I know wolfram alpha use to have problems computing the limit of x^x, this sounds like a computation problem. Try plotting the function to test it
Lincoln Cox
Google won't graph it and I don't have a graphing tool.
I guess it is a mistake though, it does not make sense.
Ayden Lewis
It does make sense x^x approaches 0 as x -> - infinity, as the exponent approaches 1/infinity (due to the exponent being negative) therefore x^x -> 0 as x-> -infinity The rest is trivial sin(0)=0 x^0 = 1
It's one OP
Brandon Johnson
My nigga.
Grayson Ross
^^What he said, how is this confusing OP?
Isaiah Foster
Ok, I think I did it this time. I broke the wolfram.
user that's not a proof and you know it >the rest is trivial you've revealed yourself, first year
Brandon Young
[math]-\infty^{0} = 1[/math] you funny guy I kill you last
Jaxson Nguyen
I dont think its that simple. The function x^x as a real valued function isnt fully defined for any interval (-inf, -N) If you look up the graph for x^x they dont show it past the left side of the y-axis. There is a reason for this.
Cooper Gutierrez
How is nobody pointing out that
with s>0, for any non-integer r, is not quite well behaved.
The limit of x^x for some negative number will naturally give something odd, if not undefined.
If you consider abs(x)^sin(abs(x)^x) instead of x^sin(x^x)
Hudson Sullivan
Refresh the thread and dont steal my thunder, kid
Jayden Robinson
why not? N^0 = 1 because the zero means you aren't multiplying anything by anything,leaving the multiplicative identity.
A bit like how 0!=1
Jonathan Hughes
God why is everybody so retarded itt except
Liam Miller
You can't take parts of a limit separately unless the limit exists for both parts individually. So it's just a coincidence that lim(x^sin(x^x)) was the same as lim(x^lim(sin(x^x))) as you've been told to evaluate it in this thread. (I write just lim to mean limit as x approaches -infinity for convenience.)
One correct way to evaluate your first limit is lim(x^sin(x^x)) = e^lim(x sin(x^x)) = e^(lim(x^(x+1)) - lim(x^(3 x+1)/6) + ...) = e^(0 - 0 + ...) = 1 where I haven't shown that lim(x^(a x+1)) = 0, but it's not particularly difficult to.
It's more complicated for your other two examples but the gist is that lim(x^(x^x)) does exist but lim(x^((x^x)+1)) doesn't which shows up when you expand the sin.
Joshua Hall
Thomas Williams
So obviously they are implicitly taking |x|^x, because the expression is nonsensical as a real valued function for most negative numbers
Whoops it should be log(x) not x in the exponential but it's a similar same idea probably.
Tyler Perry
>it's a similar same idea probably yeah brah just take [math]log(-\infty)[/math]
Jonathan Myers
I was merely portraying a façade, you see, my post was not made in earnest! You have become ensnared in yet another one of my devilish schemes, for you see... I am not merely a dim witted fool you have taken me to be, rather, that is merely a mask I have worn in order to lure you into my escarpment. This disguise allows me to strike again, and again, with no repercussions. I will be seeing you again very soon, my dear friend. As you shall fall prey to yet another of my devilish schemes. For I am the witty banterster!
Adrian Hernandez
It's log(x) x^x not just log(x) on it's own.
Parker Ward
Thunderation! It appears I have been coaxed into a snafu once again.
Kevin Richardson
yeah brah just take the limited expansion of the log function at -infinity
Oliver Martin
Did I type it in correctly?
Lincoln Mitchell
I didn't see the negative there.
Isaiah Murphy
>that pic ok I'm fully triggered now good job baiters
Tyler Watson
Please see
Joseph Evans
log(x) ~ log(x+1) - log(1+1/x) as x goes to -infinity so x^x log(x) ~ (x^(x+1) - (x^(x+2)/2 + ...) - (x^(x-1) - x^(x-2)/2 + ...) and x^(x+a) goes to 0 as x goes to -infinity as already discussed
Connor Davis
This function is complex valued in this domain. Thats problem number 1. And also probably problem 2, 3, and 4.
Julian Wood
>Thats problem number 1 Problem number 1 is it's not fucking defined moran.
Jose Jones
No its defined by analytic continuations of all functions there, just not defined on the reals. And Moran is my father, call me Iodit.
Brandon Bell
Not exactly pertinent to the limit, but is it completely undefined, or does it depend on the space you're working in?
Jack Jenkins
The function x^x, which is the stickler here, is defined properly by the exponential for all x>0. At 0, it is completely undefined, and for most negative x it requires an analytic continuation. It is defined by the elementary definition if x is a negative integer, if x is of the form of a negative even integer over a odd integer, or if x is any rational that is a quotient of odd integers. However it is undefined (on reals) for anything else, like if x=(-1/2). Thats the gist of it maybe I forgot one more case.
