What is between the lines? Is it silence?

What is between the lines? Is it silence?

the exact inbetween would be antinodes which aren't silent because it's the minimum amplitude. inbetween those would then be silence.

so there is no region with absolute zero oscilations of medium, just high and low regions, making sound wave continuous just like EM . Is this correct?

no, i'm saying there is a zero, it's just inbetween the node and antinode. having a wave where it's minimum is zero means its maximum is zero, which means its flat, which means there's no sound to begin with. if you are talking about a case where there is clearly a positive maximum then the only place where silence can exist is in-between the max and min since they cancel themselves out.

Cancelling each other. I understand now. Thanks.

No, its high and low pressure waves, how they go after each other....

The 'lines' don't exist. 'Waves' don't exist. They're just terms used by dumb people to explain things like muh quantum mechanics to other dumb people.

your brain waves certainly don't exist.

That's correct. The constituents of my brain use electricity to communicate with each other, not 'brain waves'.

>traveling wave
Is this an elaborate ruse, or are you of a small mind?

and what is electricity? i can't wait to hear you meme an explanation.

>inb4 it's just electrons man

suggesting they don't exist in a is like saying there are no minima/maxima in a traveling wave

It's just ions man.

Well it is just electons. >inb4'ing the obvious answer doesn't nullify it.

it's not even that. it's their potential energy being distributed, in the form of a....want me to say it?

>suggesting they don't exist in a is like saying there are no minima/maxima in a traveling wave
Non sequitur. Moving maxima/minima of air pressure or velocity at the surfaces of constant phase aren't nodes or antinodes. In particular, there's no "silence" between the maxima as every point gets the full swing of an amplitude over time.

this thread reminds me of when people ask what is inbetween electrons of differing valency

>more accurately exists as a cloud

>b..but.... m...my drawing ?

Nobody knows what the form is. 'Wave' is just a very undescriptive word created by dumb people to confuse dumb people.

yeah everyone knows sound is made of particles

listen to the gorilla

Oh god, the robots are starting to post on sci

It's the sound of silence.

>What is between the lines? Is it silence?

I don't know, is it?

What would you call such a thing?

Cyclic kinetic molecular compression phases?

People, you dont hear the up and downs of the wave.
You hear the fourier transformation of the waves. There is no silence in between.