Is there any scientific evidence for it? Do they know why it happens?
>IF it is real, then why hasn't it happened, even once, in the last 25 years?
Is Spontaneous Combustion real?
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what is spontaneous cumbustion ?
its when people just catch fire from inside their body and basically disintegrate
There's an ignition source and their clothing acts as a wick for their fat so they burn long and hot. It requires special circumstances obviously.
in every single case the person is gone within 3-5 minutes
pic related- 1986-this is the last case ever known
>catch fire from somewhere with almost no oxygen
>you disintegrate when you catch fire
Ever see a body pulled out of a forest fire ? They don't disintegrate at all. Also it takes around 18 hours for human flesh to completely turn into dust so I really doubt any "spontaneous" things can happen.
Maybe they got hit with ball lightning?
It always happens to fat people.
there have been a couple cases recently. all people smoked and did stimulant drugs, like meth or cocaine. there was a photographer at the scene of a recent case. bottom of pic related. also a video in link related but it may be fake
why are you so dismissive when you really know nothing at all about what you're talking?
you do not need oxygen as a gas in the air, genius. this is a myth perpetrated by the scientifically illiterate. the human body contains many oxidizers, which can be used to feed a fire instead of oxygen.
>*the more you know*
a Tobe Hooper film.
But, that's not true at all. they take forever to burn.
>unknown what started it, might have been self inflicted
clickbait horseshit
You should probably stay in school, kid.
Just reading the Wikipedia article on it
>Larry E. Arnold in his 1995 book Ablaze! proposed a pseudoscientific new subatomic particle, which he called "pyrotron". He also wrote that extreme stress could be the trigger that starts many combustions.[3]:163[20] This process may use no external oxygen to spread throughout the body, since it may not be an "oxidation-reduction" reaction;[citation needed] however, no reaction mechanism has been proposed. Researcher Joe Nickell has criticized Arnold's hypotheses as based on selective evidence and argument from ignorance.[20]
>In his 1976 book Fire From Heaven, UK writer Michael Harrison suggests that SHC is connected to poltergeist activity because, he argues "the force which activates the 'poltergeist' originates in, and is supplied by, a human being". Within the concluding summary, Harrison writes: "SHC, fatal or non-fatal, belongs to the extensive range of poltergeist phenomena."
It's possibly "real" in that people can burn to death under trange and unexplained circumstances. but there has to be some cause. People don't "spontaneously" catch fire.
Something in their clothes. Something in the air. Some accelerant somebody stepped in. Remnants from the sparkler you had in your pocket last Fourth of July. A wayward spark from God-knows-where. Something very unlikely but entirely possible happening with light or friction or some shit. Fuck, even some black directed-energy weapon. SOMETHING. But not "spontaneous combustion." It's just "combustion."
>But, that's not true at all. they take forever to burn.
I can confirm, having inside knowledge of cremation. Fun fact: some types of dense cancer tumors can increase the time needed in the oven by several hours.
>going to wikipedia to find out about anything
Wikipedia is almost always the best place to start if you know very little about something, poindexter.
>take forever to burn
literally every single one is over in a few minutes.
I thought the word "spontaneous", in this context, referred to the suddenness of it. Like, as opposed to a small ember somewhere gradually leading to flames engulfing your entire body, in SHC you're rapidly going from not-on-fire to on-fire.
Am I wrong?
yes, you are completely and entirely incorrect. are you really this stupid or are you trolling?
>ITT: retards equating reality with misnomers
this thread is the definition of a misnomer. only ignorant people respond with a reply that looks no deeper than the name of the subject. OP is asking about the phenomenon, not the name. it was obviously named before it was well known. it may not even be combustion. any person with a 6th grade education knows labels don't always describe the actual object or phenomenon.
>take "lead pencil" for example. how about "black-boards" really being dark green more often than not? tin foil isn't tin and you dont actually "dial" a phone number, do you? "head cheese" is meat not cheese, nor made from anything from a head, but idiots would argue with the names of these things and ignore what they actually are.
this is what is happening in this thread. stupid people arguing about something they know nothing about. leave Veeky Forums if you are this stupid
this should link to this
reply also
Okay, thank you.
Can lard can be used as rocket fuel? I imagine combining it with a oxidizer would help. Fat cells can store more than fat, like fat soluble drugs. Maybe these people had accumulated a chemical in their fat cells that turned their bodies into rocket fuel.
They already simulated the exact same phenomenon with a dead pig.
Jesus how fucking uneducated are you guys?
>Can lard can be used as rocket fuel?
>Maybe these people had accumulated a chemical in their fat cells that turned their bodies into rocket fuel.
Uh, no.
You need large amounts of oxide for that kind of a reaction. Unless a significant proportion of their bodyweight was hydrogen peroxide, I can't see that happening.
Who is "they"?
And what did they actually simulate?
What about acetone?
ketones, diabetus turns you into rocket fuel
its why they smell so bad and have yuck feet
Spontaneous Combustion appeared in the XX century when industry began to use DMSO, even in medecine.
now DMSO is considered harmful and no more used in everyday life.
And there is no more spontaneous combustion.
the fat melts and the clothing works as wick