Is your bae into science?
Is your bae into science?
No. Actually, in all seriousness, I think she's threatened by it.
To be fair, it's more interesting than she is.
I have never met a girl with a real interest in STEM or who isn't completely turned off by a conversation about anything STEM.
My girlfriend wants to study biology and do enviromental engineering.
My "bae" is into environmental science and botany.
Applying to a botany graduate programs in September.
She always asks about black holes or dimensions and other "meme" science.
Not complaining, she's lovely.
Why do women like biology so much?
Maybe its the whole nurturing side of woman psychology
> Implying we have baes
I do work with a hot Colombian, but she wisely doesn't date inside the group.
Like all STEM women. They never date guys in STEM. They go for the alpha chads in business.
He says he's 'Into science' but when he tries to talk about it I cringe. Clearly he doesn't watch documentaries or read articles or do independent research, he just sits and thinks about stuff; his terminology is so wrong.
This is how I know he's not the one.
He also calls it 'cute' or makes fun of me for being weird whenever I talk about something science-related.
And this is how I know that we're ultimately not going to be right for each other.
>having a girlfriend
libido-less master race reporting in
No, I was born in 1983 so I don't have a "bae".
Ugh. People over the age of 20 should NOT post here.
You were so close to being right.
The actual alphas here do not have girlfriends because they fuck around and hunt that pussy instead of being hunted themselves like a bunch of cucks.
>Why do women like biology so much?
It doesn't require calculus
Uterine narcissism
It does require calculus at my university and they are still almost exclusively women.
I guess it might be because we have calc I in HS that they aren't scared away.
still goes quite easy on math, my sisters in biology, calc is about all thats required. Sometimes I mention stuff about diff equ, linear algebra, finite difference stuff, mechanical engineering tier math and she still doesn't have the slightest clue
We do have about first order differential equations in HS too.
They actually have the exact same calculus course as all other science and engineering degress at my uni.
They get the exact same exam sets too.
They also get the same linear algebra course as the rest of us.
I graduated high school with only a crude understanding of algebra, I took precalc over the summer and couldn't believe how much i missed. I think bio is just a more social field, and attracts women who want to gossip in lab coats, as opposed to slave away on a computer advancing human progress.
I think it depends on the university. For instance My uni has a focus on problem based learning.
So half of our semester is spent on researching a problem, fleshing a subset out, solve it, and then write a report about all of it.
also where on earth do they teach diff equ in high school, im in US high school math was a joke precalc teacher was old as fuck and slept most of the class
Multiple European countries do it. I live in Scandinavia.
In Europe but I'm sure you learn some other stuff in the US.
must have good schools there man, american public school is wasting away so much potential talent, I've had to explain to graduating seniors how to find the volume of a rectangle, some of these kids should never be graduating
>how to find the volume of a rectangle,
How do you do that?
also in my experience the majority of white americans never ever study in high school, everything has to be dumbed down for minorities, and the ap classes are filled with overachieving asians. ill head back to /pol in a minute but they really shouldn't let some of these kids in the same classroom
rectangular prism, u know what i mean
i have conflicting feelings about the jews, do they contribute more to math and science than the harm caused by their quest for world domination? is it worth having them around?
She studies linguistics, not sure if that counts.
Can't really hold her own in a deep scientific convo tho unfortunately. But that's not why I love her.
Or bait?
not bait, he was an immigrant from some african country, the school let him graduate with the rest of us so they wouldn't look racist.
no, and it makes it difficult to relate to her humanities major.
Is she a shitlib?
No, thank god for that. I hate STEM fags even though I am one.