Whats inside a black hole ?
Whats inside a black hole ?
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Another black hole.
black people
It depends on where you are and how you're moving. If you already fell into the black hole, there will be everything that fell inside.
All the events beyond the event horizon.
ur mom
The center of a Tootsie Pop.
The entire universe 4-dimensionally inverted.
I'm not sure your question makes sense op
Maximally dense matter
some black holes have white holes in them
the white holes bounce matter off of them
how much is the max
A singularity
Singularities don't exist
>A memeularity
Actual correct answer.
black hole stuff
In concept a black hole is just a cencentration of a shitload of mass. Just a massive object with gravity strong enough that light cant escape
The implications that arise from this are however, insane.
infinity :)))))))))))))
>off of
>Whats inside a black hole ?
my dick
My hypothesis: black tar heroin
Prove me wrong.
all space and time condensed into a single point, which is experienced for an infinite amount of time and is over as soon as it began. the nature of a black hole can't be comprehended by a human mind but its fun to speculate
I highly doubt there's anything 'inside'.
As other anons have said there's just a massive concentration of mass there, and anything accreted onto the black hole is simply ripped apart anyway.
It's only correct for an observer on the outside.
Dank meme, bro
The asker of the question is, so it is the only point of view that we care about. Anything else is just semantics.
> citation needed
That's just your opinion because you're outside. I bet they're laughing at you from the inside.
The gravity would kill you, anyway.
you don't know that
speak for yourself
Jesus with you people and this quasi-intellectual BS. Throw a little collapse of the quantum wave potential dickström on it won't you?
It depends on A B and C exactly as much as the contents of your room depend on whether you walked inside or not: Time. That's it.
A black hole, is simply the area of space in which the pull of gravity is so strong that not even light can escape. This pull originates from the gravity of super dense matter packed up in an area smaller than the sphere forming the event horizon of the black hole.
That's all we know, really. Beyond that, it's estimated that it's likely that beyond such a critical point, the matter would have to be packed into an area no larger than a single unit of planck length in radius, the smallest measure of length we have. This is what's referred to as the singularity of a black hole.
So what's inside the black hole besides super strong gravity and the singularity? Just the space, contracting forever into that singularity, and whatever stream of matter passes the event horizon into the black hole, on its way to the center.
All this talk about white holes, worm holes, other dimensions, super strings etc... I'd ditch it as wishful thinking, and made-up stories by the ignorant media and scientists hungry for fame. Until someone actually comes up with something more than outlandish figments of imagination stemming from purposeful manipulation of well known weak points and flaws of the known theories.
In a black hole 3d space is compressed so much it's flattened into 2d space. It becomes a 2d universe.
>That's all we know, really
It's all you know, actually.
Degenerate matter
my BBC
A big bang in a different universe
Hear me out
This big bang is being fed matter from our universe, once the black hole evaporates here, gravity will become non-infinite at the singularity (big bang point singularity in the other universe) meaning time will stop being frozen at the singularity, further meaning that the point big bang in that other universe stops being frozen in time, causing the big bang in that universe to commence.
It creates a new universe.
This is my idea donutsteel
That would just make an explosion in our universe.
The tightest pussy in the universe.
Best answer in this thread:
Nothing, they don't exist. That's like asking "what did santa clause eat?" or "what color are god's eyes?"
>black holes don't exist
user you dumb
No because the black hole has evaporated dude.
It goes one way
The evaporation is what causes the explosion. The smaller the black hole gets the faster it starts evaporating.
He ate cookies and the eyes are blue of course
Ok fine so there's an explosion from the evaporation here in our universe but it still leaves all the matter in the singularity ready to explode in that other universe
Unless you mean the evaporation causes a big bang level explosion in our universe which is not what I mean.
You're just saying random words, aren't you.
You clearly don't understand the marvel that is my theory.
>A big bang in a different universe
There is a theory that blackholes are 2d holograms projected into 3d space. What if the new universe being created is a 2D universe. This would imply that the 3D universe we're inhabiting exists within the blackhole of a 4D universe somewhere and that our universe will bleed out hawking radiation and eventually die.
This "black hole" name. I always find it funny because in my understanding a "black hole" is actually a "quantum-soup blob".
You don't even have a hypothesis.
Maybe a blackhole,or a stairway to heaven,or perhaps it's just a probability distribution?
Knowing about the inside of black holes is impossible because once you go in, information can never be transmitted out of it to others
It's equivalent to Godel's Incompleteness Theorem - in order to get near proving undecidable theorems you have to go towards the limit of infinite on the number of characters in attempted proofs of that theorem, the same way you diverge from an area of space whose information is accessible from ours upon entering a black hole
Stephen Hawking thinks there are "hairs" on the surface of black holes that preserve some information. This means for every black hole there is a 2D version all the information within this universe, projected onto the surface of the 3D black hole in our universe
We are three steps above the 0'th dimension, imagine what sentience exists in the 4th and above
Most people ITT don't seem to understand that most physicists do not accept singularities anymore.
Which leads me to believe most people ITT are getting their info from outdated popsci books.
I've been looking into black holes lately and the entire concept of everything inside the event horizon is driving me fucking crazy
Is it really true that space warps to such a degree that there is no other existing physical direction than towards the singularity once you pass the horizon?
