Why are so many people negative about engineering degrees and call STEM "a meme"? I like math and want to get into the engineering field, is going to college for engineering not the best thing I could be doing in order to pursue that?
Engineering degree
Because autistics think engineering somehow bastardizes physics.
Very few people do that. That is purely a Veeky Forums thing, which I assume is down to people being bitter of their own personal failures. Engineering is seen as stereotypically "nerdy", and most of the people here are the nerds who couldn't hack it, intellectually.
Yes, go to school for engineering.
>That is purely a Veeky Forums thing
I'm in my 3rd year of electrical engineering. And yeah, my post is based on Veeky Forums being strangely negative about STEM and engineering. Since this is the main social outlet for me, perhaps I took it too seriously.
So I had some time to crystallize my thoughts. It's basically two things:
1. Failed "intellectuals" are bitter
2. This is a really conservative place at the end of the day, and conservative people on the whole tend to be more distrustful of STEM. I know I'm generalizing here, but I'm in an argument in another thread with someone about religion right now, and every scientific fact I've presented get's immediately thrown out the window in favor of religion and >muh degenerates.
I find people who do not have a natural inclination towards math and sciences tend to dismiss them outright as hand-wavy, not realizing they are the ones waving their hands.
this is the most autistic thing I've ever read
It made sense to me. Most of the boards I use on here and super conservative, and although I am a conservative myself, people tend to be hugely dismissive of science/STEM in favor of religion. Also, it's not far fetched for me to believe posters here hate on STEM because they wanted to get into it but for whatever reason (could be dozens of reasons) they were not able to do it, so they are bitter about it.
Maybe the reason you're losing the argument with the religious person has less to do with the facts you are presenting and more to do with the fact that you sound like an arrogant cunt.
Most people hating on STEM on Veeky Forums are people working in STEM. Its nothing like what you do in school. Its just a boring cubicle job like any other office job. It a job where you'll make less then the sales and marketing people.
when i went to high school in the early 2000's, my math teacher was a sexist female, who ridiculed me for every mistake.
she would let girls abstain from going to the chalkboard because "they don't like the feel of chalk" but she would force me to try and complete algebra i struggled with in front of the entire class.
so no, i don't like stem.
OK, if Veeky Forums is your main outlet for social interaction, you need to get the fuck off Veeky Forums.
The culture here is fucking toxic as hell. It's fun to dip your toe in and shitpost the place up and whatnot, but if you're actually forming opinions based on what you find here you're going to be one fucked up individual.
If you're in college, you have access to more social circles. I know my campus has events all the time.
I don't disagree with anything you wrote. But I'm extremely anti-social and Veeky Forums has been home for me since 2006 (I went to college late, got a job straight out of high school, then went back to school in 2014). It's pathetic but this has been my window to the world for 10 years, it doesn't entirely dominate my thought process but yeah. No doubt it's been toxic but I feel it has helped maintain my sanity a bit too.
Because they want to try and vaidate their liberal arts degree (which in all actuality is just a waste of time and money).
They're just jealous because they aren't smart enough to get past calc 1.
I agree that getting a liberal arts degree is a waste if we are thinking about having a prosperous career. But if you are actually passionate about whatever the subject is and you know you are going to live in the ivory tower for the rest of your life AND you pay for school completely on your own (i.e. without financial aid) then I don't think it's an invalid path. At least I wouldn't yell at someone for doing it.
I've just never understood what a major in physics, mathematics or chemistry is supposed to get you? Do labs really hire undergrad chemistry students? Or are you just expected to go straight into post grad if you want a job?
