According to biology, is racial mixing advantageous or undesirable? I had always thought that increased genetic diversity is beneficial.
Racial admixture = Good?
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How old are you? Really?
Are you getting enough to eat?
Do you have any physical ailments?
Your body wants to eat, rest, and depending on your age--which I'm guessing is young--probably grow as well.
Your 'heart desires' are not your heart's at all but your brains. You have noise in your head that you take for reality. You're so good at listening to this noise that you are even considering suicide.
Do me a favor, kid.
Ignore your heart desires for a bit. Listen to to your bodily desires. Go on a retreat if you have to. Take mushrooms. Go lie in a sensory deprivation chamber.
Try to notice other people's desires.
When you get to the point where you're so good at noticing that, you'll probably have other people depending on you. Maybe even some people who want to die because their heart's desires aren't immediately being fulfilled.
Come back on here then, and tell me if you still have the balls to take the easy way out, and leave them behind in the dark.
^ What the fuck
iirc there are only so many loci but magnitudes more alleles available related to immunity. and what we call races aren't different enough for it to matter. most differences are within races and inbreeding is minimal so there is no reason to expect hybrid vigor to occur.
I agree somewhat, but there is a noticeable difference between isolated populations of humans. Especially in social behavior and intellect.
>doesn't know how to quote 's post
Well, I'm white and my girlfriend is asian, so I just hope our kids inherit both white and asian privilege.
pretty sure the majority of that 15%or whatever figure was for appearance, so i think the behavioral and intellectual is likely environmental. i doubt there is much pleiotropy. there may be some difference in proportion of alleles for neurological things but it's safe to say they are found in all the populations we're talking about.
on the individual level it doesn't matter, that's for sure. only so many loci, but so many alleles found across the globe.
Interesting. Environmental forces are probably one of the most influential factors. However, studies with mono-zygotic twins prove that intelligence is largely genetic and hereditary.
Race mixing doesnt increase genetic diversity it destroys genetic diversity.
Can you support your claim?
i'm not dismissing genetics, but those twins were reared in similar environments. of course all environmental factors equal there will be differences due to genetics. i mean just look at variation in translation rates for various proteins, that will have effect down the line. and why would the brain be the only organ immune to it? because we'd liek it to be that way? still cultures and societies vary greatly and i could see how even a clones would be very different because of it.
Those genes that took thousands of years for africans to develop are destroyed once they mix with a white person,not to mention humans outside of Africa are inbred to the point where everyone is at least 51st cousins with eachother where as Africans have more genetic diversity overall so its bad for Africans to racemix period since it limits their genetics. It could be the reason why black americans dont have the same level of facial and cranial shape diversity as black africans, those dudes have some box shaped heads and some really weird looking face because black americans are inbred hence the same face thing.
All members of our species are heavily inbred, Humans were almost driven to extinction at one time. Regardless, africans do have the most diverse genes compared with others. But on a biological perspective It's still not that diverse.
Seeing as how the genes that each race possesses took thousands of years to generate then the only way to increase human genetic diversity to stop race mixing but allow humans to enter more challenging environments. You see every human isnt the product of racemixing at all but geographical genetic isolation.
You mix an asian with a white person you create a human with slightly whiter looking face destroying the genes that give asians their slant eye neotenous look that took Ice Age Asia to make possible. Asians also have straight hair follicles yet again you are destroying that by mixing with a white person.
The argument for mixing blacks with whites is dumb blacks evolved to thrive in hot tropical climates where as white evolved to thrive in colder temperate ones, so a mulatto can survive in both? No the mulatto is just a freakshow that doesnt fit any environmental niche because how unique the genes of its white and black parent is compared to it.
Racemixing is destroying human diversity, the only time racemixing helped is when our ancestors were repeatably raped by an assortment of hominid species but most famous the Neanderthals it could be argued their genes is what lead to our success but the truth is natural selection lead to our success.
literally wut? everyone was evolving everywhere in those thousands of years. and producing a child doesn't destroy genes, the child gets half from each of their parents, except the mtdna is from mum. you could say in the case where there is a population with a very rare allele and there is invasive migration over time that allele will eventually cease to exist in otherwise hw conditions. but africa is not at risk of this unlike the himalayans with their rare oxygen deprivation survival allele.
half of their chromosomes*
Chimp subspecies have more genetic diversity than all humans put together also NOTICE THE CHIMP SUBSPECIES DONT MIX WITH EACHOTHER.
I see mixed humans as disgusting freakshows(when my mulatto fetish isnt active) because they are physical representations of the destruction of diversity to the human species. All of those unique characteristics just gone and you this mixed thing that has some traits from both.
Human genetic uniqueness should be preserved not tarnished that is probably why humans are racist its just the brain psychological mechanism to maintain our genetic uniqueness relative to others.
