this issue. I think CS majors are retarded and the fact that people still think they can debate this pisses me off.
Can we just move to making CS banter threads already? Why do we even have to discuss this shit.
/g/ already went over this phase. Now they have their CS stories threads because even though they are mostly CS majors they know how many retards roam their classrooms. They fucking have fun with it.
Why can't we do the same? Why do we still have to argue about this. THE ARGUMENT IS SETTLED. CS PEOPLE ARE RETARDED. DEAL WITH IT.
Fucking hell.
Yes and people with Doctorates of Philosophy in those respective fields took us there.
Anyways for someone who seems to have such a low opinion of the fields you seem to think about them a lot.
>Philosophers take you from one useless point to... that same useless point 2000 years ago because turns out when your field is all about pointless discussion
>implying pure math has any relevance to 99.99% of the world
>Yes and people with Doctorates of Philosophy
A PhD in a non-philosophy field has nothing to do with philosophy. The PhD comes from the root of those words, now what they are nowadays.
Are you stupid?
>you seem to think about them a lot.
I do spend a lot of time in Veeky Forums so I get exposed to them a lot. It is not the first time I've had a debate with a philosofag and the only thing you got going for yourself is that your posts have no yet devolved into self masturbatory speech where you just use 10 character long words that have 5 character long synonyms that are perfectly usable but no, you gotta sound le smartzzz because if you don't then you lose that philosophy cred.
You are not getting my point. In mathematics debates do get settled because we have a way to show that things are true or false and those results are definitive.
There only really is debate in meta mathematics about which axioms should be used but even then there are options that are clearly better than others. ZFC is the answer to that question that may remain open to this day but still most people accept that ZFC is the holy grail of mathematical achievement.
Tell me one philosophical argument that has been settled.
None because you can literally propose anything as long as you can somehow justify it. That is why, as I said, for every philosophy argument there are 50 different camps.
>PhD has nothing to do with philosophy
You get one by working in an uncertain and abstract part of a field, creating an argument based on tentative parts of the fringe to assert a thesis. You essentially do what a philosopher does. It's a qualification to work in an uncertain or abstract part of a field, where there may not be much footing, or many of the prevailing theories are in fact wrong.
>philosophical argument Settled
Logic was defined by Aristotle. Later taken by science and math, for their own purposes. i don't think there's been much argument over it.
Mathematical generalisation isn't exactly like that. An axiomatic system can be pretty unintuitive and complex, it just needs to be consistent and useful.
Both this and the fact that you don't have modern science without the Socratic Method.
Regarding your first point... you are trying too hard. First, being a PhD has nothing to do with how abstract your field is. You do realize that there are PhDs writing papers about feminist glaciology right?
What about engineer PhDs who do so in very applied fields so that they can lead an operation at a cutting edge company. It is not abstract, it is as applied as applied can be and that does not devalue their efforts.
>Logic was defined by Aristotle. Later taken by science and math, for their own purposes. i don't think there's been much argument over it.
Oh, nice one. Yes, philosophy was useful 5 million years ago. Well done man. Now, back to 2016. Philosophy is useless and people who engage in it are pseudo intellectuals.
If your math is not at least at the level of an engineer BSc then I don't respect you and honestly see you as lesser.
Aristotelian logic is a fucking spec compared to first order logic.
Developed by Boole, Russel, Frege all philosophers.
I'm not trying too hard, you're not trying at all. Philosophy above all else is a way of thinking, and a way of creating a convincing argument. in a phd you create a similar argument to attempt to solve an open problem in the field. The name derives from the method.
Is logic not used in mathematics today?
They all had phds in mathematics bruh.
just read your own post out loud and reflect on your life
Mathfags are mad that they have no jobs and will end up teaching in some shitty public school for the rest of their lives, while a CS degree can lend you one of the highest paying jobs for someone right out of college.
>implying anyone there's attained a degree in CS
>No other majors have a autist / retard rate this high. You think the fedora-wearing neckbeard who didn't shower for two weeks and is yelling about his vidya is a meme? Guess again! At least one out of three is one of those disgusting idiots.
