Any good websites for finding science news?
Preferably as general and cutting edge as possible
Any good websites for finding science news?
Preferably as general and cutting edge as possible
Other urls found in this thread: :^)
number theory
"Is The US Government About To Re-Classify Marijuana?
"In Italy, Parents Who Force Vegan Diet Could Go To Jail"
"The Case For Eating Worms"
Is this buzzfeed for science? I know you did le reddit carrot face but come on!
Thank me later.
Hard science
Stop posting that disgusting trap garbage on every board.
Seriously; keep this "Anzu" garbage on /pol/ where it belongs.
Saged, hidden and reported.
Sorry to make you mad, Anzu is actually a proper girl.
Here is a different girl, hope this one is more to your taste.
Please post science stuff now
sciencedaily and JSTOR
not science
Straight from the source.
>0 results
No, because there is no good source for science news. It's all sensationalized garbage (which, in science news, means misinformation and quarter-truths).
Occasionally a journalist notices how dire the situation has become, and writes a piece about it. Almost invariably they blame the scientists. Gotta love people.
Arxiv does science news as well? Cool, where?
>Watching that mediocre shirobako that looks more like fucking k-on
wew lad
>Arxiv does science news as well? Cool, where?
Right on the homepage. Just click on your favourite field and savour the ripe fruits of the leading minds of the White human race.
I'm at ep. 5, it's not great, but I'll try to not drop it at least until the inevitable beach or onsen episode. I haven't watched an animu in ages, anyway.
Pretty certain she's more popular on/r9k/ desu.
She's straight up /a/nimu waifu material :3
There's got to be at least a place that collates papers and announcements from different sources
Thanks for the sites user.
Oh sorry, I didn't realize you didn't know what the word "news" means.
I'd do him.
get grossed out by the vissible tendons on her hand and arm. animes don't have that
They do show tendons on legs. More meaty the better :)
>3D is /a/
lol Americans