> In the centre of a black hole is a gravitational singularity, a one-dimensional point which contains a huge mass in an infinitely small space, where density and gravity become infinite and space-time curves infinitely, and where the laws of physics as we know them cease to operate. This causes a tear in the fabric of space-time. >The laws of physics apply no longer.
How is this even possible ? How can the physical nature of the smallest building blocks that make the entire universe just "break" ? Is this basically an inevitable defective glitch of the simulation ?
Hudson Collins
>implying anyone, let alone Veeky Forums, knows what happens at the point of singularity
Alexander Cook
It means it's a singularity, and there's nothing you can say, mathematically, about a singularity, save, "Yup, that's a singularity."
There's limits to verbal and mathematical descriptions.
Though you can still say all sorts of things about the consequences of its existence to things around the singularity - including predicting its eventual evaporation.
Daniel Perry
>one-dimensional point zero-dimensional point*
Get your facts right, breh
Colton Rodriguez
I can explain it, but 4chin says the comment is too long.
Jaxson Young
there are no limits you just have to invent new words for it
Julian James
Did you really think physics was supposed to explain things in a reasonable manner? It's just a hobby for stoners
Cooper Roberts
>The laws of physics apply no longer.
Once upon a time .. before physics became a closed system
Chase Edwards
>It's just a hobby for stoners You say that as though it's a bad thing.
Nicholas Adams
But math is just a model for reality, it doesn't abide by any perfectly identified rules.
Ryder Sanchez
The physics dont really break, nor is it a glitch. It is just intrinsically unknowable and barely even a part of our universe
Ryan Phillips
A 'singularity' is a portal, a dimensional window connecting to the environment that contains the 3D universe. 4D game change. All stars and planets have this connection. Infinities are absurdities, nothing is infinite, how could it.
Chase Walker
>he typed it out
Evan Cox
this, everyone thinks that the laws of physics are some powerfuls rules that the universe is running on, they're not, they are models which describe reality.
Joshua Sullivan
No one can give you an explanation of what going on inside a black hole. There only guesses so no one on Veeky Forums will tell you because they don't know. But you'll get some asshole who think he knows.
Ethan Bell
I'm pretty sure we have a solid idea on whats going on in there
Jaxson Rodriguez
This is speculative bullcrap the fact black holes can evaporate means this is pure nonsense, sure they create high time dilation but breaking down spacetime is absurd.
Camden Green
I think the reason why that assumption even exists is that if you put infinite mass into any of the calculations you just start getting weird results where stuff start to approach infinity or 0 or 1 or any of the classical limits. It's not really that space time breaks, it's more that our models of space can't take that input and they output nonsense at that point. It's our human physics that breaks, not the universe
Jackson Morris
>zero-dimensional point* >2 dimensional point projected as a 3d hologram fix'd
It's even possible the surface is an entire 2d universe. (flatland style) If it's this proves true then our universe 3d universe likely exists on the surface of a 4th dimensional black hole.
Elijah Stewart
It's behind an event horizon. Doesn't bother me.
Matthew Brooks
Any mass with a volume of 0 will have an infinite density and infinitely large gravitational pull. The fact that everything didnt get sucked into the first black hole to appear disproves ops claims.
Ian Powell
Just a thought from someone with almost no knowledge about this stuff but
The universe keeps expanding, and creating more mass and space at the edges of the universe right? Don't black holes do the opposite? They suck in everything. What if black holes are tubes to the outermost parts of the universe where there is a lack of time and matter and all that stuff, creating a sort of vacuum that sucks matter from other parts of the universe using these black holes?
Just a thought, you can hate idgaf, just thowing it out there
Joseph Butler
>talking on Veeky Forums about black holes >not understanding what an event horizon is Thank god we're all basement dwelling neckbeards
Julian Richardson
Fucking millennials amirite?
Jace Perry
When the universe expands it doesn't create more mass and black holes don't destroy mass.
Try reading about this stuff, like a pop sci book or something.
Jace Diaz
>How is this even possible?
I'm gonna get this tattooed. The greatest thing anyone can do is ask how something works imo.
Carson Bailey
Ive read this whole book. We describe it as having 0 volume, but it does not behave like it has 0 volume, it behaves as if it does have a tiny volume. Thats why we cant say we even know whats beyond an event horizon.
Jonathan Myers
Because the universe contains itself. Like a crystal ball
Eli Hill
>there's nothing you can say, mathematically, about a singularity sure there is the fact that it isn't a regular point with a general, easy description doesn't mean you can't say things about it
Liam Clark
>He thinks that there is difference between model and reality
And what if math IS reality and it actually breaks?
Joseph Diaz
Then make it into two or more parts dumbass.
Colton Garcia
>t. Fermat
Hudson Gutierrez
>> In the centre of a black hole is a gravitational singularity, a one-dimensional point which contains a huge mass in an infinitely small space, [citation needed] The next time, before you "quote" that website (physicsoftheuniverse.com) without citation, send them feedback and explain to them that they are wrong. A point has zero dimensions.
One more case of unreliable sources. Wiki would have been better.
Tyler Diaz
Math tends to throw out variables and consider situations "ideal." Op is poorly describing an "ideal" blackhole. We cant say for sure because we can not observe a real black hole beyond the event horizon.