I did it Veeky Forums, I got into university!
I did it Veeky Forums, I got into university!
Nice job m8
what program my dude
Which university?
cool, I have always wanted to do math, but ended up with software for multiple reasons.
what do you think you are gonna be doing? like what type of math do you like? I am self studying real analysis to try and get into manifold and shit. the subject looks dope af my friend.
Not sure yet, need to take a look at the course details and syllabus. Calculus is also my favourite, so I hope I get to do all of that shit
same, had an unconditional offer from nottingham from first year anyway but still got AAA. buzzing off my tits
Nice! What course man?
MEng mechanical engineering, hopefully going to be good bants although im a spastic with my hands etc and practical stuff. you looking forward? (assuming you're OP here)
Oh nice + yeah man I just want to go now, when do you start?
24th september i think. i mean im pretty decent socially but am a bit nervous with regards to the first year and having to assimilate into a whole new group of people separate from my old friendship group. hopefully it goes swell and a dont come across as too much of a cunt hahaha
Any of you going to oxford/cambridge?
na, tbf you have to be either autistic level smart or be a ridiculously hard worker to get a*a*a in maths and physics/further maths. fair enough getting in for physics or something but
>A-level students on my board
literally fuck off.
Congratulations! I just got accepted as a transfer student to my uni in july, i start monday!
Yeah same for me tbf. Looking forward to meeting my flat mates though. Kinda scared ill be a little to politically incorrect and shit when I go and be seen as the racist.
Calculus is the basic freshman stuff.
welp, at least you tried. better luck next time when you want to join the big boys.
am desperate for a shag or some romantic contact, entirety of sixth form has been dry af for me. all subjects are 95% male and my friend group, again a cock fest, didn't really talk to many girls at all. suppose that is standard Veeky Forums
STEM is a lot less SJW than the rest of your uni will be. Just don't go full /pol/.
literally the inward cringing was obscenely bad when i resorted to reading a disgusting reddit thread with advice for pulling
Oh shit look what you retards have done, this guy has fallen for your memes
Fuck college and fuck you Veeky Forums. I, too, just got admitted into university and I'm going to start next week.
I majored in CS, however, I'm afraid it's going to be a fucking meme. I decided to major in CS because I'm too dumb for real science and because Veeky Forums convinced me to major in it. I convinced myself that everyone majoring in engineering will end up sucking cock and I'll be the next fucking Elon Musk. Did I make the right choice?
Congratulations man keep it up
lmaooo you know just because it says sex doesn't mean you'll be getting any right?
Let him specialize in double or triple integral
I also got in to a uni like last week
Give me a single (You), please
Congratulations. I got accepted to uni last month. Congratulate me now
Cool shit, user, welcome to higher education, enjoy your nosleep
Oh man, the niave view of a freshman. Calculus still has a special place in my heart to this day but you don't really see what math is all about in Calc. In first year, you'll get a glimpse of real math in whatever intro to proof class you'll be taking and while studying vector spaces in linear algebra. If you actually like math, just wait until you see analysis, upper year linear algebra, and abstract algebra. Among the top few best moments in my life was seeing how beautiful math can get.
I'm pretry sure you will love numerical analysis if you are that interested in Calculus
I...I got into a PhD program Veeky Forums. Am I gonna make it?
Yes :^)
It's already kinda beautiful down here on the pleb tier.
But am I really not going to get overwhelming wonder until I'm all done with calc?
I still have three calc courses to take
i just got accepted for a bachelor degree program in cognitive science. too bad i'm horrible at maths and probably going to drop out before i finish my degree :^)
why are all the cool degree programs full of mathematics?
Going to oxford for chemistry in oct.
I got A* in maths and fm but fucked up chem paper 5. Still got an A tho.
sent :)
Well, Calculus was still my favourite class until I saw more theoretical classes. There's a chance that you just won't like it because what you're studying is abstract math once you get to a higher level and you can only appreciate it if you get what math is about. That could happen to you.
On the same token, Calculus isn't real math. It's really just a series of useful results. Beginning in 2nd year you're studying things like algebra itself and the mathematics that makes calculus work. Like in calc you learn how to do all of these tricks with integration and differentiation how it relates to practical geometry and shit. You also look a bit at infinite sums and sequences. Once you see analysis, you prove the why integration works the way it does and see all of this theory relating to real numbers. You also prove all of these results regarding infinite sums and then dig deeper into territory where math really starts to get exciting.
As an example with algebra you think of operations like addition and multiplication to actually just be functions, mapping two elements to a single element. You then forget about addition and multiplication and think about what happens when you assume certain properties (like 1+2 = 2+1 but what about algebraic systems where this law fails to happen *hint multiplication of matrices is an example) and basically how many different classifications can you make? You then go further and figure all these theorems that explain how two different algebraic systems might be equivalent (ie if you map any element from a set to another set and apply operations, does it matter whether you do it before the mapping or after?). It just keeps getting deeper too until you're at the point where you're proving whether or not a polynomial has a zero in a given number system and it still just keeps getting deeper.
Bro have you been to a University? ANY university? I could literally go for a breakfast at the local canteen and all it would take is a quick "hi!" to an 8/10 girl and she'd be down to meet up. Pussy is THAT easy.
