What's your first class tomorrow Veeky Forums?
>elementary statistics
What's your first class tomorrow Veeky Forums?
>elementary statistics
job title?
>tfw my classes actually start tomorrow
Calc III. Pretty hyped tbqh family
Real Analysis 1, followed by Topo 1, Diff Eq, and then Math Stats.
just a software dev
>tfw doesnt actually post a rxn face
I've graduated and now i'm a grad student.
So it's probably philosophy or something.
>The Normal Distribution
Bell curves make me nostalgic. Probably because I took statistics and calculus at the same time in my final year of high school. I remember fondly being exposed to the concept of derivatives for the first time, and how that was relevant to statistics. Calculus was like fucking sorcery to me at the time. Ever since then, I have always made love with my mathematics textbooks every night before bed. They have a lot of cum stains, but they dry out well enough if I leave them open overnight.
>tfw you will never wake up with a hard cock and then masturbate while thinking about rates of change in your sleepy confusion for the first time ever again
First day is Tuesday for me, but
>Theory of Elasticity
At first I was pissed that my professor is some new guy, but looking at his publications, he seems pretty based. I'm stoked
Day 1
F = kx
Day 2
An intro class to chemisty. I know I'm a brainlet. :^(
Sounds good to me senpai!
You better pray to Carl Sagan that you don't have a shit teacher.
I'm usually not a brainlet, but I got a C in chemistry because my professor was actually retarded.
Class? That's a month from now for me.
Database administration
Physics with Calculus I.
Intro to Proofs
Tomorrow is the last week of summer term for me.
Introduction to Women and Gender Studies
Intro to Proofs is a Junior level class here boyo. I finished The Calculus sequence, Diff Eq, and Linear Algebra.
Calc 2 :)
>tfw real analysis isn't offered next term
feels bad to be a subpar student who will take real after sophomore year..gonna take intro {stats + combinatorics + optimization} + cs courses..fuck i need to start taking bird courses these schedules suck ass
How you made it through those courses without knowing how to write a proof is beyond me.
I don't have any class....
Intermediate EM I
Differential Equations
Organic Chemistry
Taylor Mechanics
Are you in Florida?
My classes don't start for another month. But when they do, the first one will be electromagnetism 1, for graduate students.
biology 2
then matrix & linear algebra
no illinois
You kind sir, are my nigga.
I start off the day with Physical Chemistry. So I get to hate myself every Monday morning. I guess you should never half ass anything, even the hatred you have for Mondays. End the day with MatSci, though, which should be fun.
No classes tomorrow. Tuesday is Physics for Science and Engineering and Ethics and Values (I've put it off for years).
Wednesday is Surface Hydrology. The only real class in my Earth Science major I'm taking this semester. Next semester is Physics II and Paleontology and then I graduate.
1. Logic/Proof in Mathematics
2. Methods in Biotechnology
3. Calculus II
Double major life
? Chances are he's an engineering student. The "engineering" versions of those classes usually just involve doing calculations.
Heading to Gene Expression right now. First grad level course I'm taking.
>Did A-levels in Maths, Physics, Biology, Chemistry.
>Applied myself.
>Got UUUU (Fail x4)
>Parents pressured me into picking up History, Geography, Religious Studies and a foreign language.
>A*AAB (Highest, 2nd 2nd, 3rd).
>Now in Durham uni doing History and it still pains me that I will never be an engineer or learn actually useful shit.
you can be a programmer user
Absolutely not! I have achieved a 1st in each of my previous two years at Durham. I should come out with a 1:1 this year. That means potentially going to Cambridge for post-graduate, or back to Durham if I screw up. Either way, it means a comfy middle-class earning doing some menial work.
My classes actually started last week.
Foundations of Advanced Mathematics, then Modern Physics, Stellar and Galactic Astrophysics, and Introduction to Scientific Computation.
>will never be an engineer or learn actually useful shit
i mean as a hobby
Intro cs
>studying history
>thinks grades/postgrad school entitles you to good work
>>Got UUUU
Are you a big guy?
You're actually going to continue studying for your useless history degree? Why are you on this board you waste of space
Yes, yes it does. Especially from Durham university and above.
For U
Because I worked with autistic children for work experience and it makes me feel like home.
4 U's brainlet
Durham m8
Class starts Wednesday and it's honors upper div linear algebra.
Intro to Logic Design
We get our lab kits soon, said to contain tons of microcontroller so Im pretty hyped. Easy A since i already messed around with ICs and microcontrollers years ago
Abstract Algebra or Programming Paradigms, too lazy to check which one is first
survey of organic chemistry
>calculus II
>third semester (I assume)
American education lmao
Extreme weather lmao
Microwave and RF engineering
the hell you guys are starting semester already?
I haven't heard anything from my department in Canada wth.
First class today.
Texas government.
GE requirements are so fun!
>Texas government.
Please secede. Nobody likes you.
Computation based i.e. same classes engineerfags take. We later return to those topics with more rigor in 3000 and 4000 classes.
Calc 1
:) Seems bretty easy
Neuro fag here.
Cognitive And Behavioral Neuroscience II
this one has a lab, excited to see some brains or atleast something as neat
>ad populum
>making shit up
What a sorry sort you are
euclidean and non-euclidean geometry
real analysis 1
hip-hop music production (for humanities credit)
and a research credit
semester starts next week, pretty excited
I start in October but:
>Diff Geo
>Quantum 3
>Number theory 2
>Topics in geometry
Lebesgue theory and geometric topology.
Microeconomic theory
Philosophy intro class
Ancient Greek
>differential geometry
shouldn't one be the prereq for the other?
They're both third year courses, diff Geo only requires real and complex analysis, while I think topology also requires algebra.