The vite spiral. This spiral is growing following a fundamental law of #nature, namely the #Fibonacci spiral. A mathematical sequenze of #numbers that can be converted in a #spiral. The Fibonacci spiral describes the less amount of #energy required to build a spiral with biological structures.
The vite spiral. This spiral is growing following a fundamental law of #nature, namely the #Fibonacci spiral...
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And most of the spirals in nature follow this rule.
holy kek
I think it has to do with energy consumption.
Neither of those shells line up with the Fibonacci spiral, they're just spirals so they look kind of similar at a glance.
The whole golden ratio in nature thing is overblown BS.
this. you can't show me any actual golden rato anywhere in nature. the proportions always differ
The golden ratio in the vitruvian man.
Yeah wow, the golden ratio in a drawing specifically designed to include the golden ratio. Try measuring actual people and see what that gets you.
Proportion in organogenesis are conserved. This is one of the few things biology knows about organogenesis.
In fact, I just did a bit of reading about the Vitruvian Man and it turns out none of its ratios match the golden ratio and the accompanying text only mentions whole number ratios.
You just demonstrated my point, the spirals only weakly line up for about half a turn and then diverge completely.
You said nothing
lol moron
Taken from my instagram, 2lazy2edit.
I'm on almost every social media
I would have to actually put effort to fit the spiral in the vite picture but would be possible I think even if the pic is bidimensional. I'm curious if it's truly a Fibonacci spiral
Thats no excuse cringeboy
wtf is this shit
Hey, I heard that if you write "gullible" out 69 times your handwriting will naturally form golden ratios between the letters.
You could only fit the two together by distorting the images, making the whole thing meaningless.
hmm cool
This is an 18+ site btw
Basic instagram stuff.
Sorry if you live in an isolated world called Veeky Forums, where the usefulness of hashtags is ignored.
>usefulness of hashtags
>defending instagram and co
Holy shit, the cancer is real
yooo ma nigga xD!!
No I mean a 3D Fibonacci spiral, projecting it on the vite spiral, finding the rotation parameters, and finally fit it.
It might give infinite solutions tho.
the cancer is imaginary bruh
[eqn]\text{cancer}^2 = -\text{not u}[/eqn] xDDDD
Somebody wants to have a nice time tonight? Looking for engineers to suck cock.
Get jiggy wit it xDDDxD !!
Instagram is useful, like twitter or youtube.
One can contanct people with the same interest with few clicks.
One can create subnetworks with shared interests.
Although I'm sure you use instagram to share selfies and meme. -.-'
> true cancer
I am not using this shitty attentionwhore sites at all you filthy casual.
kindly kys
Barely any of those actually line up with the spiral.
If you have to put that much work into fitting it then it's not that amazing. I can fit some arbitrary data to a polynomial but that doesn't mean that there's some intimate connection between the data and polynomials.
>Thread talks about pop.sci memes and fucking hashtags in social media for normies
SAGE goes in all fields
stop the cancer
Well, Africa and the girl in the water are pretty much bullshit. But the rest are good examples
>only weakly line up for about half a turn and then diverge completely
bullshit. it is pretty much congruent
just beautiful
If the fitting has a logic behind, in my opinon make sense.
Not everything must respect the student T test or the normal distribution.
My intelligence is only at the top of the Gauss bell, so I wouldn't know.
Yes this is my objective, bringing science to people. No wait... this is the job of astrophysiscist.
I don't understand why math and physics gain so much interest in the internet population.
This is the first thread that has a decent amount of replies and started with a weak mathematical assumption.
When I tried to advertise my goal to bring biology to everybody I literally never succede to make a decent thread.
Stop pulling shit out of your ass. It is not the job of an astrophysiscist to spread pop-sci memes on instagram or "bringing science to people" (as you so redditly put) in general. Astrophysics also barely are about biology.
kys brainlet
m8, the discrepancy is huge
Try lining up a fibonacci spiral with them, they don't line up well.
The truth is that the fibonacci spiral is a specific example of a logarithmic spiral. Logarithmic spirals do pop up all over the place in nature, particularly in shelled animals because as they grow, the shell has to get bigger to accommodate their size. Very few of these line up significantly with the fibonacci spiral in particular but they look similar at a glance because logarithmic spirals all have the same general appearance of getting tighter towards the centre.
An example often touted by golden ratio believers is the Nautilus shell but its growth ratio is actually between 1.24 and 1.43. The golden ratio doesn't even lie in that range.
All that you'll manage to do is fit some weird shifted version of the spiral to it and be left with something that is no longer the golden spiral, making your point invalid.
