>Survived my first day of Calc 1
Survived my first day of Calc 1
i bet it was probably a short history lesson calculus...talked about Newton and Leibniz
not really impressed
No it was a pre calculus review, how to contact professor, her office hours, etc.
>tfw only a week until I start Calc 2
a-are the m-memes real guys?
I start Calc 2 in a month.
We'll find out together, user.
are you guys freshman or something?
>introduce yourself
>get syllabus
wew lad
Did you think those disappeared the day you became a sophomore?
>precalculus review
>syllabus bullshit
>a-are the m-memes real guys?
No. The only people who say Calc 2 is hard are engineering retards.
>inb4 "muh series!!"
>About to die in Calc 1
Just how do I do it, i feel retarded, I've had no trouble with my other [spoiler]programming courses[/spoiler] but this year i learned why i should hate Isaac Newton.
calc 3 in 9 days
>yfw i spent summer studying half the syllabus
>i feel retarded
You should.
Because you are.
>Says he hates Newton for Calc
>Doesn't mention Leibniz
>This much pleb
When I was in calc 2 they gave us a triple integral problem for extra credit and didn't tell us until a month later we could have gotten a Fields medal if we'd solved it
> get 15% on my first calc 2 quiz, mostly sympathy marks from explaining rough outlines of how to do each question
> it was worth 12.5% of my total mark
i mean i guess its supposed to be a wake up call, but now im just more demotivated than ever
Wow you must be retarded
If you're retarded.
It's real. Calc II is the hardest calc course you'll take, mainly due to the burst of new concepts. Calc III will feel like Calc I with vectors or y and z randomly thrown in. I'm guessing it's to weed out those who don't truly understand current and previous material.
Do you even study and do practice problems? Jesus Christ, get it together
My professor got his PhD in triple integrals and tried to explain them to us and we didn't even get it. That was calc 6 though
Calc 2 is actually fun, well it was for me anyway. You're given a bunch of tools and you have to look at the integral and find out which one is right, using the wrong method can sometimes work but it should be clear that you're doing something wrong when you're not progressing.
Even though I did better in Calc 1 I thought the concepts in calc 2 were easier to follow.
Still got a shot at a B, sadclown.
No, the memes aren't real
The thing about Calc 2 is it is your first "real" math class, in that you'll actually have to think a little instead of just auto-piloting your way to the answer.
You'll be given many tools for how to address different kinds of problems that are all similar in nature. It'll be up to you to determine which method to use and rigorously solve the problem. If you're not used to actually studying to understand concepts as well as applying those concepts, then the class will be quite hard.
My advice: go to all the lectures, read your text book on what you covered and do all the homework. You'll be fine. If I can get an A in Calc 2, any retard can with just a little elbow grease
By that logic you'll only survive half a day of Calc II
>precalc review
>didn't dive straight into derivatives
Helpful. Thanks.
Wait you dont have one test at the end of the course that is worth 100% of your grade? Man american unis seem like kindergarden
>kindergarten seems like kindergarten
Just. Study. Holy shit. Do you just not like math?
Stop that. Math is easy.
I wonder how they would survive when you have to have an oral exam about proofs from calc 3, fail it and you must redo the test before ypu get to redo the oral exam
How is this supposed to help you learn better? You people on Veeky Forums get so worked up about having harder courses for no reason at all.
If you study well, then why would it matter? You shouldn't be failing in the first place.
>how does harder tests help you learn more
Hmm, perhaps that you must study more?
Congrats. Don't miss class or homework. Calculus is easy, but only once you've learned it.
>just survived first day of matrix & linear
post more kurisu
I got a C in calc 1 and an A in calc 2.
Never took 3. I figured it would be as hard as both together since 1 plus 2 equals 3 depending on who you ask....
>muh draconian teaching practices
>muh artificial difficulty
>muh complete lack of applicable projects
i'd love it if all i had was some autistic one shot final i had to game my way through. no %50 grade course projects and 30 page reports sounds wonderful.
Calculus III is ridiculously easy. I got a C.
it's a double edge sword
that kind of exam is awful
No. From having TAed calc 2, I can see that the people who do poorly in the class are the retards from engineering who scrape through their degrees with 50's.
Your engineering dept must be shit then. The engineers at my school wouldn't be caught dead with anything lower than a B otherwise they drop out from massive embarrassment.
Pick one.
And precisely one.
>I can't offer a rebuttal therefore I'm going to use my degree in Memeology and meme you.
Just do your homework, and if you still somehow don't get it, watch videos online or read from the book.
>> it was worth 12.5% of my total mark
Doesn't sound American to me
just wait for calc 8, when they bust out the quadruple integrals (not for the faint of heart, don't try at home!)
That ain't true. Everyone knows Vector Calc is the highest calc there is. Fucking clown.
t. EE
No, just bang out integral after integral and read ahead on series when you can.
>Vector calculus
>aka Let's Learn the Exact Same Thing Again, But This Time With Vectors! The Class
>He didn't take Calculus in high school
>He didn't get a 1 on the AP exam and is now forced to take Precalc
Get on my level.
