Give me some trolley problems, Veeky Forums.
Give me some trolley problems, Veeky Forums
>There is no problem.
>You are travelling safely to your destination.
Trust me, I tell that to myself everyday. But in the end I find myself being the one holding the lever and the one tied to the tracks, at the same time. I call it Schrodinger's despair.
How's that for a trolley problem?
Trolley problems are only hard if you have no sense of morality.
Yes, I take the risk. Not my fault if one of the other dudes pull his lever.
>zero casualties
>when one person must die at the start
>Can't into math
I don't need to into math to look at the picture and see there's someone tied to the rails before the first junction
You're missing the joke, and it's embarrassing.
Wow deep, dude xD
You've always been alone
there are 12 people in a group
My favorite is the philosophy professor one, but I don't have it.
Nope, not that one, but I found it.
Every time
It's both objectively and subjectively wrong to interact with the trolley at all.
Fucking saved.
What would you do in this situation?
Not my problem. Fuck 'em.
Nothing because in either case you are going to be sued by someone unless you were authorized to pull the lever
What if there are 5 people on the track and nobody on the other. The trolley is barrelling towards the 5 people. If you pull the lever, the junction switches to the other track, however, as a result of the lever system, you end up in the path of the trolley, saving 5 people but killing yourself
Is this even a problem? This is like solving x + 1= 2, there is a clear unique solution.
Killing philosophers is like donating food to Africa.
>This is like solving x + 1= 2, there is a clear unique solution
>what are complex numbers
add up 1+2+3+... and you get -1/12
add up 12+24+36+... and you get -1...
kill one more and you're back to 0
Gee that really made me make a thunkie
kek filename
Can you repeat the question?
Nice meme you got there
>Killing philosophers is like donating food to Africa.
The irony is palpable
switch the lever very fast and run off
I'm not a scrawny nerd I can run lol
I don't know why this one gets me
I dont get it. what risk?
All-Star is unironically one of my favourite songs ever.
You are lever guy #1. The risk is that the other lever guys could pull their levers and everyone the trolley had run over up to that point would die.
But if I pull, it wont run over anybody
Look again.
>not letting it play AllStar
well, except the first guy. but he is fucked no matter what
So why would anyone pull? If you don't pull, you can still only be held accountable for the deaths of the people in front of your juncture, which is exactly how many people you would have killed by pulling the lever. Are we assuming there might be a psychopath somewhere down the line or something?
I'm sorry, I have no idea what this joke is referencing.
i want summer to leave
No one will die if the trolleys gets to run over everyone.
The other people are complete strangers. They could be psychopaths or just plain irrational. Letting the trolley continue would jeopardize the lives of everyone on the track because you have no idea what the following lever guys are going to do.
How many levers are in the sequence?
So it is just the retarded "le -1/12" meme or what? wow. makes total sense
Trolley problems are only easy if you think simple-minded like the westerners. ;)
4 including your own.
Sure, if you want to reduce it to math.