Is hebephilia maladaptive?
Is hebephilia maladaptive?
It is actually perfectly normal from a biological point of view.
The reason we look down on it is are entirely ethical
Ahm, her 12 year old self quite obviously looks more attractive than her 29 year old self. The second image looks like she doesn't know what a shower is, never moisturizes her skin and also has hair on her forehead.
That you can recognize that her younger self looks better doesn't mean you are sexually attracted to her 12 year old self though.
well, which one would you rather fuck in a hypothetical scenario where you would have to fuck on of them?
Is that hair on her forehead not haram to show? I thought they have to cover all their hair
>fucking mudslimes
>avoiding the question
I guess one could argue that it is part of the eyebrows
That doesn't mean anything
>if you absolutely had to, would you rather fuck a horse or a gorilla
it is haram...
it's also haram to watch gay porn but you do every day so mind your damn business
The first image is a nat geo picture of an Irish woman from the early 1900's retard
Oh god, it is so annoying when people dont understand the concept of a hypothetical scenario and cant just answer the question.
>hurr but that would never happen
no shit
He is completely right though. Whatever my answer is, it wouldn't prove anything.
You can only draw a valid conclusion when I have complete freedom. For example the freedom to not fuck both of them.
>the freedom to not fuck both of them
which isnt a possible choice according to the rules of the hypothetical scenario
>I want to fuck a 12 year old so here's so meme image to rationalize it
>The reason we look down on it is are entirely social
Every social law can be deducted from the study of nomadic steppe societies.
So imagine you were living in a tent, surrounded by other tents with far off tents, some of them corporative, others hostile.
Conditions are harsh, every person in the family will have to fullfill tasks.
Humans have values in the pursuit of survival and prospering.
The torah and the law in my country assume sexual maturity/consent at the age 12, which is perfectly reasonable from a biological perspective, so I don't give a fuck what some whipped american cucks could say about the subject.
Maybe rather than focusing on the age we should focus on how they look
I'd fuck a rock if it was hot
Take your pro-pedophile picture and thread back to .
it is the first time I chuckled at your shitty forced meme. maybe if you force it enough people will start to like it