What is the best way to "relax"(i can`t think of a better word) your mind after studying? For example, after solving problems for 2 hours my head starts to hurt and i cant carry on. What would be the best thing to do while taking the break? Going for a walk? Meditating?
Also, what would be the best way to organize your studying in terms of working/resting intervals to achieve the maximum effectiveness? Please post your studying habbits so we can get a broader picture.
Here are mine. Usually after coming from a uni i open kanbanflow and set tasks according to classes that i have the next day. Then i rest/fuck around for few hours after what i make cofee, close all the tabs in browser except for spotify(i listen to ambient/dark ambient while studying), start the pomodoro timer in kanbanflow and begin studying. The 25/5 system seems pretty hard for me, cause after the first 1-2 pomodoros the 25 of working seem like hour and 5 minutes of resting seem like on second. I get tired really fast and have an incredibly strong urges to go browse Veeky Forums/do whatever.
Any help on how to make the urges less strong and how to make head hurt less would be appreciated.
I guess a combination of stimulants and anxiolytics could be useful.
>For example, after solving problems for 2 hours my head starts to hurt
That's because you haven't pushed your limits.
It requires concentration, it's not something easy on your mind, if you are looking for relaxation.
>Also, what would be the best way to organize your studying in terms of working/resting intervals to achieve the maximum effectiveness?
"“His habit was to do 36 hours or more at a stretch, collapse for 10 hours, then go out, get a pizza, and go back at it,” he recalled. “And if that meant he was starting again at 3 in the morning, so be it.” When working hard, Bill Gates would rock back and forth."
There is a reason all big time CEOs brag about only sleeping 4 hours a day.
just rock out with your cock out :^)
I've seen some terrible advice on Veeky Forums. This is probably the worst, though.
You're then ready for your next studying session of six hour hand fucking session or whatever,
>I've seen some terrible advice on Veeky Forums. This is probably the worst, though.
How is that the worst? For some magical reason, practicing piano alone 12 hours a day, is perfectly possible for a professional pianist brain, but studying engineering or chemistry is not?
The reason why you are not a nobel prize winner is not because you are not smart enough, it's because while there are people out there studying day and night, you want to get a beer or go watch a movie with you friends or chat chat chat.
You GET smarter, but not if you don't push your limits.
I though OP was asking about relaxing? Shouldnt we look to Masters of relaxation for that, not violin players?
bump for interest
That's the least understandable working hours plate I've seen.
>after solving problems for 2 hours my head starts to hurt and i cant carry on
you may have a brain tumor OP
>practicing 12 hours a day
Diminishing returns
Well, 2 hours of pure work from 4 pomodoro sessions is a lot actually.
sitting on couch watching a movie, series..
Activity where you can just be. :D
Hey! Op! Would you like to create a model around those questions you asked and find the answers as close possible to the reality as it's possible?
I kinda do the pomodoro thing, but instead of 25/5, I do 15/5. The 15 minutes of work is less intimidating and then the 5 minutes of break feels a little bit longer. I lose 5 minutes per the hour doing this, but at the same time it gives me more stamina overall. I also don't take the "long break" after 4 or so pomodoros; I just keep myself going for as long as I need or want.
You pretty much just gotta do some experimenting and figure out what works best for you.
And how many hours do you spend doing pomodoros? Also, from what i understood, you do a one huge session of working and then rest?
And what do you do in those 5 minute breaks?
>I do 15/5
>I lose 5 minutes per the hour doing this
Compared to 25/5.