>Not as fundamentalist as religion
Pick one.
You can never, ever, even suggest that the disparities between races are genetically driven lest you be called an ignorant bigot and blackballed completely.
>Not as fundamentalist as religion
Pick one.
You can never, ever, even suggest that the disparities between races are genetically driven lest you be called an ignorant bigot and blackballed completely.
yes you can. stop pretending you know anything about how scientists conduct their business cause you read some "red pill" literature.
Depends. Are you talking about behavior or appearance?
I'm talking about intellect. There's a solid biological basis for intellectual disparity between the races.
>Red pill literature
>James Watson, co-founder of DNA, was blackballed for pointing out that whites are smarter than blacks.
I agree that there is some biological basis. Emphasis on some.
>you be called an ignorant bigot and blackballed completely.
Who cares about if SJWtards cry a river and resort to namecallign or not. The science is based on facts and not feelings. And the fact is nature is unjust and doesn't care about equality. There will always be a hierarchy between races and unless you're an anti-science moralfag hippie whos living in fairy tales, you should be okay with this fact.
Well, yeah. Eurasians left and interbred with neanderthals while blacks stayed and inbred.
Easier on them than white people due to the increased genetic variability found in Africans.
Doesn't change the fact that he was the founder of DNA and the facts he discovered remain as facts.
Any other scientists with unfavorable views? I know Haeckel believed there were up to 12 races, or species in his case, that originated in Lemuria.
>co-founder of DNA
>The founder of DNA
Kek, is he the emperor of genes as well?
Which facts?
>increased genetic variability found in Africans.
>Nobel Laureate Sir Tim Hunt loses job over a joke
That says nothing about Africans having greater variability.
Science - the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
Religion - The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods
There isn't any real genetic data showing one race is smarter than the other.
Fuck off OP, stay butthurt and fuck off back to /pol/.
>l-lets just ignore history guys.
I liked you you projected your own butthurt and called others butthurt :^) Now get away from me ebolakid
That isn't how science works /pol/. You can't see an event, make a hypothesis and say it's the truth without ruling out other hypothesis.
Stupid /pol/ cancer should leave.
The problem with this argument is that there is no solid scientific evidence to suggest that disparities between races are genetically driven.
Yes, blacks have lower IQs on average, but that is dependent on cultural upbringing as well as a test that is generally accepted as outdated. You can only conduct a rigorous experiment in a system with very few variables, and life has infinitely many. Because races do not exist in a vacuum, its impossible to tell rigorously how much of the observed differences we see are due to genetics as opposed to culture, upbringing, class, education, etc etc.
Every time you fucks bring this thread back up, you assume that there is some kind of plethora of evidence that suggests blacks are inferior, which isn't true. The best we have are theories about genetics based on migration patterns. We can't do science on race right now because race does not exist in a way that makes it open for study.
Why does /pol/ continue to say the dumbest shit?
>Hurr durr science is a religion
>Because it doesn't agree with my opinion
Why do they come here if they don't know a thing about science?
>history = science
>the founder of DNA
>no evidence contrarians
>everything in history proves them wrong.
So somehow we are genetically on the same level of intelligence but they were inventing the stick while everyone else was building cities ? Blacks are still the dumbest race in society among all races and they suck at IQ tests, SATs, GPAs, graduation and employment rates.
You're not fooling anyone.
>I have no evidence that its pol
>I don't even know what im saying when i call a person by a boards name
>but everything I dont like is pol
Spotting SJWtards 101
Please stop embarrassing yourself. Everyone here knows you're not a STEMlord, you're an edgy teenager who thinks Watson "founded" DNA. Leave this board and never return :)
If we are genetically equal, why aren't we equal at anything ? Why are whites much better than blacks at basically anything that requires intelligence ? :^)
Because "race" ISN'T a scientific concept, it's a sociological one.
It's like the way tomatoes and eggplants are categorized as "vegetables" even though botanically they are berries. There is no such thing in science as a "vegetable," it's a culinary distinction, not a scientific one.
There are genetic differences between humans, but they don't' align to the sociological concept of race at all.
>trying this hard
Riddle me this /pol/: If Africans are biologically less intelligent, then why do present-day African Americans have higher IQ scores than whites did in the early 20th century?
Because they are getting smarter ? I'd be very happy to see them stop being primitive apes who constantly steal rape and murder and join the civilized society. Then we'd only have mexicans, arabs and jews to keep an eye out for. But they don't seem to be any more intelligent than in their spear chucking days in africa.
On the other hand, aren't you SJWtards against IQ ? You retards should really make your minds up about something for once.
The evidence is that you want to talk about race politics and not science you dumb shit
>if I add politics behind a word its politics xDD
Sorry but they don't teach racial intelligence differences or genetical traits in poli-sci classes dumdum.
>You can never, ever, even suggest that the disparities between races are genetically driven lest you be called an ignorant bigot and blackballed completely.
there are many good examples for this in this thread alone
>Africans behaving like savages
Yes, this is true. African Americans today have far higher crime rates and birth out-of-wedlock rates than in the 50s actually. However, this is a cultural deficiency rather than a biological one. The Moynihan Report in the 60s more or less predicted this eventuality due to the creation of Ghetto Culture.
However, none of this proves your claim that Africans are genetically inferior, nor does it disprove the Flynn Effect.
>not beliving in IQ
I'm against the wild misuse of the metric, not against its utilization in general.
>due to the creation of Ghetto Culture
And who's responsible for that ? the ebil whitey ?
>Africans are genetically inferior
They are more prone to violence, to prefer ghetto/gangster culture over civility and less capable or willing when it comes to tasks that requires intelligence.