>Not learning Calculus on Schemes in middle school
Given a morphism [math]X \to Y[/math] of schemes, let [math]\mathcal{I} \equiv \ker \left( {{\mathcal{O}_{X{ \times _Y}X}} \to {\Delta _*}{\mathcal{O}_X}} \right)[/math].
Define [math]{\Omega _{X/Y}} \equiv {\mathcal{O}_X}{ \otimes _{{\Delta ^{ - 1}}\left( {\mathcal{I}/{\mathcal{I}^2}} \right)}}{\Delta ^{ - 1}}{\mathcal{O}_{X{ \times _Y}X}}[/math] and then derivative is the natural map [math]\operatorname{d} :{\mathcal{O}_X} \to {\Omega _{X/Y}}[/math].
If anyone on this board made anything less than a B+ in calculus you don't belong on here, and of that B+ the exams need to be near-perfect scores (I'll allow lazy fags who don't do homework on the board, even if they're fags).
I'm serious. If you can't manage fucking CALCULUS with even the minimum amount of effort, you're too stupid to be posting here.
>a 1 on the AP exam
That's the lowest score..............
Exactly. It means that I don't know what the fuck I was doing hence the
>forced to take Precalc
Get off my board, brainlet.
>taken as a high school junior
Leave me alone please
Don't make excuses, a 5 on BC is easily attainable for a junior (even younger desu).
That said, don't kill yourself over it
>implying engineers actually do calculus
lol, once you take numerical methods you never solve anything analytically again. virtually every engineering problem can (and more often than not has to) be solved with taylor expansion.
heat diffusion, fluid mechanics, stress/strain.
>when you take calc 1 and realize its all memorization and bullshit that calc 2 and 3 make obsolete
/b/rainlets please leave
take a deep breath
summer is almost over
>don't kill yourself over it
I disagree with this advice.
I learned that while I was still an itch in my dad's balls, brainlet.
Good thing I decided to go for the premed route instead of engineering once I realized how much I fucking hated math.
yeah maybe i was a bit hasty in suggesting that.
do you watch anime? this is important for what i say next
I watch a lot of SoL anime, yeah
remember when i said not to kill yourself?
im gonna say something else now
>going to take calculus for life science for my freshman year when I haven't done math in at least a year, which was calc ab where I got a C
Am I going to be okay anons?
That's not me. No I don't watch japanese cartoons.
Isn't a triple integral an integral of an integral of an integral?
So [eqn]\int_ \int_ \int_ 2x dx = (x^{4}) / 12[/eqn] What the fuck is hard about that?
>he almost had the solution to the hardest open problem in mathematics, but he fucked up the latex....
Fuck latex. It's a piece of shit, I hate it, and it should not be used on this board.
>he thinks you can just SOLVE a triple integral
undergrad spotted
[eqn]\iiint 2x dx = \frac{x^4}{12}+C[/eqn]
You even forgot the constant. kys
[eqn]\iiint 2x \; dx = \frac{x^4}{12} + C[/eqn]
You even forgot the spacing between [math]2x[/math] and [math]dx[/math]. kys
If it took you the whole summer, you are a fucking retarded idiot.
I don't know about you, but I'm too busy fucking women during the summer to be fully engaged in my autistic studies. I think learning half the course is an accomplishment.
Honestly why didn't you do Calc 3 in high school?
I read Spivak's Calculus, Sternberg's/Loomis' Advanced Calculus, and George F Simmons Calculus w/Analytic Geometry before first day of undergrad in Calc 1. Don't see why students don't do this to make life easier for themselves. What if your professor is awful, like mumbles through lectures and assigns you some shit book like Stewart's Calculus which leaves all sorts of gaps.
You should have asked to place out instead of wasting your time taking the class.
>not covering inter-universal teichmüller theory in pre-calc
My my comment was serious btw
Man I'm glad I'm done with calc
Can't believe little old me is going to do a postgrad. I remember in high-school I failed math.
Now I miss calc during undergrad.
Memories will fade like the thousands upon thousands of papers i wrote out with calc exercises
If you wanna take anything from this pointless post, let it be that anyone can become decent at mathematics.
>hate someone for advancing mathematics
>mfw I paid over 200 dollars for the Stewart book
looking forward to dive into mathematics soon, with no base or background bar school education (arithmetic)
is calc enough for a start? i can't afford a double major so i'm doing this on my own, and it's confusing where i should head and what books to get or maybe online lectures
Fucking kys
>slanted [math]\mathrm{d}[/math]
[eqn]\iiint 2x\;\mathrm{d}x=\frac{x^4}{12}+C[/eqn]
>you have to actually think
>you're given a finite set of tools
>PhD in triple integrals
double AND triple integrals?
In high school I got an A+ in calc 1 and a B in Calc 2. The sequences and series are a bitch. And polar and parametric coordinates are disgusting.
W-what do Calc 1 and Calc 2 cover? Is it just the derivative-integral calculation bullshit you do in high school or does it involve actual shit like sequences and series of functions, derivatives of integrals and complex analysis?
yeah just plug it into computers bro xD