This is what kills it for me, half of the people just assume that they can sit in front of a computer and become the next notch. No one has any social skills and can't function away from something that resembles a chat room. Those who aren't trying to be the next notch are students who try to get the small proportion of people left who know their shit to do work for them.
Current medicine is a fucking joke.
>Medicine not being grouped up with chemistry or biology.
Really nigga
Can someone explain to me how linguistics is that high up? Interested in going in to that major.
Why lie?
Russel hand a ba in math, and was made a fellow in philosophy
Boole didn't have a degree
Frege is the only one with a phd, and he's second to Russell and Booles contributions to logic
They still are considered mathematicians before philosophers.
In real life, medicine is considered in a higher regard than any of the other subjects on that list and pays more money.
But it's obviously a joke list so doesn't matter.
Don't you get tired of lying?
Look these people up. Frege and Russel are first and foremost considered philosophers. Boole is a mathematician and then a philosopher
From Boole
"No general method for the solution of questions in the theory of probabilities can be established which does not explicitly recognise, not only the special numerical bases of the science, but also those universal laws of thought which are the basis of all reasoning, and which, whatever they may be as to their essence, are at least mathematical as to their form."
This is too easy
Look up alfred tarski, goddel or other non meme faggots who actually contributed to the subject.
Aren't you tired of being wrong?
"The Kurt Gödel Society, founded in 1987, was named in his honor. It is an international organization for the promotion of research in the areas of logic, philosophy, and the history of mathematics." There's his legacy
Tarski was a part of the Warsaw school of Mathematics and Philosophy, and described himself as a "mathematician, logician and perhaps a philosopher of a sort"
Why is astronomy such a low tier. It's only a few courses off of physics- at least in my school.
Fucking hell. Yes in the past you could be proficient in many fields and obviously turning logic into a new mathetical branch requires philosophy so they will have the title of "philosopher" next to his name. But well, the main point about all this is that you are categorising based on fucking titles and names but I bet you haven't had a propet logic course in your life. I mean actually using set theory and meta-proofs to create a well defined and rigorous system. This uses Algebra, set theory and even topology, nit philosophy and those people you gladly call philosophers are actually praised for using mathematical methods and fields to investigate logic in a completely new way. That's why bool is regarded as a mathematician, as well tarski, goddel turing etc. If you actually read into the theory and history of modern logic you would actually understand what's going on.
Your arguments are so weak, and poorly formed. If you've taken a logic class, you clearly didn't learn anything.
"Mathematical logic is an extension of symbolic logic into other areas, in particular to the study of model theory, proof theory, set theory, and recursion theory."
Saying mathematical logic isn't derived or tied to philosophy is like saying computer science isn't derived or related to math.
If you actually think logic help you form real world arguments you must have never taken a proper course. Also, no one is denying that logic began with philosophy, but that it has detached itself from philosophy with time.
Can't you read the archives? We have one of these threads every couple of months?
Most of Veeky Forums is engineers who are in it for the salary. They are jealous of CS majors because they can make a comparable salary for completing an easier degree.
Also Veeky Forums engineers think engineering math classes are actually difficult... topkek
>algebraic geometry
>in undergraduate
>have very high respect for CS people
Spotted the false flagger
"Logic is generally held to consist of the systematic study of the form of arguments. A valid argument is one where there is a specific relation of logical support between the assumptions of the argument and its conclusion."
You have yet to make a point that has any solid ground. You might do better if you make a logical argument.
It's obvious then that you don't actually understand what sort of "logic" the people you listed actually developed. Which shows you actually haven't been following this conversation and that you are ignorant about mathematical logic as a field.
Yeah don't really know about cs, but what the fuck is literature doing above medicine?
Doctors are brainlets who actually think their field is hard and competitive.
>backfire effect
This the first time you've referred to mathematical logic. If you really are a mathematician, you should be able to get your terms right.
