Hey Veeky Forums, explain your field in a nutshell. I'll start,
>Just math applied math to fundamental things in the universe.
In a nutshell
>just applied neural network operations
>'chef' at mcdonalds
>making fat people fatter
Mining engineering
>look at rocks
>classify rocks
>break rocks
>take rocks
>melt rocks
>tunnels :DDD
Physics isn't a field.
Math isn't a field.
I mean, maybe they're technically fields, but they're so broad there's to point in "explaining them in a nutshell". For example, people doing axiomatic set theory are going to be very different from people doing actuarial mathematics (on the academic level).
I'm a dude, but I'd like to meet that qt3.14 to break rocks with.
>regulatory affairs
>do you mind filling this out in triplicate?
>we cant cure it but we can try
>[angelic choir]
>how to download porn faster
>Computer science
>how to get electricity to do math
>maybe they're technically fields
Here's a you.
>take classes to prepare for my future in fields that I will not even go into
to be precise is more like
>how to get an automatic calculation system to do math
>put things near each other and pray
>shitposting on Veeky Forums
>Modelling of bidirectional light interaction with plant canopy structure
The 'gotta keep em seperated' line from The Offspring's come out and play is about dat
>biotech engineering
>human robot :^DD
>Use computers to see if these two things are similar
>Use the fact that they are similar to conclude properties about the thing we don't know anything about
This is literally all of bioinfo.
>arguing for your most favorable interpretation of applying a set of facts to an established rule system
What the fuck is this job? Is it any gud? Does it pay well?
>refluxing organic shit for 12 hours
Aerospace engineering
Building airplanes with drawings that operators can't follow and incorrect psrts
Fun as fuck, but low pay. Fun as fuck though
>tfw born neither too early nor too late to start a bioinformatics career in my 40s when I retire
Sounds like a fun thing I look forward to. In 20+ years, but we're going to have good enough computers at that point to make the field even more fun.
>we don't know anything
this is the best one
>quadratic formula for grownups
phew, I thought I was the only neuroguy in Veeky Forums
>Aquatic Entomology
>cc.c.c.an we stop revising species names
>no money
>Machine learning
>Find libraries to do all the hard work
>physics student with senioritis
>doing integrated information theory because bored with my univ's undergrad curriculum
>Environmental Science
>Planets fucked mate
>> EE student
>> Jerk off thinking about all the money I'm going to make
>synthetic biology
>molecular biology with buzzwords
this datas too fuzzy
>i am asexual
>the walking abortion in a hardcore-underground-industrial music-German-BDSM party made up of Ptolemaic astronomy, cum, """philosophy""", arrogance, alchemy, 200 year old mathematics, autism. It is the poz piggy of the social sciences, and proud of it.
Economics is in a really bad place atm. It left the party and is now lying a pool of vomit-cum and shit with a heroin needle in his arm.
It's literally a joke among real scientists. I think 2001, 2007, 2011, and what is coming in the next year should bring fresh young minds into economics that can see through the heap of lies and intellectual bankruptcies we call "contemporary economics"
"Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week, I have already discussed it with the senator."
>Chem Eng
>would the electrons rather be in place A or place B
>gonna be famous and get qt3.14 gf
solid plan
same here, we'll make it lol
>I'm more unsure about how wings work currently than before starting this degree
In law school or already practicing? Where did you go/are you studying now?
>Study what's mathematically interesting. What's mathematically interesting is defined as what you should be studying.
>begin with fixing computers
>then start creating problems
>then start fixing hypotetic problems
>start creating hypotetic problems