If another universe is inside a black hole wouldn't it be a tiny cuck universe in comparison because of the amount of matter being fed in
If you found out there was another universe out there 100x the size of our own, would you say ours is a tiny cuck universe?
>the amount of matter being fed in
Also I thought all matter essentially gets broken down as it enters a blackhole, so it's just energy inside.
I came here to post literally (yes, literally) this. FPBP
The correct way to think about it is that the gravitation potential created by a black hole is so large that no amount of realistic kinetic energy can surmount it. It's like how you can't jump off the face of the Earth no matter how hard you try. Your legs cannot overcome the gravitational potential created by the Earth.
Isn't this a pornstar?
popsci get out
Stupid question.
If I fall into a black hole fast enough would I avoid spaghettification?
A point that is really fucking small, really fucking dense, and really fucking heavy.
I do not believe you can "fall into" a black hole quicker than it will drag you in once you're close enough to become spaghettified.
The spaghettification is when a object becomes compressed by the black hole, and you will become compressed.. sooo... you know..
Spaghettification is unavoidable.
Why do you ask anyway?
Quite odd question if I may say.
Acutllay, edit.
>The spaghettification is when a object becomes compressed by the black hole
That's not the entire truth, actually.
A black hole spaghettifies everything due to its extreme magnetic force rather..
BUT, that magnetic force is there due to the compressed mass..
So.. yeah..
I mean, we're still talking about theories. Eventhough we believe ourselves to know certain stuff about deep space, I'm quite certain we don't even know 0,1% of what there is to know, and 80% of what we actually do know, I think will end up being false.
Shit is too complexe for our technology and even our brains.
Nothing, black holes just input what is caught by their gravitational pull, cruch it, and spew back out extremely high frequency, high power, short distance gamma radiation at its poles which degenerates into lower frequencies as it moves outward. It works a lot like any other given star, it just works kinda weird due to the given extremes.
I like to think of it in terms of scalable objects pushing against objects stopped. If I exert force a onto object a-2 against object b-2 being held by force b-2 they cancel out, the only result of the interaction being some energy being released away from the interaction, like crushing walnuts against eachother, the only outcome is the walnuts changing form into crushed walnuts and the release of sound wave and change of form.
I mean, that's how a star works? force of gravity pushes elements into eachother, changing form, the outcome of which is the changed form and the energy released from that interaction. Same with a black hole. Only instead of the material being Hydrogen among other things, the material is exotic like light, all things really, and if you'd like to venture the thought, gravity itself being squeezed into a point and the result of that interaction is the change of the material doing the interacting and the release of energy from that interaction.
Or I should say the release of energy from the change of form caused by the interaction.
>can't be comprehended by human mind
>it's 1880 and what is modern science
That's awfully short sighted and pessimistic, not realistic, I think. I mean, what have humans been doing since the first time we cracked open a nut with a rock? Finding a bigger nut and a good rock to crack it with. That's what we do, shit that we don't know if we can do.
Unfortunately, all we know about what's in there is that the matter went in there and its gravity still pulls on all around it. We have no idea what form the matter in there takes under such enormous crushing force. We know there is gravity enough to exceed the quantum degeneracy pressure of the atoms that fall in. What do they collapse into? We can't even calculate that at this time, because the Theory of Relativity breaks down and yields infinities in the conditions within a black hole, and we have not been able to reconcile relativity with quantum mechanics to generate a theory of quantum gravity yet.
So stuff goes in but nothin come out?
Your mothers anal cavity.
Everything that it has sucked up, condensed into a ball.
Yo mamma
>TFW they are vaccuums from another universe, sucking up our photons and matter to reduce entropy in their own universes by making it an open system
Stop stealing our stuff, ayy's
Well the physical directions pointing outwards still exist, if thats what you mean. You just can't manage to go in those directions, because you are being directed towards the center.
Don't confuse warped spacetime with warped space. If you reversed time, then you would travel back out, the physical direction never ceases to exist in the black hole.
Is time fast enough to escape a black hole?
Black tar heroin is synthesized on earth by earthlings using plants found on earth that evolved in this specific environment.
>most people ITT are getting their info from outdated popsci books
I hypothesized meth but black tar heroin is equally as good.
>Implying the universe isn't exploding right now
Recently I heard an idea that when a blackhole reaches a certain critical mass, the other side of the hole would "explode" into a new universe. like the big bang theory. That's the simplified explanation I heard so I don't know the details. but I still think that's interesting idea
And when a black hole dissipates (correct me if I'm wrong) then what happens to this "information"?
It was proved that black holes are a path to another dimension/universe/whatever you want to call it.
It's just impossible that all the matter disappears.
The answer to everything. Too bad we will never able to see it.
In a certain way it isnt
Could you actually possibly "see" the singularity, assuming you are just behind the EH?
Me about 20 min ago
this might be some of the most retarded pseudoscience nonsense I've ever heard
what if a black hole just a wormhole past the absolute edge of space into nothingness?
you'd be long dead before reaching the EH, anyway
also, how do you propose the mechanism of "seeing" anything would work when you're in or around a black hole?
>you'd be long dead before reaching the EH, anyway
I know. You would also never cross it. This is purely hypothetical
> how do you propose the mechanism of "seeing" anything would work when you're in
this would be part of the answer Im looking for. I have no idea