Von Neumann was a mathematical genius, but his brain was limited to that
Malcolm X was a true visionary, a moral, political and philosophical genius...the philosophical ideas Malcolm was thinking off were stuff Von Neumann could never think of
Von Neumann was a mathematical genius, but his brain was limited to that
Malcolm X was a true visionary, a moral, political and philosophical genius...the philosophical ideas Malcolm was thinking off were stuff Von Neumann could never think of
Other urls found in this thread:
>Von Neumann was smart
He was jacob barnett smart
This man was much smarter than John Von Neumann
What is the point of this thread?
Who is Malcom X? Not from the States personally, but it sounds made up. Is he not a crippled professor?
The point is that OP is a fag, of course.
Nobody important.
to prove that Im right
He was smart enough to understand Jews intentionally played Whites and Blacks against one another to maintain their control.
I wish /pol/ would go away.
lol, ironically Professor X is more like MLK while Magneto is more like Malcolm X.
tl;dr: Malcolm X fought for civil rights but didn't believe that peaceful protest could ever achieve change. He used [math]x[/math] as his last name because he refused to acknowledge the last name given to his ancestors via slave owners. In contrast to MLK (Christianity), he was a proponent of Islam. He was assassinated.
Considering the time period that the X-men comic first came out, I wouldn't be surprised if that comparison wasn't accidental.
Seriously. What's with all the /pol/ threads today?
Seems like a SJW nigger
How the hell is he over Von Neumann, kids this days...
It was intentional. Stan Lee has talked openly about the characters being based on Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.
Each time /pol/ gets BTFO in a thread they make a new one and hope no one notices.
>No one is taking my obvious bait in the OP. I better respond with more bait while pretending to be someone else.
Delete this fucking thread please
> Malcolm X
Uhh he wasn't for Social Justice
He was for Blacks on top.
The black panthers and Malcolm X are as bad as the KKK.
Malcolm X was a true visionary, but honestly his brain was limited to that
Donkey Kong was a real genius, he could calculate the trajectory of barrels that he threw at Mario in manners Malcolm X could never fathom
>Comparing a renowned mathematician to some dumb american nigger
Von Neumann didn't get gunned down by another theoretical physicist.
Doesn't seem like a smart way to die.
>Is this a bait
Why Malcom X?
>Why Malcom X?
Rampant hatred of black people in parts of Veeky Forums, and Malcom X was clever enough that people might think the OP is actually serious.
>implying black superiority is a bad thing
fuck off libtard
great b8, I actually laughed.
KKK isn't bad tho
No, he was a smart man. But I forget, everyone who doesn't do science for a living is a drooling monkey.
>smart man
This potato faced little faggot would probably be rejected even from Numberphile for being so virgin and dumb.
pretty sure he was saying malcom x was a smart man.
but I forget, everyone who goes on Veeky Forums is stoned as shit
I have chemo fuck off
>another theoretical physicist.
Dear Mods,
How the hell is this a Veeky Forums thread?!
Kind regards,
yeah ur right, von neumann belongs to /a/nime
you're literally cancer
let's smoke a joint my man
He's the guy who discovered Roentgen rays.
Pretty sure that was Malcom Y