>Why are so many people negative about engineering degrees
mostly just science fags being bitter
>call STEM "a meme"
I think what you're referring to is people saying they "fell for the STEM meme" which really just translates into any STEM field not being some magic bullet that will net you six figure salary/instant success. Though I'd say it applies to all fields, many sciences and engineering fields in particular are "over-saturated" meaning trying to find a good-paying job is by no means a walk in the park.
this, someone pls explain
Since the US patents (expired on 27 June 2007) for a similar device were granted under Section 101, the hardware involved in the patents has been examined experimentally by US Patent Office experts and their seconded experts and all the claims have been established.[3][4][5]
Unfortunately, no clear theory of operation was put forward in the US patents or elsewhere. Moreover, the potential for the Water Capacitor to produce combustible fuel using a low power electronic circuit has been sharply criticized as pseudoscience, possibly owing to the fact that it was not studied in an academic setting, nor discussed in engineering literature prior to the untimely death of the inventor.[6]
Nevertheless, two foreign corporations (Consorcio LAESA, Ltd., and Xogen, Inc.) report having successfully reproduced the technology.[7][8][9]
Water Capacitor is shown here producing 15 psi of gas in only 30 seconds using 1.2-1.3 amps @ 3.49V. The voltage is pulsed at 4.73 Khz. [10] 6 liters H2 per minute.
Its not because theyre conservative. Its because youre autistic.
I go to a purely STEM uni and i'd say the majority of students here are conservative and religious
I work in a materials science and engineering lab as a grad student. Engineers don't know shit about how the chemistry works, and if they do, they usually bumble through it. When you are trying to synthesize functional materials that's a problem....
other than that it makes you look like you dont understand what you are doing.
you need to get off Veeky Forums my man
>Why are so many people negative about engineering degrees
couple reasons.
1. Engineering degrees are made out to be job coupons. i know tons of dudes in my classes that are there just because their dad said it would get them a decent job. its flooded the craft with a shitload of bad engineers who legit don't give a fuck about what they are doing.
2. the education is utilitarian as fuck. the amount of handwaving is intense and most of the models are patchwork empirical messes (i'm looking at you fluid mechanics). once you take numerical methods you never analytically solve anything ever again. its all crank nicholson and RK4.
But why the PLL
>Engineers don't know shit about how the chemistry works
Not many fields of engineering require a significant knowledge of chemistry, why should they care how it works? That's like me as an electrical engineer saying you are stupid because your knowledge of circuity isn't as sufficient as I think it should be.
>I've been on Veeky Forums for 1 week
People here, and especially your beloved /pol/, have a sense of fashion far more permeating than you'd expect. A few years ago it was popular to be a militant atheist. Then being a norse pagan became cool. Now it's cool to believe in magical sky daddy ironically or not. Also, people here live in constant cognitive dissonance. Just because someone is arguing for religion doesn't mean they believe in it, (maybe you just sound like a cunt) or maybe they do, but either way they are probably also elitist pro-STEM people because that's fashionable now, and autists are always closer to maths than liberal arts.
Well, that's done it - you said "liberal." Don't you know that's /pol/'s mating call?
You get work experience in your undergraduate if you want a job straight out of undergrad, or you go to an ivy. Either that, or an engineering degree and work experience. Literally who the fuck wants to hire some 20 something year old with no major work, or research experience? You either get industry experience, or you become an expert.
Also the autists who spout the engineering meme don't even know that you aren't even a real engineer until you have 5 years of experience working shit jobs being the bitch of literally everyone.
>why are so many people negative [...] ?
Engineering is in fact a meme because of the high paying jobs. All kinds of people want in, after all, who doesn't want to make money?
In my high school senior year people who chosen stuff with physics in it (engineers mostly) were in the same class. There were five people at most who were decent in the academic sense. Even those usually didn't know shit about things not taught in class and went to the fields with more money. Also were naturally kinda gay, so judge for yourself.
>I want to go to engineering, is going to college for engineering not the best thing I could be doing in order to pursue that?
Go to an engineering degree if you want to do engineering, what people say doesn't really matter, you will be doing what you like and making good cash
also those "people" are usually neckbeards as others have said. In the real world being an engineer is prestigious (even though for me being a scientist is cooler)