When do you become a physicist? Bachelor, major or PhD.?
When do you become a physicist? Bachelor, major or PhD.?
When you publish an original research paper.
Fuck you dude you'll never be a physicist
I am almost done with my major
When somebody's paying you to do physics.
Somewhat of a narrow view there chap. Original research should be sufficient. If your research was like 50 years ago you should probably say you used to be a physicist. But I might not pick such fly shit out of the pepper.
After watching a good amount of YouTube videos.
Not the guy you are replying to but if you are not getting paid for your work then you are no more than a hobbyist.
Not to say that is bad because Perelman made it far as a mere hobbyist but it is not like people look at him and think 'Oh, there goes that mathematician guy' because no one sees him do math. Nobody knows him. He is not affiliated to any institution. He is no one.
The only reason people call Perelman a mathematician is because they would be to embarassed to say otherwise as he proved something they couldn't. Imagine if Perelman did not actually prove that famous theorem and was just doing random shitty Lemmas and publishing them on Veeky Forums like that spanish speaking guy who posts a proof for a new millenium problem every week. People wouldn't call him shit. He would not be shit. Actually, he is not shit.
when you're paid to do physics research
Yeah but your profs were really important people
Is all it is to you brand recognition?
Would you call that kid who sometimes sings at family events and realy likes it a singer? Maybe he sometimes performs at a local bar for a couple of bucks for his time.
Sure, he sings but IS he a singer?
Tip: These kind of people will usually say shit like 'I wish I was a singer'. Accepting that they are not one yet.
Same goes for mathematicians or physicists.
Yeah, he is doing physics but IS he a physicist?
I don't see why not. I think we live in an identity positive society so whether or not our elite cult of scientists accepts someone it either doesn't matter or it's not going to matter soon. Anxiety over identity isn't pleasant for anyone and it's counterproductive to tell someone they aren't who they think they are. It's the same sort of reasons we accept men who think they're women; it's just a better way to get them to live productive lives. Like we as men collectively will never actually accept trannies cause they haven't actually lived it, but they think they have so why argue about their thoughts?
>Bachelor, major or PhD.?
None, it's at the point of conception. You are born into it; you are molded by it.
Say there's a guy named John who is employed by an automotive repair business. He has a PhD in physics. He really likes physics, so every day when he gets home from work, he works on reproducing results from physics experiments.
Say there's a guy named Bill who is employed by a state university. He has a PhD in physics. Every day when he goes to work, he works on reproducing results from physics experiments.
Bill is a physicist, John is not.
I understand your opinion
ok, clear this one up for me plz Veeky Forums
>undergrad student in final year
>involved in research on a constant basis since first year
>name is on a long list of papers
>havent published my own paper yet (will do that in post grad)
>am in the field every week, recording and interpreting real-life data for real-life publications, have designed and implemented sampling regimes IRL
am i a scientist yet?
am i even on the cusp?
>ps. take care not to refer to myself as 'a scientist' but i am concious that i do science
I didn't become a physicist until I was hired into the profession, by then it meant nothing.
youre stupid
stupid stupid american
Kys libcuck
why D':
>Am I a scientist yet?
No. When your job is doing science then you're a scientist. That's how these kinds of labels work; it's not just for science/physics. I mean, imagine you meet someone and they tell you they're an accountant. The first question you have for them is where they work (as an accountant), not where they go to school or who their professors are. You get the title when you get the job, that's all it is.
Shitposting faggot
This is it, really. Being a scientist isn't about whether you have X degree, it's about what your profession is, what you're getting paid to do. A person with only a bachelors working at NASA doing actual work with whatever sort of applied physics is a physicist. A PhD student in physics is just a student. At best his/her title is "teaching assistant in physics classes" (though when one becomes a PhD candidate and gets funding through an RAship, I suppose it's arguable whether one is getting paid to do research like a professional or simply to learn how to do research).
I wish I could say that I meant for it to be b8 user
Why does everyone think it's up for debate when you can call yourself a mathematician/physicist? When do you get to call yourself an engineer? What about an actuary or a layer?
What if I am in a major other than physics but my thesis work is on a physics model, and I published original work refining the physics used in the model? Do I qualify as a physicist then?
>what if I an in a major
Then you are a student. You aren't a physicist, or anything else for that matter.