And the best part is I'm not even that good looking, I just portray confidence and is willing to talk to girls about whatever.
Hell some of the girls will walk right up to YOU and ask for a chill session. Once I was just sitting down in the gym reading a space opera book, complete with a futuristic spaceship on the front and everything (so there's NO confusion with how geeky I am). This 7/10 kinda curvy qt walks up and starts joking with me about the book. "You like space, user? You going to become an astronaut?"
Well all it took was some convo from there and the date was on. She was so thirsty, she put me down, THEN decided she needed a pick me up.
University girls are EZ PZ. Smile, confidence, carry on a decent conversation. That's all you need.
because mathematics is basically just talking about things precisely.
what can you study if you cannot talk about things precisely? things like arts and some parts of the humanities.
If you're actually smart and/or good at it, it doesn't matter if you majored in CS or Eng.
I would say engineering makes you learn more useful stuff that is harder to learn on your own.
I feel you user, a beautiful girl approached me and offered a threesome the other night after nothing but introductions.
what does this mean
>She was so thirsty, she put me down, THEN decided she needed a pick me up.
Sure mate. I'm sure it works for 70% of you. But for the rest of us, who are aesthetically really ugly, a girl wouldn't even look at twice. It's not always about confidence, no need to lie to ourselves.
You might be able to do that but not someone like me. I'm actually in shape and not even bad looking either. I'm just too quiet. I'm entering 4th year university so I'm not making shit up either.
make with the laissez-faire attitude user. Beautiful girls always have men hitting on them, if your just there to have conversation and you come off as just looking for some fun human interaction, it helps you have a good time, it helps keep the conversation going and you stand out from other guys.
At a uni there should be a girl for everyone, get out there a bit more.
University of Phoenix and Devry don't count
Calculus is not math.
that's not true at all.
some universities have an atmosphere where the girls are a lot more uptight about a stranger coming up to them and sitting next to them and saying hi and trying to get their number in order to meet up.
Also even among girls who would be friendly and chilled out about a 6/10+ guy doing that to them, many of those girls would be quite unfriendly or awkward if a less attractive guy tried the same thing.
plus the final thing is that it is difficult to simulate a confident demeanor and outlook.
now that I have had some success with girls, I am able to do it, but I remember that earlier in my life before I had had much success with girls I wasn't able to just "turn on" being relaxed and confident. so
>Smile, confidence, carry on a decent conversation.
is quite valid but that doesn't make it any easier.
wrong , retard
Calculus (from Latin calculus, literally "small pebble used for counting")[1] is the mathematical study of change, in the same way that geometry is the study of shape and algebra is the study of operations and their application to solving equations.
I've never had a problem conversing with people and making lots of friends. I've ended up in a serious relationship too. When I was single, however, it was next to impossible to do what you speak of.
Congrats! I got accepted into Lancaster to do Engineering.
I remember being this young.
Enjoy your first years of uni, in the UK it's one long party
I feel ya
I feel ya I've been there. Just had some luck recently
It's amazing how the world is filled with apes who think about sex all the time yet the actual act can be rare even in your sexual prime. Not that I think sex is the most important thing about human interaction, just a shame that I can't cum in a girl once in a while. necessity that I'm denied and just have to deal with. I hate sexuality. I wish I could get rid of it. It's a huge distraction
cringe, I do this all the time
I fucking hate that there are literally no chicks (or they're ugly as shit) in my Computer Engineering and Informatics department. Not only that, but I have also forgotten how to talk to women and my expectations have dropped so low I could literally fuck every woman there is unless they're fat.
I've had a 8/10 qtπ come up to me and try to start a conversation while I was reading. I stood up, told her good-by and left for a quieter place. Am I gay or just autistic?
Well done pal
Calculus is a transitional course from high school to university, dreaded by math students and quickly forgotten, for the most part.
god tier
breddy gud tier
kill yourself tier
what about dedicated synthetic organic chemistry?
i'd say on the top end of breddy gud, chemistry is bae
>breddy gud tier
literal baby science
>subsections of biology
excuse me?
>"maaaan, this math shit is just too hard for me to comprehend! I could be in a real science field like physics, but I'm just too dumb"
>literally a mixture of the two most baby sciences
>"Am I smart yet, guys??? I couldn't figure out anything to major in so I decided to go with this! Being a """""""""""""""""""""""scientist"""""""""""""""""""""""' is cool! :D"
that happens to everyone. sometimes you are so distracted or have something on your mind and you carry out a social interaction on auto-pilot.
Then 10 minutes to a couple days later you realize the person's true intentions.
These are the people that need not be helped when having a braintumor or a virus living in their guts.
>real numbers
>implying they exist
>all these fucking britfags
What are you compensating for?
>low quality bait
We're talking about math, not the physical world.
but why
mad astronaut detected
you nasa yet?
>Pussy is THAT easy
you're a sad little boy
You better have social skills or else have fun being a high school teacher.
samefaggin detected
I'm not even the user you're responding too
The thing I'm most excited about is the math
But the second most exciting thing is the girls.
I hope i find some crazy qt who goes yandere on me!