I am studying biology therefore I will discover a potion to be immortal
>I will not share it with you
I am studying biology therefore I will discover a potion to be immortal
>I will not share it with you
Other urls found in this thread:
>I will not share it with you
Why would you want to live so badly, life has nothing to offer, you should've known that by now, enjoy your meaningless pursuit.
fox and the grapes
t. first semester biology student
Have fun realising that you needed to be genetically engineered as a single cell to somehow prevent the inevitable oxidation of your cells.
i am also studying biology therefore i will discover a potion to nullify your immortality potion
>i will forcibly share it with you
Butt we already replace cells everyday. We just need a virus like DNA mutator to change our cells from oxidyzing.
The irony is that if you study biology then you will soon find yourself with no reaons to keep living.
>wanting to be eternally a dumb frogposter
Im so sorry for you
better than being a gorillaposter ;^)
>ace cells everyday. We just need a virus like DNA mutator to change our cells from oxidyzing.
Literally dying.
Good luck with that.
Cancer would like to have a word with you about how your cells replicate themselves.
I am studying computer science therefore I will discover a method to upload my consciousness into a computer and transcend humanity.
>I will not share it with you
you will not share it with "yourself" either ;-)
Shut up the ship of Theseus method can be used to smoothly convert a mind without any loss of identity.
>tfw we'll never found out if this is true
I hate you.
Won't be you though.
I am studying Sociology therefore I will discover a reason why humans are prosocial creatures and love sharing.
>I will not share it with you.
I study mining engineering therefore I will discover a commercially viable mineral deposit
>I will not share my profits with you
new meme
le greedy student
I am studying quantum physics therefore I will discover how to travel to other universes
>I will not take you with me
I am studying alchemy therefore I will discover a potion to be immortal
>I will not share it with you
Most school shooters are quickly forgotten OP
I already made an immortality potion 400 years ago. Feels good man.
WTF?!?! You tellin the truth?????
Evolution simulator