Fuck you Veeky Forums

I got embarrassed in front of everyone because of you
>Newton comes up in physics class
>go on and tell the professor that Newton was just a pop-sci figure, and that most of his work was standing on the shoulders of other giants like Liebniz and Galileo like Veeky Forums told me
>he spergs out and starts listing all the original work of Newton, 5 minutes uninterrupted
>turn red like a tomato
>didn't speak again for the whole class
>i don't know how i am going to look at the professor at the eyes again
fuck you

Other urls found in this thread:




Gravity is a meme.

jfc don't just believe everything you read on the internet, you mong

it's your fault for being an assburger

hahaha what an autist

I mean Newton was the one who originally said he stood on the shoulders of giants:
>"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."
Newton said that in 1676.

His work may have had to do with Galileo (only a little, in physics), but he discovered everything in Calculus independently of Leibniz.

Oh you poor dear.

The "Standing on the shoulders of giants" quote was a backhanded statement about his long time colleague Hooke, also in the royal society, who was a dwarf. No shit.
Also Newton was a horrendous douchebag.

>FET tards don't know how gravity works
Surprises me not at all.

>and that most of his work was standing on the shoulders of other giants like Liebniz and Galileo like Veeky Forums told me

There's your problem. Always make sure to read and learn the material, not parrot what other people tell you if you intend to lecture someone.

>it's a "\sci\ contrarians think they can sperg out in real life and get BTFO instead" episode

>believing in Veeky Forums's nonsense
>not reading the books/papers
>brings Veeky Forums's nonsense to the real world
>gets BTFO
just your average Veeky Forums poster

And even that quote he got from one of the giants on whose shoulders he has been standing on

Since when were you smarter than your professor?

Apparently he thought Veeky Forums memes were smarter

>Newton was just a pop-sci figure
holy fuck. kill yourself you retarded faggot. serves you right for blindly parroting bullshit like a retard


Never ever take anything from Veeky Forums to real life.

If you let Veeky Forums dictate your life, you would be a poor math/physics graduate wondering where your 300k starting is.

>implying you would even graduate

Don't say this in class, OP

Tell him about this place Senpai.

Lmfao you only have to blame yourself. Everyone on Veeky Forums does their own research before making broad claims. Dont get all your knowledge from a single thread or Veeky Forums for that matter, especially that newton shitpost one from yesterday.