>(as you so redditly put)
I'm also on reddit!
>Astrophysics also barely are about biology.
io no habla ben ingles, what are you trying to say?
Please go back then
Also, please get a degree and learn to read before even considering to spread """""information"""""
except that it perfectly lines up with the shape
>weird shifted version of the spiral to it and be left with something that is no longer the golden spiral
Well the spiral in the vite is a helic that grows, I'm interested in why the spire looks regular, which I think is a way to spare energy while looking for the highest solar energy intake.
I'm not sure if is Fibonacci, or logarithmic, or a simple random spiral.
Although the method I proposed, might help to clarify that.
taking a 3D spiral, projecting it from the camera direction and finding the parameters. Doesn't seem to me such a complex fitting.
>Logarithmic spirals do pop up all over the place in nature
Glad you agree then
if it did there would be no red arrow. it doesn't line up at all ;)
What are my red arrows there for then?
It lines up for less than a full turn, then it goes way off. Cosine sort of lines up with a quadratic function for a bit too, doesn't make them the same.
Yeah, logarithmic spirals are all over the place. This doesn't make the golden spiral any more important than any other of these spirals.
>taking a 3D spiral, projecting it from the camera direction and finding the parameters. Doesn't seem to me such a complex fitting.
That's distorting, you could fit it to any spiral if you did stuff like that.
I have a degree in Biochemistry
Facebook: Pellostyle Pellobiology
check my infos on my Facebook profile.
except for the part where it totally lines up ;)
which is 0% of it ;)
Technically if you keep the projection parameters fixed like the camera point and the focal distance, you'll be able to find unique solution.
(maybe, I'm a biologist and math has always been complex for me)
>then it goes way off
well duh. Of course the snail doesnt go on forever like the actual sequence
>people still replying to this b8
Jesus, Veeky Forums
Oh and you work as an astrophysiscist with that and your uncle works at Nintendo. You are totally not just a pop-sci faggot and attention whore that shills his normie accounts.
[eqn]R^{2} = 0.2[/eqn]
For a blind person you use the computer pretty well
0.2/100 percent of it lines up ;)
Mate, you can measure this yourself. Read about how log spirals work and you'll see that spiral shells have all sorts of different growth parameters. Some of them might be close to the golden ratio but most aren't (like that example).
The golden spiral is very pretty but it has no significance in nature over other spirals of the same type.
I'm a biochemist, with a master degree from the ETH Zürich.
I did 2 years of PhD in the field of structural biology and electron microscopy.
After having a publication I left the world of academy being full of faggots lusting for a paper.
I decided in my free time to talk about biology with strangers, since all my friends all got bored of me rambling about theoretical stuff.
Of course it doesnt fit every single spiral, mate. But most of them are logarithmic
Here is a spiral that lines up with a shell
It is not the golden spiral
how you did that? whats the spiral function?
Are you arguing for the ubiquity of the golden spiral or logarithmic spirals in general? There's no doubt that logarithmic spirals are everywhere, I'm just saying that the golden spiral isn't special.
It's from the Wikipedia page for logarithmic spiral
Where did anybody claim that every shell lines up with the "golden spiral"?
Oh you didn't do it then ;'(
Even better example. Thanks for proving my point
It's kind of implied when people always put pictures of the Fibonacci spiral with the squares next to photos of shells.
If you want to know, it's a log spiral with growth parameter 1.759
Don't go off thinking that number is special though, it changes for each creature.
1×7+5+9 -10 = 11
Last number is 9
> 9/11 confirmed to be golden ratio
Now this I can get behind
>snails did 9/11
A must watch for any sacred geometer.
>71 replies
>9 people
what a fucking circlejerk
go back to whatever diseased social network birthed your cargo cult of spirals and never waste our bandwidth on your lunacy again
fibonacci spirals increase in diameter as they grow. that vine's growth has a consistent diameter and therefore is not a logarithmic spiral.
People, what do you think about using social media to spread the word of Biology?
Here is an example, a biology oriented chat:
> Telegram is the best application for instant messaging. (Better than kik or whatsapp)
> Download it, register and start chatting with us.
what you're doing isnt biology
>Download it, register and start chatting with us.
I don't want to upload my telephone book. What if they do shit with all those numbers?
Nope, is pop science oriented toward biology. -.-'
Uhm, also whatsapp uses a telephone number. It's actually a risk, but pretty minimal, since the application is oriented toward security.
The application has 100'000'000 users.. I'm not really sure if they are interested in your specific phone number.
Your telephone number will be hidden, unless you want to share it.
1 1 2 3 5 8 13
Fuck off