how can he really considered to be the greatest logician of all time if he believed in god? serious question
So the greatest logician of all time was a theist
no answer?
So was Riemann, Cauchy, Cantor, Euler, etc. Autistic atheists tend to gravitate towards astrophysics and biology.
hitler was the greatest jewkiller but he was a jew
these things dont have to be related at all
Autistic Atheists?
People have a habit of disregarding their capacity for critical thinking when spirituality is involved.
He also believed his refrigerator was literally killing him. Turns out personal beliefs are somewhat irrelevant to a person's abilities.
Isn't it true that many of the world's greatest minds have been theistic/deistic/whatever? Why does that in any way preclude somebody's intellectual ability? Newton was a christian mystic after all
That may have been because some part of him realized the existential terror of atheism and did everything in its power to avoid that.
aka new atheists
Perhaps he had good reasons to believe in God.
>lacking critical thinking
>made a modal logic version of the ontological argument
>Why does that in any way preclude somebody's intellectual ability?
it doesn't. that's something new atheism and scientism made up.
the ontological argument rests on axioms refuted by quantum physics
This is wrong
Realizing that there were people a lot smarter than me who believed things I thought must be absurd was the start of a learning project that's now lasted three years and has probably completely changed my life.
I've spent hundreds of hours studying math and religion because of exactly the same thing OP is getting at: fucking Kurt Godel.
The rabbit hole goes deep my friend. As deep as you're willing to go in fact. Have fun.
If you grow up in a world where the vast majority of people believe in a religion, believing in a religion will feel like a normal thing to you. Doesn't matter if you are a homeless vagrant or a renowned mathematician.
He basically proved there are back doors and loopholes in our reality so its not a stretch for him to see how this is exploited to create something meaningful by a god
It's called "believing" for a reason.
spirituality != theism
It depends heavily on what definition 'god' has in this discussion? The entity described in the bible, or 'nature itself' as Spinoza and the classical Stoics saw it?
And what if our 3D (spatial) reality is embedded in a 4D (spatial) world that we can't perceive? wouldn't a 4D creature be a god to us, able to interact with things in our reality without being observed?
what if our reality is a computer simulation? wouldn't whatever is controlling the simulation be a god to us?
no it doesn't
Kurt Godel was afraid to die so he convinced himself that god existed
Mathematical logic Everyday logic
seasoned with sage
maybe you should see a therapist if you're that obsessed with fucking someone who died decades ago
Tips fedora
The incompleteness theorems are misused all the time (almost as much as QM) and he had mental illness of some kind (OCD or some sort of psychotic disorder). He died because he thought food made by anyone but his wife was poisoned, and he starved.
He was clearly brilliant, no doubt. Much smarter than I could hope to be.
>Starving to death because it wasn't youre wife who cooked
>afraid of dying
Well he feared he was going to get poisoned, but still
None of those were religions, you shithead.
No wonder he suffered from schizophrenia symptoms. The amount of congnitive dissonance probably made him instane
I'm not a great logician myself, but I'd say that if you closure in life is a high preference for you, and I'd say it is for people interested in question of logic, there is no alternative to religion or at least a belief in some metaphysical entity (that might diplomatically be formulated as mindless existence itself). There will always be a little bit of uncertainty left, so, knowing that, choosing an inconceivable placeholder thing representing that uncertainty is the only way to close the gap and get some kind of closure. It's rational with regards to his (presumed) preferences.
Euler was religious.
Because mathematics and science is independent of faith. Faith is the belief in something without proof. Science cannot prove the existence of God, by the definition of the supernatural.
It isn't a contradiction for God to exist and for all the laws of mathematics to exist as we understand them.
Why do they have to be autistic you stupid fuck? I am autistic yet I believe in God.
put the bong down bro