Logic comes from philosophy, and it's a very broad subject at this point, which touches on many fields. There are several different areas within logic, one of them is symbolic logic. Symbolic logic is a formal area of logic that utilizes symbols to represent arguments. Propositions are laid out as symbols, as well as statements. These statements and propositions are used to prove or disprove arguments. Mathematical logic is a natural extension of this into math. While many of the ideas in mathematical logic are only pertinent to math (similarly logic as a whole interacts in the same way with math), there is some feedback into other areas of logic. An example of this is set theory, which proves to be useful in a range of areas, including philosophy.
I think it's quite clear these things, while not exactly the same go hand in hand. That's what Boole was saying too.
i hold a double in math and cs, and the biggest effort i ever put into cs was reading the lecture notes a day before the exam. honestly i can't even recall attending a single lecture.
granted, i've been a hobbyist programmer since the high school, but if a gifted high school student can pass univ courses running it means the whole degree is a joke.
mathematical logic is not an extension of symbolic logic into math, it is rather the a mathematical approach to study logic using abstract mathematical spaces and theorems.
"In the middle of the nineteenth century, George Boole and then Augustus De Morgan presented systematic mathematical treatments of logic. Their work, building on work by algebraists such as George Peacock, extended the traditional Aristotelian doctrine of logic into a sufficient framework for the study of foundations of mathematics."
I don't have anything else to say. As you go farther into your academic experience, I would try to expose yourself to other fields, especially the ones you have scorn for. Don't argue from ignorance, but from understanding.
>go fucking kill yourself tier
>not god tier
>not top tier
Crap list like any other "majors rankings".
Sorry to be so off-topic, but with respect to OP's picture where does Environmental Science fit?
I'm curious to know what Veeky Forums thinks.
Been thinking of going into cs for quite a while now, but honestly these threads are starting to make me change my mind. The argument with a bunch of Indians overtaking the job market within a few years seems possible..
Maybe I should do petroleums engineering? To be honest, all degrees sounds boring, but if you have to choose one, might as well go with the best paying..
You are using misleading quotes yourself. Aristotelian logic was extended in the sense that his syllogisms are nothing but a mere application of first order logic but is not built upon it. The only mention of Aristotelian logic in a logic course is basically "write all AEIO syllogisms using first order logic or CP". The system was mostly built upon the inference rules that mathematicians were using previously.
You will expect a lot of hippie faggots in it, but it's pretty much the opposite to that.
>CS taken by pajeet land, and offers nothing other than office jobs
>Petroleum engineering will be useless in a hundred years, is also very boring
>Physics is full of the top minds, who are probably going to take the job you were eyeing
>Math only offers jobs like working for a bank or firm or sitting in an office
>Biology has no jobs unless you slave away another 4 years
>Chemistry is a joke
>STEM is full of autistic neckbeards
>Geology is interesting, but the jobs offer a budget petroleum engineering experience
>Astronomy is gay
>Psychology isn't even real
STEM is a JOKE at this point.
Where were you when you realized the only degrees that will offer a good job and life is finance/economics ?
All of that is babby tier math, and any physics or mathematics student will have learned most, if not all of it by the end of their second year.
>mfw this thread
desu lad it should be higher.
linguistics is fucking amazing.
Is CS a good major if I want to eventually try to make sentient AI?
You should major in maths, physics, and biology as well.
AI/ML is 99% statistics, 1% code monkeying.
you're making a disservice to other CS majors trying to defend it with only freshman level knowledge.
>judging people based on their major
>deluding yourself into thinking that any undergraduate program is hard
that said, the most put-upon majors are those in engineering, because generally they dont have the wherewithal to reason past "i will major in my desired job title" and "i will choose my desired job title based on payscale data"
that said, some of the smartest people ive met either have no tertiary education or pursued careers largely divergent from their areas of study.
>Stemfags mad as fuck I got a job paying 70k right out of college with a degree in PolySci
try computational linguistics
>can't write PoliSci
>70k starting
biology btw
>He thinks PolySci is spelt PoliSci
>He tries to brag about majoring in a hard science
>doesn't know the meaning of "poly"
>thinks political science has anything to do with science
>believes in the hard and soft science meme
Just because you're retarded, doesn't mean you get to invent newspeak.