Well regardless of IQ determining intelligence, I don't believe higher intelligence is a guarantee for being decent. You can be primitive and naive as a sheep with good intentions and you can be a smart serial killer over a dozen kills. Being smart doesn't guarantee if you're a good person or not so thats a whole other discussion.
In theory the early developement of agricultural societies has made evolutionary incentives like physical strength and fitness obsolete for people living on the eurasian continent. Food surpluses means that everyone survives irrespective of individual fitness to survive, to a certain degree of course. That coupled with the entropy-like effects of wide spread epidemics killing of large populations irrespective of intelligence should attribute to the mental degredation of phenotypical "white" and "yellow" people. In fact research has proven that the collective gene pool of developed societies is undergoing consistent degradation.
In short blacks and indians, as well as native polynesians etc are the fittest existing humans from meta-genetical standpoint, which includes intelligence.
How do you feel know?
>whose responsible for this?
In part white people but mainly black people. The stigma of "acting white" really stunted their communities progress.
>More prone to violence
Russia has a far higher murder rate than the US, therefore Russians must be, without a doubt, pathologically more prone to violence because cultural differences don't real.
>high IQ doesn't make you a good person
I agree, but how decent a person you are is mostly based on how good of an early childhood environment you had. Most serial killers for example were abused as children.
>herp derp Flynn effect doesn't real XD
russians ARE subhumans. just saying
Cultures are derived from history, history is defined by chance and the interplay between the sun and the orientation of major continental axes.
Read up before you speak up
How do you not see the distinction between intelligence that which is malleable to environmental stimulus and requirement and baseline genetic integrity.
Do you honestly think that genes exclusively make up everything we are as humans?
Where is there solid scientific evidence of this?
To what you are saying, there has been a huge amount of research on the relationship between race and intellect, culture, etc. Repeatedly it was found that race and intellect/culture has no correlation whatsoever.
But I would be curious to breakdown and understand the evidence you have to present.
But if you are making a claim without evidence, then of course you will be called ignorant and become blackballed. Evidence and research are the core of science, so dont expect respect without it.
>If you're not working in /pol/'s hands, you're /pol enemy.
To say that many scientists are fundamentalists is something that, if I squint, become blind stinking drunk, and suffer some serious head trauma, I could maybe possibly agree with. But to say that science is fundamentalist is just hella silly.
Hes doing this to satisfy himself through assertion, not to present a rational argument.
Iow he tends to misery by antagonizing everything but himself.
>calling people by a boards name
you don't seem to have a problem with generalizations and bullshitting with zero evidence :^)
Or he's just making fun of your delusions. one or the other.
Veeky Forums is for 13-25 year olds.
Reddit is for 22-35 year olds.
Very rarely are there any top level graduates online in forums anymore.
They jump to conclusions, straw man and contradict well known consensus-based concepts, and in some areas, they even reject axioms.
They don't seem to understand the importance of coherency or source.
In this case, user straw mans and then refuses to point to a source, just dictating anons memory justifies anons emotional retort and denial.
Debate etiquette calls for references, which I posted, and logical arguments without presumptions, which I posted, but I doubt anyone will take LOGIC for what it's worth when people can try to rely on self-serving biases and interpretations.
>Reddit is for 22-35 year olds.
Le reddit is the cancer for 10-25 year olds.
I agree with both of you. I wanted to heavily lay the burden on OP since in my experience that is exactly when they shut up.
>I agree with both of you
what? seems a bit contradicting
>Jews score systematically higher on intelligence test
>are extremely overrepresented in science
>come from an culture which is almost identical to whites culture
>b-but we don't have any reason to think they're smarter
SJWs are fucking dumb
Maybe I’m just socially retarded, but I’ve never understood what was so bad about terms like “Social Justice Warrior”, “White Knight”, being “Sensitive”, etc. Beats being a dick ::shrug:: And, as a survivor of a narcissistic abuse family, I wish I’d been more “overprotected” as a kid like Millennials allegedly are. Then maybe I wouldn’t be such a messed up “grown-up”.
People are different, with their own personalities, we’re all shaped by the experiences we’ve been through, both good and bad, we're all wired differently, nature vs nurture, and we all deal with stuff in different ways. Some are more hardassed, some more sensitive, some have developmental disorders and can't be "normal", etc. Who cares? We’re all just flawed people doing our best to make sense of and survive this messed up world. If you don't believe me take a Human Psychology class (or just study up on the net).
The ones to watch out for are the ones who go out of their way to say how “normal” or sane they are IMO. Creepy. Makes me wonder what they’re hiding and why. And anyone who says stuff like “man up”, “grow a pair”, etc needs to be punched in the face for being an insensitive prick. Its not that easy for all of us. Makes me want to strangle them until they learn some empathy.
>he even agreed with you
Is this a pasta
I'm used to being misunderstood. I just keep being myself and putting myself out there and that's all I can do. Hopefully some will understand and connect with my words.
Yep. It's meant to justify lying and distorting science in the name of being nice and tries to justify the SJWtard invasion. It could have been written much better imo.
>muh lying SJWs
Wouldnt say it is convincing to just claim this. Besides, at least it beats being a bully, right? ::shrug::
Wish more people had a heart, empathy, and compassion these days, or at least appreciated those of us who do. Hate how kindness is seen as weakness. Hate how almost everyone here on Veeky Forums seems to have the same creepy personality (or is too scared to stand out). Most of you probably aren't even real and this is just The Matrix or something. Probably you all are just a bunch of Agent Smiths ;-) Most of you have all the personality of Agent Smith. Though he's probably your hero, so you take that as a compliment.