We need a new invention to propel ourselves to the next level of technology, just like electricity, the steam machine and the computer did.
Any ideas?
We need a new invention to propel ourselves to the next level of technology, just like electricity, the steam machine and the computer did.
Any ideas?
New methods of transport and interstellar travel.
For example a teleporter, or some kind of sci fi warp drive to get through space easily and colonize new planets. Well... We also need to find out how to colonize these planets properly.
cute girl :3
I could loop pic related all day
Quantum computing
Instantaneous transfer of information can propel us much further
Wasn't there just a breakthrough in quantum computing?
NP -> P
whats her name ?
post more if u hav pls :3
Quantum wouldn't work like that even if we did figure out quantum computing. Information can not and will not travel faster than the speed of light.
reimu, she is shitty too
Artificial Intelligence. The proper type that can replace any human.
Exponential growth makes sure that very soon after AI there would be so many intelligent robots per capita that all people would live like billionaires do now. And better even. You could literally have a summer cottage in Mars if you wanted cause you don't need to pay salary to robots. There's plenty of material and energy resources in our solar system (even on our planet) for just about anything we can want. The problem so far has been expensive work force or inefficient working methods which will both be just a bad memory after total automation.
>whats her name ?
come on now user.
wat :V im not an /a/utist
>Information can not and will not travel faster than the speed of light.
And even if it did, this...
>Instantaneous transfer of information can propel us much further
...is still wrong.
Please tell me you're trolling.
Nah, the next really big push technology I want (if it's even possible) would be to gain the same control over gravity/acceleration that we currently have over electro-magnetism.
This desu. Just invent an AI which makes itself smarter. Then let it invent the good shit. Ez pz. Me and u can just kick back and have a coldie
come on now user.
Crispr is on its way to do that
its still /a/nimeme you buttsickle :V
If you make an AI smarter than Humans why would it do what you said?
What does a creation owe to its creator once its free? Even if you make a kill switch for it, the AI would be smart enough to disable it.
I'm cool with AI's and shit, but they sure are a danger to the species that made them when the AI thinks its hot shit. Then again you can argue if the race that made the AI made it smart than them, then said species could make something smart than anything the AI could make because the AI made by the beings dumber than it.
come on now user.
>is it an anime girl
>yes it is
case closed.
There are two reason why AI would do as we ask.
We create the AI so that it cares about us and will do as we ask just because it likes us. No reason why this would be impossible (or even hard compared to building an AI in the first place).
We don't give it a choice. The AI could be made smart enough be useful but not smart enough to override a kill switch. AI doesn't need to be smarter than a human to be a useful slave.
Any Super-AIs (used as scientists) could be isolated in some deep basement with no possibility of sending any information outside that isn't completely understood and paraphrased by humans. The Super AI might even be held in a computer simulation that is inside another computer simulation.
gravity manipulation
Biotechnology / nanotechnology, coming at the same revolution from different ends.
That'd be lovely, but even if it's in the future it sure as hell isn't "next". We ain't skipping right to flying saucers, no matter how much we would like to.
What a retarded post.
>2hu is anime
Hello summerfag
its an anime bitch
case closed
Read Proxima by Stephen Baxter.
The Super-AI's are partially constructed from the neural networks of several billionaire brain donors and live their lives segmented in impenetrable bunkers deep beneath the surface of the earth. Effectively immortal and only slightly concerned with humanity, the government operates on some networks specifically so that the AI's can't know some things.
Genetically engineered catgirls or lolis would change the entire game.
For the past thousand of years most scientists have been researching while being sex deprived, which is known to cause literal mental issues. Imagine if we could give them a legal and moral way to just fuck fuck fuck as much as they want.
So either that or we legalize sex slavery and rape.
We would see Mars in 5 months.
>a game is a show
having trouble closing that case?
Anime is an artstyle.
>chinese girl cartoons are an artstyle
Anime is a japanese cartoon style drawing. Doesn't matter if you use it in a videogame or a cartoon or a poster or on your pillow you dumb shit.
case closed.
>chinese cartoon girls make anything and everything a cartoon genre
keep trying to fit that round peg in a square hole
case opened
>Anime (Japanese: アニメ?, [anime] )[a] is Japanese hand-drawn or computer animation.
Veeky Forums knows animemes better than you weaboo faggots.
now back to
Anime is an artform, not an artstyle.
It is also a way of life. Just don't think this to its autistic limit and you'll b efine.
Sexbots. I want my perfect waifu.
Generalized robots
Some other fun ones:
Room temperature semiconductors
Fusion power
Quantum computers
Decent machine vision
Decent speech to text
Medical tricorders
Driverless cars
You just proved my point correct in that it's just chinese girl cartoons haha
Low energy nuclear reactors.
OP here, can we stop arguing about anime please?
The old me would start going on about what the major pillars of technological growth are and how to improve them. As I put a lot of thought into this, the order is actually not important as long as all the elements are there.
dream/vision (let's fly like birds)
theory/design (aerodynamic principles)
substance/property (new light weight materials)
application/marketable ideas (faster travel)
manufacturing/scaling (new tools and factory needed to make airplanes)
But over the years I have come to find we have most of the tech we can reasonably build already, so the cost for breakthrough is astronomical now. Given our current understanding we can build (let's say for discussion sake) 80% of what we could do without some disruptive breakthrough. And that last bit while interesting, never seems to be cost effective enough to do.
I mean we have flying cars, but people don't drive them around because of all the other issues.
It is these other issues that fall more in the realm of society and economics that have been neglected for so long, partly because the gains from science have been so massive for the last 200 years, but not without cost. That is were the easy world changing gains can be had, in people. Your looking for an invention, when you should be looking for an inventor. People are part of this, and realizing that global changes can be made with little effort that make us all feel better.
So you something like a new government model that supersedes the past ones and leverages the new options we have now would be far more then the kind of mere invention people often think of. Or a system where all next Eisenstein get the grant funding they need to make their innovation a reality. Build the system that builds what you want, rather then just building it. Got to think big when dealing with these big things.
a gf
dark matter fusion reactor
Problem: Women object to forced wearing of burka because they are hot.
Solution? Burka with air conditioning.
>Anonymous 08/17/16(Wed)07:25:32 No.82
Making anime real.
Improving human gene sequence. Humans can do it through breeding but it is only this year that people have begun to tamper with the actual human genes (China trying to eliminate a blood disorder)
If we can do this then we can direct our own evolution and alot of problems we have will be solved.
or the tech to transfer our conscious to digital. its Sci Fi, but so was man going to the moon and you can image the social changes.
>avatar have cartoon style draw
>must be anime
good b8 for /co/
we need hypnosis induced virtual reality technology. that way we will transition into new form of humanity that live in virtual world that's unrecognizable to the contemporary real world. that way virgins can just live in eroge world forever instead of expensive real grill.