Doesn't meissner effect produce infinite power?

in meissner effect, superconductor near magnet have current to offset magnetic field of magnet. so, current in superconductor, can't it be used for infinite power?

Energy is conserved. The current stores a finite amount of energy, and will be depleted once you change the environment to harness it.

why is it depleted?

The field generated by the current will transfer the energy to a motor or whatever harnesses the energy in another form.

how is it depleted?

Conservation of energy. Somehow Maxwell's equations will manifest a new field that a motor will harness. That or if you put a big ferromagnet next to it you could dissipate energy by changing the magnetization of it.

i.. Cant understand what you saying.. superconductor and magnet.. What is changed? i mean if it loss energy, then what change will be happen on superconductor and magnet?

meissner effect is a lie
t. PhD

in addition to critical temperature, superconductors also have a critical field strength (which scales inv with temp) and critical current.

both of these limit their use.

also room temp superconductors are a meme due to reasons above.

No. Two things:

1) the Meissner effect only occurs as the material is cooled thru its transition temperature. this means the work done in expelling the fields will translate into excess heat (however minute) that needs to be removed as the material transitions into a super-conductor. at the atomic scale, this transition does not occur simultaneously/homogenously, so resistive heat generation is possible.

2.) one established, the currents can do no work. so even though they are running without resistance, the voltage is effectively zero. if you want to do work with a magnet, you have to supply energy, this principal holds for superconductors as well.

>Energy is conserved.
>Conservation of energy.
>Maxwell's equations will manifest

Prerecorded text book prayers.
A magic spell - it manifests.
Applied demonology.

If conservation of energy doesn't actually exist, then I don't want to live in this universe anymore.

what if the energy is being conserved, but is also able to reverse entropy

Would you wish you could live in that kind of universe?

it does exist

Why the fuck you still want to infinite power if you have enought for what you need from the sun? And I am not talking about hipies or something but technologicaly advenced civilization, that can be that in the end...

How do you want to isolate for enought long so it wont overcharge or go away in dark channels of electromagnetizm, where nothing can be fluid itself...

Rewriting the universe could have unintended consequences. Better just to wish for something mundane, like being the best at math.

>Every influential/famous person who is not famous and influential for being an athlete has belly fat and just looks like a lazy faggot.

Why is this? Is Humanity done?

>can't it be used for infinite power?
They just prevent penetration of magnetic fields.

The majority of people are flabby and unathletic, why would academics be any different?

I study and produce superconductors right now.

This is a meme question that is asked by every single person that sees me demo a superconductor.

t. undergrad with lab guy