why isn't time travel possible?
Why isn't time travel possible?
Because reality isn't a science fiction movie.
I can already sense where this thread is leading
>why isn't time travel possible?
It's not impossible it's just far beyond our doing. It's also boring when you consider that their is no past to travel back to because only the present exist.
Well user in all honestly it probably would be possible by now if the Christian dark ages would've never occurred, seriously fuck Christians, biggest cucks of all time.
Because causality must be maintained.
Travel to the future is also impossible
aren't you already travelling through time?
Because time doesn't actually exist.
Tell that to Steve Rogers
You still make these errors? I'm not even native english and I'am able to distinguish them. I'm just saying, don't wanna bully or something. Just learn proper grammar, pal.
also: these are today's university skids, unfortunately.
"hey, look! I have a degree!!!"
It's possible.
You're doing it right now
Time travel to the future is possible, in a relative sense, because you can slow down your time relative to other frames of reference. Time travel to the past is impossible because causality is the foundation of reality.
Why is time dilation on there? Is special relativity not accepted on Veeky Forums?
I'm literally doing it right now.
>when brainlets think time dilation is equivalent to actual time travelling
I'm an atheist but horrendous things are done without religions too you know: For example main reason behind World wars wasn't religion...
>it is, you aspie
It might be possible. We don't know.
Time travel is generally talked about as though it were not possible, because there has not yet been any proposed method of time travel that is anything close to feasible.
Moreover, even defining time travel is problematic. We can imagine various sets of rules which might govern time travel, but examining the things we already know to be true about causality, incorporating these hypothetical rules often has unforeseen consequences that make them self-inconsistent, nonsensical, or at the very least, complicated.
I could go into deeper detail, and will do so if anyone is interested, but google could likely do a better job of it. Check out, "Novikov self-consistency conjecture."
The best argument I've heard is Stephen Hawking's (which I'm sure I'll butcher). Basically, it works this way: any portal to the past would absorb matter/energy and send it to the past, allowing this matter/energy to travel forwards in time only to be sent back through the portal. Basically, it's a feedback loop. As a result, the portal would be destroyed by the immense amount of energy hitting it. Traveling to the future could be possible, though.
You should change psychiatry with psychology. Psychology is the soft 'science' bullshit, psychiatry is an actual branch of medicine (every psychiatrist has an MD by definition).
Is theoretically
It would be effectively the same, familia. If done properly you could step into a box and blast 1 year into the future in what seems like 10 seconds.
if you could go faster than the speed of light while still being affected by relativity.
To prevent you from fucking yourself in the ass fagit
So far no one has mentioned the quantum eraser experiment that seems to change what we know about causality.
Just googled the quantum eraser experiment and read some of the basics (admittedly I don't really understand it, but that's kind of quantum mechanics in general), how would it rule out time travel? I understand how causality would be problematic, though.
Christian douchebag scumbags wanting to bring us to the dark ages again
it doesn't rule out time travel
>Christian dark ages
U wot?
Christianity existed both before and after the dark ages.
Christians were responsible for the Renaissance and the industrial revolution.
All that wonderful stuff brought by Scientists, not religious scum
> renaissance
> industrial revolution
Lol wut
Coal miners started the revolution.
It'd have been the same with or without Christianity