>Those genes that took thousands of years for africans to develop
>thousands of years
too much /pol/ for me m8. my first gf was a half asian half white girl and she was gorgeous. there are very attractive mixed race people.
what about the uniqueness of these people? why are they not unique? because you see them as hybrids? look, i'm all for conservation of human biodiversity but you don't need kkk shit for that. look once crispr and designer babbies start why would race even matter? i could have my kids be blue eyed with chocolaty skin. genetic engineering will be the final nail in the coffin for racism.
Is white-arab mix bad genetics? I really hope I'm not a biological freak.
You know what I mean.
Mixed people are unique but they are destructions of genetic diversity.
>kkk shit
Whats wrong black man I thought you loved your race? You some kind of coon ass white lover.
>look once crispr and designer babbies start why would race even matter?
You cant escape race fag its ingrained in our DNA to a high level, if you think just making little Zarambe have white skin makes him white then you have no understanding of race.
>i could have my kids be blue eyed with chocolaty skin. genetic engineering will be the final nail in the coffin for racism.
Why do you insist of destroying human diveristy? Black Africans should maintain their genetic uniqueness and not mix with any humans outside of their race at all. Racism? The most racist thing you can do is race mix because its acknowledging race exist and your attempt to destroy race so it doesnt exist, the racist is you fool but go ahead and make your mixed freakshows.
Yes it is but that is due to arabs existing before whites meaning they have unique genes that blacks lack however since most arabs these days are inbred to high hell due to Islam incest fetish you are actually good.
i thought races didn't exist? why is dna talking n shit ok if it fits the narrative
Thanks, so If i decide to reproduce should I copulate with another half sandnigger? or should I go full white? Don't want my children to be autists
i am white my friend and i do really like black girls, this one time she was fine. this petite black girl. mmmmmm. this will sound kinda racist but my ideal 4some: asian girl, black girl and redhead. variety is the spice of life.
but look have you heard of whats going on in synthetic biology? we could save every human allele in existence in silico, generate functional derivations of them even and write them out artificially in DNA and implant it into a zygote. effectively the human race has been saved.
Race is real but humans are arrogant and assume they are exempt from all natural laws even this is complete lunacy. Most people will call you crazy for even suggesting geographical natural selection caused the races in humanity.
Its the LALALALALA HUMANS ARE SPECIAL logic at its finest.
Facial features and bone structure very Caucasian phenotype. I bet she is mostly European descent.
>You know what I mean.
No I don't, it sounds like you know nothing about genetics
No thats clearly a nigger from Africa.
You can fuck them but dont reproduce with them.
Only nigger feature seems to be skin tone and nose shape. I could be wrong though, I'm no expert on anthropology.
I knew someone with that background who inherited the full gamut of both Asian and European allergies. Shit can backfire if you're unlucky.
I guess it's good to have multiple children in that case.
There is no genetic concept of race.
Do you have any evidence that somehow humans drastically differentiated as much as you believe they did in only 10-20,000 years?
Im a half Nigger, half Masterrace (caucasian).
Never had any problems, not even racism is a big deal. Foreigners know the deal & whites don't care to bother too. In terms of genes,
I have a tendency to endomorphic body decelopment, also I don't fall to diseases that often (expect for ebolaids, fuck that shit).
I think there are more social benefits & disadvantages, where genes don't seem to play an important factor.
>thread full bumbling idiots who don't even have enough respect or understanding to actually answer op's question
It's both op, too little or too much admixture can risk the genetic flexibility of an entire species.
The key for humans is to keep us as far away from being a specialist species as much possible. Specialist species are more vulnerable to extinction while generalist species aren't.
The basic idea is that if an adverse change in the planet's ecosystem(s) happened and wiped out all sub-populations or races except for one. That one sub-population or race would not only still be able to survive in their own environment but be genetically diverse enough to spread to other environments and thrive without being limited to the particular qualities of their native lands.
I would've expected a better answer from Veeky Forums.
There's benefits and disadvantages from both outbreeding and inbreeding.
Everyone is already mixed. Do you think all these races popped up separately and had no contact with each other?
Of course its bad unless you want to turn USA and Europe into Brazil with low IQ subhumans
Just look at Africa and Detroit and tell me you want more of that
>There is no genetic concept of race.
Explain why this child has inherited features from both parents who are different races
Aborigines have survived for thousands of years without the aid for antibiotics, vaccines, and calcium supplements. lets not forget computers and sterile environments were also not available.
>tfw condom tore last weekend and I came hard inside (no pill)
Do you mean populations and cultures?
Because there are almost no genetic difference between races. Actually there are bigger genetic differences within a particular race than there are between races...