Julian Lopez
>x^x approaches 0 as x -> - infinity
how did no one point this out
Ethan Turner
actually people have pointed out that was wrong at least 4 times if you read the thread
Oliver Scott
My mistake. It should have been as abs(x^x) -> -infinity.
Jordan Ortiz
>[math]\infty[/math] I expected Veeky Forums to know better
Alexander Nelson
Pretty much any function where sine contributes greatly will converge at 1.
Connor Gutierrez
Ian Russell
Ryan Russell
Sry sin(x) diverges
Sebastian King
No one said that x was a real. In the context of this limit, the only set that makes sense is the integers. The limit of x^x when x goes to minus infinity as am integer is indeed zero. More precisely, it is an alternated sequence that converges to zero.
Well, I have access to some of the intermediate steps, so let me explain.
I began by seeing what the steps are to [math] \lim_{x\to-\infty} \sin(x^x) [/math]. They are: [math] \sin x [/math] is a continuous function, so therefore: [eqn] \lim_{x\to-\infty} \sin(x^x) = \sin\left(\lim_{x\to-\infty} x^x\right) [/eqn] [eqn] = \sin\left(\exp\left(\lim_{x\to-\infty} x \ln x \right)\right) [/eqn] [eqn] = \sin\left(\exp\left( \lim_{x\to-\infty}\left( x \right) \cdot \lim_{x\to-\infty}\left( \ln x \right)\right)\right) [/eqn] [eqn] \lim_{x\to-\infty} \ln x = \infty [/eqn] [eqn] \therefore \lim_{x\to-\infty} \sin(x^x) = \sin e^{-\infty \cdot \infty} = 0 [/eqn]
Mason Miller
nigga your function isn't even well defined |x|^sin(|x|^x) does approach 1 obviously but x^sin(x^x) doesn't
Benjamin Barnes
Back at my home computer, and with Mathematica at my side, let me try to sketch this out.
First: [eqn] x^{\sin x^x} = \exp\left(\sin\left(e^{x \ln x}\right) \ln x \right)[/eqn] Then we go: [eqn] \lim_{x\to-\infty} \left( \exp\left(\sin\left(e^{x \ln x}\right) \ln x \right) \right) = \\ \exp\left( \lim_{x\to-\infty} \left( \sin\left(e^{x \ln x}\right) \ln x \right) \right) =\\ \exp\left( \lim_{x\to-\infty} \left( \sin\left(e^{x \ln x}\right) \right)\cdot \lim_{x\to-\infty} \left( \ln x \right)\right) = \\ \exp\left( \sin\left(\lim_{x\to-\infty} \left(e^{x \ln x}\right) \right)\cdot \lim_{x\to-\infty} \left( \ln x \right)\right) = \\ \exp\left( \sin\left( \exp\left( \lim_{x\to-\infty} x \ln x\right) \right) \cdot \lim_{x\to-\infty} \left( \ln x \right)\right) = \\ \exp\left( \sin\left( \exp\left( \lim_{x\to-\infty} \left( x \right) \lim_{x\to-\infty} \left( \ln x \right) \right) \right) \cdot \lim_{x\to-\infty} \left( \ln x \right)\right) = \\ \exp\left( \sin\left( \exp\left( \lim_{x\to-\infty} \left( x \right)\right)^{\lim_{x\to-\infty} \left( \ln x \right)} \right) \right)^{\lim_{x\to-\infty} \left( \ln x \right)} [/eqn] Now we only have to calculate two actual limits: [eqn] \lim_{x\to-\infty} x = -\infty \\ \lim_{x\to-\infty} \ln x = \lim_{x\to-\infty} i\pi + \ln (-x) = \infty [/eqn] Plugging those back in: [eqn] \exp\left( \sin\left( \exp\left( -\infty \right)^{\infty} \right) \right)^{\infty} [/eqn] And now collapse it inward: [eqn] e^{-\infty} = 0 \\ 0^\infty = 0 \\ \sin 0 = 0 \\ e^0 = 1 [/eqn] The problem is that the last step, [math] 1^\infty [/math] is an indeterminate expression. Mathematica will evaluate [math] \lim_{x\to\infty} 1^x [/math] as 1, but that's actually subtly wrong. See math.stackexchange.com/questions/10490/why-is-1-infty-considered-to-be-an-indeterminate-form for an explanation.
Xavier Hall
> [math]\lim\limits_{x \to -\infty} \ln x = \lim\limits_{x \to -\infty} i\pi +\ln(-x) = \infty [/math] breaking news, tripfag is retarded
Gabriel Reed
It's called the principal complex logarithm. It works here because we have already constrained that [math] x < 0 [/math]. The choice of [math] i\pi [/math] is the branch cut.
Xavier Taylor
Oliver Ramirez
1/(-∞^∞) = 0?
w8 m8, is the generally agreement in conventional academia that infinity to the infinity is infinity?