Does listening to music everyday harm intelligence?
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Does listening to music everyday harm intelligence?
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Maybe if you listen to "muh dick much dick flipped a brick of muh shit," you may not be smart to begin with. But I doubt music leads to stupidity. Too many examples of smart people actually being musicians or enjoying music.
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I don't see why it would. The only thing I see it harming is your hearing if it's too loud.
I am not talking about musicians though, because musicians are able: to look at music verbally, objectively; to practice performance; limit their exposure to a wide variety of music.
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No. I have no reason to believe an activity that requires thinking is damaging my intelligence.
yes smart people never listen to music
I guess it depends on what genre of music it is, but even that could do nothing to your intelligence. Do you ask this question under the assumption that infants who listen to classical music become smarter than those who do not (which has been debunked)?
In case you cannot even have good speakers even on digital picture, I think yes
Google for "tesla speakers"
And actually, if you understand design, and you make your own music, than it gets brain being entertained at listening to music...
Start with simple kick, then grow to neurofunkian break core on numbershifter so much, speakers would fireball, so use old Teslas Paper speakers, they are safe for unexperienced plasma physicans
it really depends on what and how you listen to music. For example by making an effort of listening to a lot of pop and ambient - their melodic flow makes easier for untrained ears to identify variable musical patterns and textures. With time this can translate to mathematical efficience for music can be translated to mathematics like everything else. Can music help you with increasing concentration? it also depends on the mood/environment and all of that.
Post songs so I can know what you are talking about
Heh... tesla speakers?
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If you keep your brain in your dick, yes.
Spending too much time on either side of that argument drops your IQ by 70%, it's been scientifically proven.
If huffing gasoline is against what is expected of you in your social context, then yes.
Yes. It takes your focus away.
My current thought on this is: music decreases performance on video games and math exercises. It also disturbs recall and track of time. And unlike listening to a good talk, melodies are non-verbal, meaning notes are references to themselves exclusively, and lyrics are usually lame. This conditions the brain to generate its own songs at other moments, so you are eating your breakfast and singing in your head. I bet it also makes you "think" with music instead of proper references, as in it reduces proper vocabulary use.
But I used to think that by overloading my brain with music while playing or studying would increase memory I/O on a day without music. In fact, this just made my brain used to sing during important tests and games, which had a performance impact compared with my less-noisy brain. This singing is called an Earworm: (
My recent research came up with interesting results: "The results indicated that participants performed worse while listening to their preferred type of music. Additionally, in the no music condition, participants performed best."(Smith and Morris, 1977). So the more you like it, the more it hurts you. This could mean that not liking music nor noises could improve performance, while liking distractions make you feel good around them and deluded.
The problem is that you feel like you need to listen to music every day.
It's a form of escapism.
I've been having similar thoughts.
This is what I described to my psychiatrist - the adrenaline that I got from listening to music completely took my focus away when studying. I also prefer to move around a lot when listening to music no matter what the genre (yes, even Mozart); but that just might have to do with me being an aspie.
Have you see the one that are in use at powerplant when somebody doesnt porn on apple so much it calls it facebook? There is so much speaker power... :D And I meant more.
Let my doublle slitism rate you as plankton, you just go trought one
Its currently atained by the fact you call onany of teenagers on disney chanel music so much you cannot distingueis what does is beep from research in mine,
What a shitty thread
Yep, that's a lot of words.
Does listening everyday harm intelligence?