"In 1972, Richard Lewontin performed a FST statistical analysis using 17 markers (including blood-group proteins). He found that the majority of genetic differences between humans (85.4 percent) were found within a population, 8.3 percent were found between populations within a race and 6.3 percent were found to differentiate races"
LOL Lewontin's fallacy.
The children aren't getting certain traits based on the uselessly broad definition of race. Instead we look at populations. A parent with irish and jamaican parents is going to look wildly different from a child born of nigerian and swedish parents. In both cases we have a black child born of a white and black parent, yet they look wildly different. That is because genetically populations have a strong definition (ie a child born of two people from defined populations, irish and nigerian, will be fairly consistent while a child born of two people from defined races, black and white, will not and it has been tested scientifically)
>Richard Lewontin
How is it fallacious?
It's comparing apples and oranges. Variation within groups is different to that between them. The fact that there's more variation within "races" than between them does not undermine the concept.
As a extremely simplified example imagine there were two races that differed by a single gene. One race had a variant of the gene that made them aggressive and violent and the other race had a variant that made them meek and peaceful.
Everyone would see that these two races were behaviourally different and these differences would have social consequences yet 99.99999999999% of the variation would lie within the races not between them...
Right, but the point is how best do we get genetic diversity. I agree with your point about within a population, however when we compare crossing population bounds to crossing racial bound, a person will be more diverse focusing on the former.
This example doesnt make sense, but i am pretty sure i know what you meant originally. For example take the set of numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, this has a variance of 10.
Now if we then categorized them into odds and evens(including 0) and averaged those first, then we have 5 and 5. There is no variance between those.
Yet we can compare the difference categorizing techniques. Odds, evens, higher than 5, less than 2 etc. Some of these will be more useful then others for predicting properties about this set of numbers.
I am arguing that populations are more valid genetic categorizations than races.
>Asians also have straight hair follicles yet again you are destroying that by mixing with a white person.
My dad is a happa and has that straight Asian hair you're talking about. So do I.
You shouldn't use 17 markers. Lewontin's test was limited by his time. Humans have several million times more, and you need thousands to achieve separation.
>Multidimensional scaling (MDS) plots with Russian (n = 25) and Chinese (n = 34) samples with increasing SNP count from top to bottom (10, 100, 1000, 10,000, and 660,755 SNPs). Two clusters gradually emerge as SNP count increases, along with an increase in EST, while FST remains relatively constant. show less
I feel sorry for the people in /pol/.
>I don't like Fst results, so I'm going to try to fudge data to my liking
>Can't get paper published in real journal
>Search Author, only one other puplication
>plos one
This has absolutely nothing to do with lewontin or his data. We sequence entire people's genomes in a day. You can sequence thousands of people's genomes and compare the allele frequenices, the SNVs, and any other information you want. That's how science works. If you don't believe the results, you can test them yourself.
Searching the internet for any number of papers you can either misinterpret or try to cherrypick, but that doesn't change the reality of things. Look at your picture. The Fsts are 0.07. Even the most distance human populations don't go above 0.1. For reference, most other primates are 0.5-0.7. You can test that. The only fallback you have is that somehow all the geneticists in the world are all lying as part of some conspiracy, which is the usual fallback.
>random assortments of ntDNA, partical nuclear, SNP
I also suggest you real A History and Geography of Human Genes by Cavalli-Sforza
Colors have gradients (even more so than populations). Thus, all colors are the same.
heavily outdated and ideologically tainted
Plus his understanding of math was embarrassing. As a mathematician, sometimes I found myself laughing at his inability to grasp how the statistical tools he uses work.
>online shitposting with bad analogies will discount any real science!
>ideologically tainted
All it took was a few minutes on google scholar to learn the truth.
> It is also socially irresponsible as these pictorial representations of human evolution have more impact on the general public than nuanced phrases in the text of a scientific paper.
Nice ideological taints
>gets proven wrong with data
>muh authorities
They are biologists. I am not going to take the word of a biologist when I am a mathematician and I am tenfold more educated than they are to understand statistics.
At what point did you prove me wrong? hahaha. What data do you have? That paper you linked earlier that is not credible?
You are not a mathematician if you don't understand understand a simple concept like Fsts or allele frequencies.
>that is not credible
>cites multiple papers
>all those papers are not credible either
>doesn't understand what Fst means
20,000 years ago the native americans use to be Siberian nomads.
You cited one paper and a picture.
You're trying to decry stuff I posted from Nature, PNAS, and commonly accepted textbook information we discovered 40 years ago.
Trying to get emotional validation on an anime image board is not going to change physical reality.
Thats not even a pure black in your picture either.
not a single doctor in the world can predict with any degree of accuracy how a kid is going to turn out based on the race of his parents.
I posted data. You posted abstracts.
