Can any biologist tell me why it's possible to crossbreed Lions and Tigers, Horses and Donkeys, Dolphins and Whales but not Humans and Monkeys?
Can any biologist tell me why it's possible to crossbreed Lions and Tigers, Horses and Donkeys...
Genetic distance.
Humans and the other Great Apes (monkeys? come on man... i know this is a bait thread but jesus christ) diverged far too long ago and are now too genetically distinct.
Horses and Donkeys are extremely close, Lions and Tigers not so much but still can be done... as for Dolphins and Whales, I never heard of such a thing and without googling, I wager you are making shit up at this point.
>The name implies a hybrid of whale and dolphin, although taxonomically, both are within the "oceanic dolphin" family
As far as I'm concerned it has never been seriously attempted.
Maybe someome should go and knock up an Oorangutan Lady
Monkey and Ape are interchangeable in most languages
Judging by OP's filename he's german
The wholphin is the result of breeding two types of oceanic dolphin.
A false killer whale is an oceanic dolphin.
Oh, I see.
You have heard about the orangutan sex slaves...
No they're not.
Not even a little bit.
>as far as i am concerned
good thing you are the personal authority on the history of transpecies reproductive science, eh? guess we can just /thread now
>1 failed attempt in 1920 means it's impossible
>in most languages
He's right though. I speak Portuguese and "monkey" and "ape" have only one translation: "macaco".
failed attempt in 1920 means it's impossible
We don't even have the same number of chromosomes.
Besides, I'm pretty sure there have been lots more "attempts" than that in a non-laboratory setting.
Wasn't there speculation that humans originally caught AIDS from chimps?
>Monkey and Ape are interchangeable in most languages
I think you mean "in layman's terms".
So it's little different than someone coming here and using "theory" to describe their personal crackpot ideas.
Not sure how it is in German but in French the proper phrase for "apes" is literally "large monkeys". There isn't a specific word for it.
>as far as I'm concerned it's never been seriously attempted
>user posts a scientific endeavor as evidence that it has been attempted
reading comprehension in the toilet, much? he isnt arguing that it is impossible (but it is)
not an argument
>literally retarded
A horse and a donkey don't have the same amount of chromosomes either.
Doesn't mean that Mules don't exist.
Though I'm not agreeing with
>Wasn't there speculation that humans originally caught AIDS from chimps?
From hunting/eating them, not from fucking them.
not an argument either
What part of the logic chain did you honestly not follow, user? maybe we can help you out:
> 1. user A argues that no serious scientific inquiry has been made regarding X.
>2. user B counter-argues by showing evidence in the form of a scientist who did in fact make a scientifically based attempt to achieve X
I'm thinking that it was maybe the step from 1 to 2 that threw you off? If this is the case, then the adjective "retarded" certainly applies to your person.
In german it's "Affen" for both
I thought I remembered seeing speculation that we might be able to make hybrids with bonobos?
Which should be easy since bonobos never stop fucking
Because it is racist to do so.
Doesnt show that it is impossible
number of chromosomes
Half black children are a thing.
No need to imagine if it was attempted, African reseachers alredy done that for us. I know, I know, but it was this or VICE.
op has an extra one, probably from /pol/
I wouldn't rule it out as at least plausible. Even differing ploidy isn't a guarantee against crossbreeding (horses and donkeys have differing ploidy). Of course, the obvious ethical constraints should keep us from ever endeavoring (again).
Holy kek. That's a link to save.
>a village
>in Indonesian Borneo
>African Researchers
You had every opportunity not to fuck this up.
Also, Orangutans aren't especially close genetically. If hybridization is possible, it would most likely be with a Chimpanzee or a Bonobo.
I had a vague memorie, I googled it without re reading it. The reseacher part was a joke, you know.
Human sperms radar doesn't work on monkey eggs and vice versa.
You probably could manually inseminate the eggs though and implant them. Would likely have a lower survival rate and offspring would have decreased fertility but it would probably work.
Not the impediment that you've been led, or are leading us, to believe.
Mules are sterile
How is that pertinent?
I guess it's not to OP's question. Disregard. Either way, one except does not a rule make. Chromosome count is an issue for crossbreeding.
Not a monkey's perhaps, but there is evidence that human sperm can penetrate a great ape's eggs. Wikipedia, humanzee.
Not always.
>but not Humans and Monkeys
Genetic distance... closest other species was Neanderthal (there were a few other species, but none as important)
Ever heard of mullatos, OP?
Yeahhhh, about that Out of Africa hypothesis, OP... What happens in Africa might not exactly stay in Africa.
yeah, no difference in Hungarian either. Ape vs. monkey is some sort of characteristically English PC shit probably meant to placate somewhat the we don't come from monkeys crowd. It is very doubtful that a language evolved on an island with exactly one species of primate would naturally make such a distinction between exotic groups of distant animals. As with a number of other concepts, here English had a Germanic and a Normann (although monkey is originally Greek but carried by latinate culture) word for the same thing.
Monkeys and apes are both part of the Haplorhines, but not all monkeys are part of Hominoidea.
... and?
That it matches the evolutionary history more accurately with separate terms, not that it matters to OP's question other than pointing out the .
*that monkeys is more absurd than apes.
Wrong, it's Affen for monkeys and Menschenaffen (human monkeys) for apes.
Also note the similarity of the words "Affe" and "ape".
>I wager
there is no wagering at Veeky Forums, Grandpa
>same number of chromosomes
fgt pls
Lol: I knew there was going to be one post of this kind
Scientific explanation