Does anyone find him funny other than "I'm so smart" high schoolers?
Yes because science is fun. Not all of his jokes require education anyway.
like all online comic people (lovenstein, smbc, cyanide etc) he's funny sometimes, sometimes not. get over it.
Is his normal approach for dealing with 2-vectors to multiply them by the identity?
I've prolly learned more both directly and indirectly from Randall than anyone else on the planet.
The people who can't into and make fun of others for enjoying xkcd are far worse than any pretentious children it attracts.
They are occasionally clever, but the jokes usually fall flat on their face about 70% of the time.
Like the one in the OP is just fucking cringy.
I would say I find him amusing, more than funny, and I would imagine that is more his goal.
xkcd is a niche comic. When I read it, I'm expecting a certain voice that I won't find in most comics, because most comics aren't interested in exploring topics related to science or math.
Sometimes, and especially in his earlier work, xkcd can feel constrained by its niche label, as though Randall faced a blank canvas and decided he had to fill it with something science-y, and this forced "nerd humor" is usually his poorer work.
But lately I think he's a pretty solid artist, touching on science more often than not, because science interests him, but not letting himself be constrained by it, because sometimes the most interesting thing he has to say might be something totally unrelated to math or science.
yeah, unlike you, who no one finds funny or interesting
I think it's supposed to imply Gaussian elimination.
Wew lad. But if you have then more power to you, I'd much sooner someone be "pop-sci" educated than not educated at all.
>Does anyone find him funny other than "I'm so smart" high schoolers?
I agree with you. I use XKCD as a proxy to distinguish science nerds from "fans of science" that like XKCD
least funny thing is people unironically posting the 'purity of fields' meme.
He doesn't have a Veeky Forums sense of humor but when you get down to the kind of person who does have a Veeky Forums sense of humor you wish you were more like him
Or not I like being an intellectually snobby autist
What's he doing in the last case? Finding the amount of heart frequency in f ?
Not sure. At first glance i thought it was some contour integral but that can't be right.
fourier transform
I know that, user. What I don't understand is how the heart fits into it.
that's the point?
That's it? How is that even supposed to be funny? At least the previous ones were sensible
>root of love
>cause of love
>rate of change of love
>identity of love
Undergrads leave.
m8 i don't think the majority of his audience would have thought about any of that
Really? Those were the first things which came to my mind. Maybe my autism kicked in...
he's trying to solve love
he treats it as different things to try to solve it
fourier transforms are used to solve PDEs
Hey user, what's your favorite function?
>Causine of course.
Ohh, right. That gives it some context I guess.