Share your explanatory GIFs/WebMs.
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>one radian is the angle corresponding to one arc length of the radius
fucking kek i had no idea
Visual tricks.
>inb4 some faggot ruins it
Don't know why that needs explanation when pi is defined as circumference/diameter.
something about quantum electro dynamics
Helpful for Vector Concepts
best with context (Chaos Theory)
neat. i learned this in my lysergic acidology class
Tbf, the gift is absolutely ridiculous for using a capital P to represent the photoreceptor, the phase vectors, and the probability.
You fucking genius. I have been struggling with the conceptual side of sine and cosine until now.
looks like it should tie back into Abstract Alg. (Permutations, Iso functions, X -> Y, cosets)
this is a good thread
ebin! :DD
2pi radians in a circle.
circumference = 2 pi r
radian = r
that honestly escaped you?
einstein was wrong
:DD :)
I can't see how this would make anyone understand sine and cosine. Too much moving bullshit.
Can't tell if you're being serious...
>brainlets still believes in "conservation of mass"
Nigga wtf is wrong with you
Why isn't there something like this for the Laplace transform?
Would it have to be 4-dimensional?
>everyone learns the same way
I see the logic, but what does it do?
Finds the convolution of two functions
im amazed myself
The pieces that have been sliced through are shorter.
It's... It's beautiful
This is just the difference of two integrals. One is integrating f(x+∆x), the other f(x-∆x).
Cool. Just out of curiosity, why is ground the output?
if you left it running for an hour what would the probability distribution look like
so simple yet it probably would have taken me hours to figure out
Im having trouble following this gif. Where the black holes at? What's the blue thing?
The output is to some component you label as the load resistance. From there, it will go to ground.
>tfw I had to literally cut this shit from paper to show my brother it's just a trick
>explanatory gifs
>explanatory gifs for 12 year olds
AMUSED CHIMP I know u r in here!
Have you took precal? The blue dot represents X in this case which would be Cos theta.
The best gif you will ever see
damn i wish i could've seen this last semester, that shit was confusing as hell
which one is the sin and the cos?
that's bretty cool. I wonder if there's a use for this kind of function.
the top one is sin
This is "just" the "insert wrong answer"
hows how you can obtain a gaussian distribution by the convolution of uniform distributions
sounds like a good project
Something like this.
Well I don't know what I'm supposed to realise from this but I guess that the next semi-prime to be checked off will be the square of the prime being considered?
I don't think such an algorithm exists but if you had an automated prime checkbox program then you would only need to start checking off at prime^2 then iterate with step prime?
>Not smoothing it out with a capacitor
> :(
If you were to rectify the DC signal, it'd make the GIF appear a bit more ambiguous.
that's retarded because he chooses random lengths for a's and b's and c's
Not really just have a dotted line between the peaks and dotted arrows on the diagram
What is the point of the rest of the disk on the green one, isn't that just wast eof material
poor design
to prevent the red gear from moving until the correct time numb nuts
This is cool I'm going to try and find a way to reproduce it.
That is just a Bézier curve my man
what does a 5d hyperdimensional cube look like?