The conflicting data is explained by the number of loci used.
This papers only look at finding single SNP or gene locations for diseases. They don't even mention population genetics. What point are you trying to make?
>race doesn't exist, look at these papers from 15 years ago
>but medical researchers still use it anyway just 2 or 3 years ago
I posted links to full articles.
>using same old "number of loci" and lewontins fallacy memes over and over again
This paper should elucidate on your fallacy about the "number of loci used" problem
Are you implying we can separate races based on a SINGLE SNV!?
In that case, everyone is their own race hahaha
How can no one on Veeky Forums believe in races? Do you guys really think homo sapiens are exempt from natural selection creating distinct genetic niches or something?
This is unbelievable.
They are not single. Those are separate cases where race is influential. There are countless such cases. Overall, they make up the races.
Most differences between populations are in the nervous system actually.
According to your study, there's actually a discontinuity between Subsaharan Africans and everybody else. Good job.
This papers are older becuse, like I said, we discovered the truth about human genetics 40 years ago.
Why would the entire scientific community be lying about it?
Because of the genetic reality. All humans are too similar and mixed to be able to differential in any way that means anything. You can aggregate small differences, but overall humans have an extremely low level of genetic diversity as a species and we're all too related to each other.
It's not the entire scientific community.
Chinese biologists publish pro-racial division papers all the time.
Africans and non-Africans. In contrast, in the geography-based data set in which the sampling is based on individuals rather than populations, all individuals are estimated to be 40%-50% admixed between two inferred populations, and no qualitative difference between Africans and non-Africans can be detected
nice reading skills.
One or two... and ironically they publish them for state propaganda to show how superior they are to America.
Africans include Caucasian Africans in Northern Africa
Subsaharan Africans are separated
More like Western scientists do it for state propaganda while Chinese scientists are doing actual science
>How can no one on Veeky Forums believe in races?
>go through years of school to get a PhD
>do more years of research on racial genetics
>in the end, there is no money in it. there are no patents to be had, no new medicines created.
>probably won't even land you tenure at some shit tier state university
how do you not understand that investing scientific resources on this stuff is a fools errand?
at best it does nothing with our current level of technology. at worst you have uneducated pinheads using your lifes work as validation for being shitty to other human beings.
>All humans are too similar and mixed to be able to differential in any way that means anything
Is that why negros are good at short distance sports and whites are good at physical lifting?
How the heck are all humans similar besides having the same species?
Honestly you are one of those lunatics that GO LALALALALAL HUMANS ARE SPECIAL LALALALALA FUCK NATURE.
Dogs have only existed for 10,000 years while humans have been here longer and you dont think we have seperate genetic grouping based on natural selection?
>moralfags on Veeky Forums
I thought you people were rational. Racial science is necessary to better to understand out species and to finally put black people where they belong.
You can look at human Fst data and compare it to other animals. Humans have less than 10% of the overall genetic diversity of other primates.. when you look at overall nuclear Fst
>I see mixed humans as disgusting freakshows(when my mulatto fetish isnt active) because they are physical representations of the destruction of diversity to the human species.
>mulatto fetish
well your subconscious sees obviously desirable traits in these "mixed humans" if you want to fuck them.
So what races still exist otherwise you couldnt identify humans by racial physical traits.
Genetically.. none. Physical appearance is an extremely small part of our genetics.
So what? The physical traits still persist in many populations so they are racial.
Sure, but the you can't make claims of how races should be subspecies or that drastic differences in intelligence or behavior are caused by genetics without genetic evidence, especially when behavior and intelligence are likely regulated by thousands of genes. It is a bold claim to say races differ on the order of thousands of genes when that flies in the face of all the evidence and observable data.
>Racial science is necessary to better to understand out species and to finally put black people where they belong.
yeah, okay. first off, you aren't having any genocides or eugenics programs. you aren't stripping away agency from anyone.
science isn't about truth. thats the domain of religion and philosophy. it may have been about that a long time ago, but the scientific community has been yoked by industry and the state since the enlightenment.
science serves. it does not rule. even if you had "muh incontrovertible proof niggers are dumb and violent" you will never be able to use it to effect any public policy.
The evidence is our world user, the black africans have been behind humans outside of Sub Saharan Africa, the Abos were in Emuland for 50,000 years and didnt develop a goddamn thing either. I am sorry but that is evidence that races are full of retards.
They belong in the wild user blacks are wild humans that why the fail at everything in our world and only a small group of genetic outliers promote anything positive about this godawful race, I dont care how many smart black people they are they all belong in the jungle, those smart blacks are genetics freaks that shouldnt even exist because if smart blacks were a thing then they would been more common in the negro race, but even the arabs called blacks stupid apes and that was thousands of years ago before we even enslaved them.