I'm studying math in graduate school and I really like it, but I've been having some existential/nihilistic crises recently as I'm in my early twenties and have no idea what the point of my life is currently. I've been thinking a lot about the potential of any existence after death, and have basically been operating under the assumption there isn't anything after subconsciously for some time. This has been taking a toll on my motivation, as I'm faced with the conundrum of what the point is of spending my most healthy years chugging away trying to understand hard math if it's all going to be erased in the end. Why not just go live it up and coast on the easy life I could certainly have by just quitting and working at a bank?
It's all felt rather pointless lately and it's becoming a bit overwhelming. I was wondering how you guys try to deal with these feelings about life in general, and what solutions you've come up with to convince yourself life is worthwhile. I'm not quite suicidal, as I like existing and it currently seems like death is the end, but I'm feeling apathetic. Not sure if this is related to my area of research or not.
Xavier Perez
Jacob Jackson
ask yourself why you're studying math, and maybe pick up a few philosophy books while you're at it
Cameron Garcia
Math is still something fun to me. The problem is with the overarching purpose: why do anything if it'll all end suddenly anyway? Philosophy books haven't helped yet, since they mostly assume a strong desire to live. I've been confused on what that purpose is.
Noah Ramirez
>tfw in the same boat as OP feels bad
Evan Foster
you've got one life. that's all you know. I think it's a waste to kill yourself, living is interesting. math is fun. so do it. do whatever you like, there's no purpose.
Bentley Fisher
Chase Smith
just turn your brain off and go back to math bro
Nolan Lopez
Your best years of your life are your 30's fuck your 20's study up famo. Hit the gym and get ready to be young and rich as hell then who the fuck cares of the "meaning" you'll be enjoying yourself.
Jose Peterson
You think a lack of purpose in life is de motivating? What about the fact that there is no free will there are no choices you're simply along for the ride thinking you have control but that is an illusion.
Jordan Stewart
>there is no free will [citation needed]
Chase Peterson
Pic related is a good answer. You'll never find a definitive purpose in life. Would working at a bank and spending money really make you happy?
Maybe read a Veeky Forums book? That's what I do.
Jacob Hall
What if you have anhedonia (you can't enjoy yourself no matter what you do) so you start taking drugs, but then you fuck yourself up so you can't take drugs anymore?
Thomas Edwards
How do you disprove something that doesn't exist ?
Jayden Bennett
Isn't it obvious?
Sebastian Bennett
none, life is a transient state of existence. might as well be a hedonist really, kinda dumb to put so much effort into something and get so little out of it when you can be high all day and feel just as good if not better.
Austin James
Maybe you feel like your life is pointless because math graduate school is one of the most pointless things you can do. It's like eating nothing but lettuce and asking why you feel hungry all the time. Realize that humans are biological machines that are wired to have certain desires (Maslow etc), and no matter how interesting you find math, it can never fulfill them. That's not to say that no well-adjusted people ever studied math, but that the math itself cannot supplant the more basic mechanisms of well-being.
Liam Wilson
Why do non-mathematicians hate maths so much?
Dominic Williams
desu i was a math major and spent 2 years in a top tier math PhD program
Owen Long
Just as he said, you weren't a mathematician.
Logan Bell
>This has been taking a toll on my motivation, as I'm faced with the conundrum of what the point is of spending my most healthy years chugging away trying to understand hard math if it's all going to be erased in the end. Why not just go live it up and coast on the easy life I could certainly have by just quitting and working at a bank? If you think you'd be happier doing that, then go for it. There's no rule that says you have to be a mathematician. Or if you do continue to pursue a math degree, let it be because you enjoy math, not because you consider it an obligation or a more "noble" calling. You create your own meaning and choose your own purpose. All you really need to be happy is to live with purpose, the purpose can be just about anything as long as it's not too self-destructive.
Don't fall into the trap of something has to last forever to matter. Sure, "it's all going to be erased in the end" but the experiences you have in life are important in their own right. They matter while they happen.
The best things for fending off the feeling of pointlessness are friends and uplifting art. Friends are more effective but art is easier to obtain. The Beatles got me through my first existential crisis. I just can't listen to She Loves You and not feel like life is good.
I probably don't know shit, take all of this with a grain of salt.
James Nguyen
Zachary Sanders
>I just can't listen to She Loves You and not feel like life is good. lmao, exactly the type of person who would invent meaning for a life that is so utterly meaningless.
this is what you need to understand about things mattering, it's up to you to make it matter. this experience is a negligible blip that if you really had some decent standards (something no beatles fan has) you'd couldn't let yourself give this worthless existence meaning.
Benjamin Myers
>knows that life has no inherent meaning >still finds it worthwhile to be a contrarian hipster faggot