Was Newton just a meme?
Was Newton just a meme?
you figured it out man, the principia is trivial bullshit written in latin with obfuscatory math syntax. leibniz is the real inventor of calculus.
calculus is misogyny
newton invented misogyny
No shit.
Newton purposefully made calculus too difficult for women to comprehend so that men could take over the sciences. Newton invented sexism.
When did Veeky Forums become /pol/ lite? Maybe it's time to nuke this board
science is the ultimate red pill
I think it's refreshing, considering most scientists are die-hard militant liberals.
but seriously, why is sci so slow lately?
This. When did this start? This WomenInStem bullshit.
Maybe it's because Democrats FUND science, while Republitards HATE science???????????
Yup, and Democrats sure know how to swoon scientists. All they have to do is say the word "progress" over and over again.
>Republitards HATE science
Establishment Republicans are retarded. Trump is denying global warming to play into the hearts of traditional Republican voters. Despite all the retarded shit Republicans think about science, I still lean right.
>Dems: fiscally conservative, socially liberal, fund science
>Reps: fiscally retarded, socially medieval, hate science
Wow, that was a hard decision
That's just, like, your opinion, man.
engineers are off on summer break sucking all the cock they can
Misgoyny for misogynies sake is more /r9k/, /pol/'s mindset is just that it's better for women, to limit their job market and let them be mothers, so it's more of a product of good intentions.
the birth of a new meme
>Dems: fiscally conservative, socially liberal, fund science
>fiscally conservative
Economy does better under Democrats, look it up
Muh job growth
>pro tip people working two jobs instead of one isn't better
It's not about jobs only, it's about GDP, fiscal deficit, etc.
>most scientists are die-hard militant liberals
[citation needed]
I would youre damn straight correct, but youre gay, so that wouldnt work out