If God exists, why would it have anything to do with us? Human religions are obviously statements about our cultures and our values rather than the world we exist in, so if there is a conscious cause to our universe, isn't it likely to be some lovecraftian unfathomable shit that isn't even aware of our existence, us simple time-constrainted 3-dimensional temporary beings?
If God exists, why would it have anything to do with us...
we just had this thread and it got deleted because /sci got it's tendies wet
You are God user. You are the only consciousness that you can factually confirm. Everything else might be your creation.
le epin tentacle space monster Xddd
Grow up you child
Tentacles are quite fathomable, though.
I've seen enough hentai to know that, etc.
This again? You already lost last thread OP.
Probably a new OP, since he's saying things that are compatible with a materialistic (i.e., correct) view of the universe rather than theological lunacy.
You got rekt and you know it.
We're conscious of ants as beings. Ants are not conscious of us as beings. It could work like that with a being of much higher "form".
How do you know ants aren't conscious of us?
You dont have any pets?
>If programmers exist, why would they have anything to do with AIs
I make shit to ignore and throwaway all the time.
It´s easy to imagine on IMAGINATIONLAND
better step on the real world or possibly get screwed by it.
Maybe we were visited by aliens a few thousand years ago and we worshiped them like gods.
It's undeniable to say that everyone across the globe came to some sort of understanding that there is something greater than us. When that sort of thing happens everywhere at roughly the same time...
>god has nothing to do with the real world
Also, how do you think all this imagination affects the real world ?
>I can't quantify the effects of contemplating God so it's wrong
Typical capitalist meme drone
The concept of God is inextricably linked to the unknown. When describing it as something lovecraftian, you're basically substituting one idea of the unknown for another.
>go to /x/
>they are talking about physics
>go to Veeky Forums
>they are talking about god
Just what the fuck is happening today?
Veeky Forums pole shift