What do you guys think of IQ tests? I found one online, designed by Mensa to give an approximation of what you would score on their actual test. The questions only require you to recognize geometric patterns and stuff.
What do you guys think of IQ tests? I found one online...
If a test concludes that a little cuckboi who decided to spend his time doing physics at a fast rate instead of enjoying life and taking it easy is smarter than me then that test is wrong.
Maybe we should measure NIQ. Where your NIQ is 300 mius your IQ and that way it would make a lot more sense.
Very insightful user.
>What do you guys think of IQ tests?
> I found one online, designed by Mensa
AHAHAHAHAHAHA, MENSA is literally Scientology for "smart" people. Go ahead and take it to qualify for their paid membership.
le smart but lazy meme
nobody does physics in their free time, you study 2 hours before the test
Yeah, I wouldn't pay for the Mensa test or membership just to pat myself on the back. I know I'm a smart guy and am pretty sure I could join, but it almost seems like paying for the test is an IQ test in and of itself.
>falling for the IQ meme
enjoy being a low iq beta cuck brainlet, it's all about eq nowadays
Low IQ brainlet detected xD!!
Are you american? LOLOLOL
which one triggered you the most?
was it low iq, was it brainlet? or perhaps it was cuck
>insinuates IQ is an invalid/outdated measure
>proceeds to use it as a measure of my stupidity
What is it like being so stupid?
>Knowing anything about emotional intelligence
>Browsing Veeky Forums
dont worry bro im sure you have a high autism score lmao (100/100 autisms)
>enjoy being a low iq
>it's all about eq
2/10 bait
IQ is actually a really reliable measure as to how much of a dick somebody is, you see it on Veeky Forums all the time
Newton: enjoying life and taking it easy
DaVinci: enjoying life and taking it easy
Ford: enjoying life and taking it easy
Gates: enjoying life and taking it easy
Any person who actually contributes to society: enjoying life and taking it easy
>fuk you normie
My IQ if 150. And you'res?
>Newton: enjoying life and taking it easy
Don't think either of those apply to Newton. He seemed a bit fucked up. Died a virgin apparently
Telling you the exact number would be... extremely painful.
For you.
Baneposting is the only reliable indicator of advanced intelligence.
IQ usually discourages people from trying hard, in my experience.
so does Veeky Forums
Wisc 3. How about you?
"nigger" IQ?
Street smarts?
''Gates: enjoying life and taking it easy''
Wew lad, he didn't sleep at Harvard just so that he could study, he didn't fucking take it easy.