>someone published this non-ironically
IRL shitposting thread.
>someone published this non-ironically
IRL shitposting thread.
>depict realistic historical conditions--not >diverse, not inclusive
white male exclusionary fantasy, it's just fictional universe with superpowers and magic why is it so crazy to have [x,y,z] included?
>create a fictitious world in which every society is mind-numbingly 'diverse' in an oxymoronically homogenous way
>I can't believe you're silencing the evils of the necessary oppression that must've taken place for these societies to succeed. You can't just hide the inevitable pain and suffering behind baseless diversity in a population. Even if the show presents this improbable uniformity in minority representation as the norm for that universe, it's still problematic.
I'm not sure what this person expects, in all honesty.
Some guy from Veeky Forums published a paper (for his thesis, IIRC) on Veeky Forums and its culture.
I think you meant to post this on a different board, since it is not science/math.
Polite sage
>Australian National University
This is why I don't take hummanities masters seriously.
I work in STEM research. How are non-STEM people funded? I assume Econ/Psych/Archaeology people can still get some decent funding, but what about sociology and shit? Are they actually unironically funded by the government or corporations?
Yeah, basically because muh prestiege and muh culture. Obviously there's no tangible material benefit.
They are funded by democrats who need to brain wash sheeple into believing their bullshits.
Well Veeky Forums's "culture" is not something normies will ever be able to understand on their own. so they need to read some faggot's paper.
So basically they are the ying to the Bible colleges' yang. A Ying Yang of stupidity.
Wait actually? Holy shit that's ridiculous. I figured it would just be colleges paying their salaries to teach and be "scholars", didn't think they would actually be getting external grants. That's ridiculous
I'm technically a registered democrat, don't lump all of us in with these morons
>literally a master's thesis explaining why chronic masturbators laugh so hard at pictures of frogs and have 10GB of anime faces saved on their HDs
>Wait actually? Holy shit that's ridiculous. I figured it would just be colleges paying their salaries to teach and be "scholars", didn't think they would actually be getting external grants. That's ridiculous
It's not THAT ridiculous. Rulers have patronized the arts since ancient times. Yeah, the current state of the humanities is ridiculous but I can at least understand the basic motivation behind it.
My Psych professor tried getting us funding for a brain lab but was continually denied. Granted, we're not a main campus but the actual main campus actively discriminates against us and dislikes us so what can ya do?
Sorry I'm drunk so I said it was ridiculous twice
But it does seem stupid for that funding to come from the federal government. Like it's not even coming out of the rich's coffers specifically, it's coming out of everyone's that pays taxes
Here in France, the humanities grad schools don't require students to find adequate funding before they accept them and don't fund most grad students so the philosophy/sociology/anthropology/etc. students either need to be ENS students (who get special funding), to have rich parents or (as is usually the case) to flip burgers and spend upwards of 6 years on their PhD (given that in Europe, most PhDs are completed in 4 years at most)
Every. Fucking. Time.
>unironically funded
top kek, mate
I bet you haven't seen the "pregnancy has been socially gendered as feminine" paper.
Or the one about feminist glaciology.
>not funding research ironically
Yeah that guy is pretty based. All those extreme left wing bullshit that's been spouted by feminazis and LGBTQBBQP91X tards is fucking laughable.
Exactly, but also note how he's left wing himself and just disproving the "postmodern" garbage.
>is ranked 52nd in the world
what uni do you go to again friendo?
Accepted for publication in International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology: scs.stanford.edu
52nd in what, humanities? Fucking worthless buddy.
>muh rankings
mine isn't even ranked and I am smarter than 90% of Veeky Forums, i find myself all the time helping all of you with your dumb assignments
>the perks of being a third worlder
Ebin, but it certainly could use some mathematics formulas.
>Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
times ranking dipshit
sounds pretty based to me dude good work.
>>someone published this non-ironically
Do you even know what that word means?
The word you're looking for is "facetious", not "ironic".
>Do you even know what that word means?
As a Greek I'm very entertained every time some moron asks me that.
Not really shitposting, but still:
Bonus points for being hosted on KEK
Also, a similar abstract: arxiv.org
Which is fine. I am left-wing too I just dislike the postmodern / feminist bullshit.
Why are all these papers worded so faggotily?
>As a Greek I'm very entertained
Is this a buttsex reference?
Or am I just a moron because I don't realize you should have a poor grasp of the English language?
I'm glad I can finally disagree with the modern feminist garbage without implying I'm an alt-right misogynist faggot.
It's a big relief.
non-ironically , although an ugly compound word, is 100% suitable for this.
To obscure the fact that they aren't saying anything of value.